
//! Support for the dictionary and charstring blend operator.

use font_types::{BigEndian, F2Dot14, Fixed};

use super::Error;
use crate::tables::variations::{ItemVariationData, ItemVariationStore};

/// The maximum number of region scalars that we precompute.
/// Completely made up number chosen to balance size with trying to capture as
/// many precomputed regions as possible.
/// TODO: measure with a larger set of CFF2 fonts and adjust accordingly.
const MAX_PRECOMPUTED_SCALARS: usize = 16;

/// State for processing the blend operator for DICTs and charstrings.
/// To avoid allocation, scalars are computed on demand but this can be
/// prohibitively expensive in charstrings where blends are applied to
/// large numbers of elements. To amortize the cost, a fixed number of
/// precomputed scalars are stored internally and the overflow is computed
/// as needed.
/// The `MAX_PRECOMPUTED_SCALARS` constant determines the size of the
/// internal buffer (currently 16).
/// See <>
pub struct BlendState<'a> {
    store: ItemVariationStore<'a>,
    coords: &'a [F2Dot14],
    store_index: u16,
    // The following are dependent on the current `store_index`
    data: Option<ItemVariationData<'a>>,
    region_indices: &'a [BigEndian<u16>],
    scalars: [Fixed; MAX_PRECOMPUTED_SCALARS],

impl<'a> BlendState<'a> {
    pub fn new(
        store: ItemVariationStore<'a>,
        coords: &'a [F2Dot14],
        store_index: u16,
    ) -> Result<Self, Error> {
        let mut state = Self {
            data: None,
            region_indices: &[],
            scalars: Default::default(),

    /// Sets the active variation store index.
    /// This should be called with the operand of the `vsindex` operator
    /// for both DICTs and charstrings.
    pub fn set_store_index(&mut self, store_index: u16) -> Result<(), Error> {
        if self.store_index != store_index {
            self.store_index = store_index;

    /// Returns the number of variation regions for the currently active
    /// variation store index.
    pub fn region_count(&self) -> Result<usize, Error> {

    /// Returns an iterator yielding scalars for each variation region of
    /// the currently active variation store index.
    pub fn scalars(&self) -> Result<impl Iterator<Item = Result<Fixed, Error>> + '_, Error> {
        let total_count = self.region_indices.len();
        let cached = &self.scalars[..MAX_PRECOMPUTED_SCALARS.min(total_count)];
        let remaining_regions = if total_count > MAX_PRECOMPUTED_SCALARS {
        } else {
                .map(|region_ix| self.region_scalar(region_ix.get())),

    fn update_precomputed_scalars(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { = None;
        self.region_indices = &[];
        let store = &;
        let variation_data = store.item_variation_data();
        let data = variation_data
            .get(self.store_index as usize)
        let region_indices = data.region_indexes();
        let regions =;
        // Precompute scalars for all regions up to MAX_PRECOMPUTED_SCALARS
        for (region_ix, scalar) in region_indices
            .zip(&mut self.scalars)
            // We can't use region_scalar here because self is already borrowed
            // as mutable above
            let region = regions.get(region_ix.get() as usize)?;
            *scalar = region.compute_scalar(self.coords);
        } = Some(data);
        self.region_indices = region_indices;

    fn region_scalar(&self, index: u16) -> Result<Fixed, Error> {
            .get(index as usize)

mod test {
    use super::*;
    use crate::{FontData, FontRead};

    fn example_blends() {
        // args are (coords, expected_scalars)
        example_test(&[-1.0], &[0.0, 1.0]);
        example_test(&[-0.25], &[0.5, 0.0]);
        example_test(&[-0.5], &[1.0, 0.0]);
        example_test(&[-0.75], &[0.5, 0.5]);
        example_test(&[0.0], &[0.0, 0.0]);
        example_test(&[0.5], &[0.0, 0.0]);
        example_test(&[1.0], &[0.0, 0.0]);

    fn example_test(coords: &[f32], expected: &[f64]) {
        let scalars = example_scalars_for_coords(coords);
        let expected: Vec<_> = expected.iter().copied().map(Fixed::from_f64).collect();
        assert_eq!(scalars, expected);

    fn example_scalars_for_coords(coords: &[f32]) -> Vec<Fixed> {
        let ivs = example_ivs();
        let coords: Vec<_> = coords
            .map(|coord| F2Dot14::from_f32(*coord))
        let blender = BlendState::new(ivs, &coords, 0).unwrap();
        blender.scalars().unwrap().map(|res| res.unwrap()).collect()

    fn example_ivs() -> ItemVariationStore<'static> {
        // ItemVariationStore is at offset 18 in the CFF example table
        let ivs_data = &font_test_data::cff2::EXAMPLE[18..];