//! The [COLR](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/colr) table
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
mod closure;
use super::variations::{DeltaSetIndexMap, ItemVariationStore};
/// Unique paint identifier used for detecting cycles in the paint graph.
pub type PaintId = usize;
impl<'a> Colr<'a> {
/// Returns the COLRv0 base glyph for the given glyph identifier.
/// The return value is a range of layer indices that can be passed to
/// [`v0_layer`](Self::v0_layer) to retrieve the layer glyph identifiers
/// and palette color indices.
pub fn v0_base_glyph(&self, glyph_id: GlyphId) -> Result<Option<Range<usize>>, ReadError> {
let records = self.base_glyph_records().ok_or(ReadError::NullOffset)??;
let Ok(glyph_id) = glyph_id.try_into() else {
return Ok(None);
let record = match records.binary_search_by(|rec| rec.glyph_id().cmp(&glyph_id)) {
Ok(ix) => &records[ix],
_ => return Ok(None),
let start = record.first_layer_index() as usize;
let end = start + record.num_layers() as usize;
/// Returns the COLRv0 layer at the given index.
/// The layer is represented by a tuple containing the glyph identifier of
/// the associated outline and the palette color index.
pub fn v0_layer(&self, index: usize) -> Result<(GlyphId16, u16), ReadError> {
let layers = self.layer_records().ok_or(ReadError::NullOffset)??;
let layer = layers.get(index).ok_or(ReadError::OutOfBounds)?;
Ok((layer.glyph_id(), layer.palette_index()))
/// Returns the COLRv1 base glyph for the given glyph identifier.
/// The second value in the tuple is a unique identifier for the paint that
/// may be used to detect recursion in the paint graph.
pub fn v1_base_glyph(
glyph_id: GlyphId,
) -> Result<Option<(Paint<'a>, PaintId)>, ReadError> {
let Ok(glyph_id) = glyph_id.try_into() else {
return Ok(None);
let list = self.base_glyph_list().ok_or(ReadError::NullOffset)??;
let records = list.base_glyph_paint_records();
let record = match records.binary_search_by(|rec| rec.glyph_id().cmp(&glyph_id)) {
Ok(ix) => &records[ix],
_ => return Ok(None),
let offset_data = list.offset_data();
// Use the address of the paint as an identifier for the recursion
// blacklist.
let id = record.paint_offset().to_u32() as usize + offset_data.as_ref().as_ptr() as usize;
Ok(Some((record.paint(offset_data)?, id)))
/// Returns the COLRv1 layer at the given index.
/// The second value in the tuple is a unique identifier for the paint that
/// may be used to detect recursion in the paint graph.
pub fn v1_layer(&self, index: usize) -> Result<(Paint<'a>, PaintId), ReadError> {
let list = self.layer_list().ok_or(ReadError::NullOffset)??;
let offset = list
let offset_data = list.offset_data();
// Use the address of the paint as an identifier for the recursion
// blacklist.
let id = offset.to_u32() as usize + offset_data.as_ref().as_ptr() as usize;
Ok((offset.resolve(offset_data)?, id))
/// Returns the COLRv1 clip box for the given glyph identifier.
pub fn v1_clip_box(&self, glyph_id: GlyphId) -> Result<Option<ClipBox<'a>>, ReadError> {
use core::cmp::Ordering;
let Ok(glyph_id): Result<GlyphId16, _> = glyph_id.try_into() else {
return Ok(None);
let list = self.clip_list().ok_or(ReadError::NullOffset)??;
let clips = list.clips();
let clip = match clips.binary_search_by(|clip| {
if glyph_id < clip.start_glyph_id() {
} else if glyph_id > clip.end_glyph_id() {
} else {
}) {
Ok(ix) => &clips[ix],
_ => return Ok(None),