// This module defines some core types for dealing with accelerated DFA states.
// Briefly, a DFA state can be "accelerated" if all of its transitions except
// for a few loop back to itself. This directly implies that the only way out
// of such a state is if a byte corresponding to one of those non-loopback
// transitions is found. Such states are often found in simple repetitions in
// non-Unicode regexes. For example, consider '(?-u)[^a]+a'. We can look at its
// DFA with regex-cli:
// $ regex-cli debug dense dfa -p '(?-u)[^a]+a' -BbC --no-table
// D 000000:
// Q 000001:
// *000002:
// A 000003: \x00-` => 3, a => 8, b-\xFF => 3
// A 000004: \x00-` => 4, a => 7, b-\xFF => 4
// 000005: \x00-` => 4, b-\xFF => 4
// 000006: \x00-` => 3, a => 6, b-\xFF => 3
// 000007: \x00-\xFF => 2, EOI => 2
// 000008: \x00-\xFF => 2, EOI => 2
// In particular, state 3 is accelerated (shown via the 'A' indicator) since
// the only way to leave that state once entered is to see an 'a' byte. If
// there is a long run of non-'a' bytes, then using something like 'memchr'
// to find the next 'a' byte can be significantly faster than just using the
// standard byte-at-a-time state machine.
// Unfortunately, this optimization rarely applies when Unicode is enabled.
// For example, patterns like '[^a]' don't actually match any byte that isn't
// 'a', but rather, any UTF-8 encoding of a Unicode scalar value that isn't
// 'a'. This makes the state machine much more complex---far beyond a single
// state---and removes the ability to easily accelerate it. (Because if the
// machine sees a non-UTF-8 sequence, then the machine won't match through it.)
// In practice, we only consider accelerating states that have 3 or fewer
// non-loop transitions. At a certain point, you get diminishing returns, but
// also because that's what the memchr crate supports. The structures below
// hard-code this assumption and provide (de)serialization APIs for use inside
// a DFA.
// And finally, note that there is some trickery involved in making it very
// fast to not only check whether a state is accelerated at search time, but
// also to access the bytes to search for to implement the acceleration itself.
// dfa/special.rs provides more detail, but the short story is that all
// accelerated states appear contiguously in a DFA. This means we can represent
// the ID space of all accelerated DFA states with a single range. So given
// a state ID, we can determine whether it's accelerated via
// min_accel_id <= id <= max_accel_id
// And find its corresponding accelerator with:
// accels.get((id - min_accel_id) / dfa_stride)
#[cfg(feature = "dfa-build")]
use alloc::{vec, vec::Vec};
use crate::util::{
wire::{self, DeserializeError, Endian, SerializeError},
/// The base type used to represent a collection of accelerators.
/// While an `Accel` is represented as a fixed size array of bytes, a
/// *collection* of `Accel`s (called `Accels`) is represented internally as a
/// slice of u32. While it's a bit unnatural to do this and costs us a bit of
/// fairly low-risk not-safe code, it lets us remove the need for a second type
/// parameter in the definition of dense::DFA. (Which really wants everything
/// to be a slice of u32.)
type AccelTy = u32;
/// The size of the unit of representation for accelerators.
/// ACCEL_CAP *must* be a multiple of this size.
const ACCEL_TY_SIZE: usize = core::mem::size_of::<AccelTy>();
/// The maximum length in bytes that a single Accel can be. This is distinct
/// from the capacity of an accelerator in that the length represents only the
/// bytes that should be read.
const ACCEL_LEN: usize = 4;
/// The capacity of each accelerator, in bytes. We set this to 8 since it's a
/// multiple of 4 (our ID size) and because it gives us a little wiggle room
/// if we want to support more accel bytes in the future without a breaking
/// change.
/// This MUST be a multiple of ACCEL_TY_SIZE.
const ACCEL_CAP: usize = 8;
/// Search for between 1 and 3 needle bytes in the given haystack, starting the
/// search at the given position. If `needles` has a length other than 1-3,
/// then this panics.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
pub(crate) fn find_fwd(
needles: &[u8],
haystack: &[u8],
at: usize,
) -> Option<usize> {
let bs = needles;
let i = match needles.len() {
1 => memchr::memchr(bs[0], &haystack[at..])?,
2 => memchr::memchr2(bs[0], bs[1], &haystack[at..])?,
3 => memchr::memchr3(bs[0], bs[1], bs[2], &haystack[at..])?,
0 => panic!("cannot find with empty needles"),
n => panic!("invalid needles length: {}", n),
Some(at + i)
/// Search for between 1 and 3 needle bytes in the given haystack in reverse,
/// starting the search at the given position. If `needles` has a length other
/// than 1-3, then this panics.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
pub(crate) fn find_rev(
needles: &[u8],
haystack: &[u8],
at: usize,
) -> Option<usize> {
let bs = needles;
match needles.len() {
1 => memchr::memrchr(bs[0], &haystack[..at]),
2 => memchr::memrchr2(bs[0], bs[1], &haystack[..at]),
3 => memchr::memrchr3(bs[0], bs[1], bs[2], &haystack[..at]),
0 => panic!("cannot find with empty needles"),
n => panic!("invalid needles length: {}", n),
/// Represents the accelerators for all accelerated states in a dense DFA.
/// The `A` type parameter represents the type of the underlying bytes.
/// Generally, this is either `&[AccelTy]` or `Vec<AccelTy>`.
pub(crate) struct Accels<A> {
/// A length prefixed slice of contiguous accelerators. See the top comment
/// in this module for more details on how we can jump from a DFA's state
/// ID to an accelerator in this list.
