//! Traits for interpreting font data
use types::{FixedSize, Scalar, Tag};
use crate::font_data::FontData;
/// A type that can be read from raw table data.
/// This trait is implemented for all font tables that are self-describing: that
/// is, tables that do not require any external state in order to interpret their
/// underlying bytes. (Tables that require external state implement
/// [`FontReadWithArgs`] instead)
pub trait FontRead<'a>: Sized {
/// Read an instance of `Self` from the provided data, performing validation.
/// In the case of a table, this method is responsible for ensuring the input
/// data is consistent: this means ensuring that any versioned fields are
/// present as required by the version, and that any array lengths are not
/// out-of-bounds.
fn read(data: FontData<'a>) -> Result<Self, ReadError>;
//NOTE: this is separate so that it can be a super trait of FontReadWithArgs and
//ComputeSize, without them needing to know about each other? I'm not sure this
//is necessary, but I don't know the full hierarchy of traits I'm going to need
//yet, so this seems... okay?
/// A trait for a type that needs additional arguments to be read.
pub trait ReadArgs {
type Args: Copy;
/// A trait for types that require external data in order to be constructed.
/// You should not need to use this directly; it is intended to be used from
/// generated code. Any type that requires external arguments also has a custom
/// `read` constructor where you can pass those arguments like normal.
pub trait FontReadWithArgs<'a>: Sized + ReadArgs {
/// read an item, using the provided args.
/// If successful, returns a new item of this type, and the number of bytes
/// used to construct it.
/// If a type requires multiple arguments, they will be passed as a tuple.
fn read_with_args(data: FontData<'a>, args: &Self::Args) -> Result<Self, ReadError>;
// a blanket impl of ReadArgs/FontReadWithArgs for general FontRead types.
// This is used by ArrayOfOffsets/ArrayOfNullableOffsets to provide a common
// interface for regardless of whether a type has args.
impl<'a, T: FontRead<'a>> ReadArgs for T {
type Args = ();
impl<'a, T: FontRead<'a>> FontReadWithArgs<'a> for T {
fn read_with_args(data: FontData<'a>, _: &Self::Args) -> Result<Self, ReadError> {
/// A trait for tables that have multiple possible formats.
pub trait Format<T> {
/// The format value for this table.
const FORMAT: T;
/// A type that can compute its size at runtime, based on some input.
/// For types with a constant size, see [`FixedSize`] and
/// for types which store their size inline, see [`VarSize`].
pub trait ComputeSize: ReadArgs {
/// Compute the number of bytes required to represent this type.
fn compute_size(args: &Self::Args) -> Result<usize, ReadError>;
/// A trait for types that have variable length.
/// As a rule, these types have an initial length field.
/// For types with a constant size, see [`FixedSize`] and
/// for types which can pre-compute their size, see [`ComputeSize`].
pub trait VarSize {
/// The type of the first (length) field of the item.
/// When reading this type, we will read this value first, and use it to
/// determine the total length.
type Size: Scalar + Into<u32>;
fn read_len_at(data: FontData, pos: usize) -> Option<usize> {
let asu32 = data.read_at::<Self::Size>(pos).ok()?.into();
(asu32 as usize).checked_add(Self::Size::RAW_BYTE_LEN)
/// An error that occurs when reading font data
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum ReadError {
// i64 is flexible enough to store any value we might encounter
MalformedData(&'static str),
impl std::fmt::Display for ReadError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
match self {
ReadError::OutOfBounds => write!(f, "An offset was out of bounds"),
ReadError::InvalidFormat(x) => write!(f, "Invalid format '{x}'"),
ReadError::InvalidSfnt(ver) => write!(f, "Invalid sfnt version 0x{ver:08X}"),
ReadError::InvalidTtc(tag) => write!(f, "Invalid ttc tag {tag}"),
ReadError::InvalidCollectionIndex(ix) => {
write!(f, "Invalid index {ix} for font collection")
ReadError::InvalidArrayLen => {
write!(f, "Specified array length not a multiple of item size")
ReadError::ValidationError => write!(f, "A validation error occurred"),
ReadError::NullOffset => write!(f, "An offset was unexpectedly null"),
ReadError::TableIsMissing(tag) => write!(f, "the {tag} table is missing"),
ReadError::MetricIsMissing(tag) => write!(f, "the {tag} metric is missing"),
ReadError::MalformedData(msg) => write!(f, "Malformed data: '{msg}'"),
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl std::error::Error for ReadError {}