/// The first 4 bytes always correspond to the number of accelerators
/// that follow.
accels: A,
#[cfg(feature = "dfa-build")]
impl Accels<Vec<AccelTy>> {
/// Create an empty sequence of accelerators for a DFA.
pub fn empty() -> Accels<Vec<AccelTy>> {
Accels { accels: vec![0] }
/// Add an accelerator to this sequence.
/// This adds to the accelerator to the end of the sequence and therefore
/// should be done in correspondence with its state in the DFA.
/// This panics if this results in more accelerators than AccelTy::MAX.
pub fn add(&mut self, accel: Accel) {
let len = self.len();
self.set_len(len + 1);
/// Set the number of accelerators in this sequence, which is encoded in
/// the first 4 bytes of the underlying bytes.
fn set_len(&mut self, new_len: usize) {
// The only way an accelerator gets added is if a state exists for
// it, and if a state exists, then its index is guaranteed to be
// representable by a AccelTy by virtue of the guarantees provided by
// StateID.
let new_len = AccelTy::try_from(new_len).unwrap();
self.accels[0] = new_len;
impl<'a> Accels<&'a [AccelTy]> {
/// Deserialize a sequence of accelerators from the given bytes. If there
/// was a problem deserializing, then an error is returned.
/// This is guaranteed to run in constant time. This does not guarantee
/// that every accelerator in the returned collection is valid. Thus,
/// accessing one may panic, or not-safe code that relies on accelerators
/// being correct my result in UB.
/// Callers may check the validity of every accelerator with the `validate`
/// method.
pub fn from_bytes_unchecked(
mut slice: &'a [u8],
) -> Result<(Accels<&'a [AccelTy]>, usize), DeserializeError> {
let slice_start = slice.as_ptr().as_usize();
let (accel_len, _) =
wire::try_read_u32_as_usize(slice, "accelerators length")?;
// The accelerator length is part of the accel_tys slice that
// we deserialize. This is perhaps a bit idiosyncratic. It would
// probably be better to split out the length into a real field.
let accel_tys_len = wire::add(
wire::mul(accel_len, 2, "total number of accelerator accel_tys")?,
"total number of accel_tys",
let accel_tys_bytes_len = wire::mul(
"total number of bytes in accelerators",
wire::check_slice_len(slice, accel_tys_bytes_len, "accelerators")?;
let accel_tys = &slice[..accel_tys_bytes_len];
slice = &slice[accel_tys_bytes_len..];
// SAFETY: We've checked the length and alignment above, and since
// slice is just bytes and AccelTy is just a u32, we can safely cast to
// a slice of &[AccelTy].
let accels = unsafe {
Ok((Accels { accels }, slice.as_ptr().as_usize() - slice_start))
impl<A: AsRef<[AccelTy]>> Accels<A> {
/// Return an owned version of the accelerators.
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub fn to_owned(&self) -> Accels<alloc::vec::Vec<AccelTy>> {
Accels { accels: self.accels.as_ref().to_vec() }
/// Return a borrowed version of the accelerators.
pub fn as_ref(&self) -> Accels<&[AccelTy]> {
Accels { accels: self.accels.as_ref() }
/// Return the bytes representing the serialization of the accelerators.
pub fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
let accels = self.accels.as_ref();
// SAFETY: This is safe because accels is a just a slice of AccelTy,
// and u8 always has a smaller alignment.
unsafe {
accels.len() * ACCEL_TY_SIZE,
/// Returns the memory usage, in bytes, of these accelerators.
/// The memory usage is computed based on the number of bytes used to
/// represent all of the accelerators.
/// This does **not** include the stack size used by this value.
pub fn memory_usage(&self) -> usize {
/// Return the bytes to search for corresponding to the accelerator in this
/// sequence at index `i`. If no such accelerator exists, then this panics.
/// The significance of the index is that it should be in correspondence
/// with the index of the corresponding DFA. That is, accelerated DFA
/// states are stored contiguously in the DFA and have an ordering implied
/// by their respective state IDs. The state's index in that sequence
/// corresponds to the index of its corresponding accelerator.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
pub fn needles(&self, i: usize) -> &[u8] {
if i >= self.len() {
panic!("invalid accelerator index {}", i);
let bytes = self.as_bytes();
let offset = ACCEL_TY_SIZE + i * ACCEL_CAP;
let len = usize::from(bytes[offset]);
&bytes[offset + 1..offset + 1 + len]
/// Return the total number of accelerators in this sequence.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
// This should never panic since deserialization checks that the
// length can fit into a usize.
/// Return the accelerator in this sequence at index `i`. If no such
/// accelerator exists, then this returns None.
/// See the docs for `needles` on the significance of the index.
fn get(&self, i: usize) -> Option<Accel> {
if i >= self.len() {
return None;
let offset = ACCEL_TY_SIZE + i * ACCEL_CAP;
let accel = Accel::from_slice(&self.as_bytes()[offset..])
.expect("Accels must contain valid accelerators");
/// Returns an iterator of accelerators in this sequence.
fn iter(&self) -> IterAccels<'_, A> {
IterAccels { accels: self, i: 0 }
/// Writes these accelerators to the given byte buffer using the indicated
/// endianness. If the given buffer is too small, then an error is
/// returned. Upon success, the total number of bytes written is returned.
/// The number of bytes written is guaranteed to be a multiple of 8.
pub fn write_to<E: Endian>(
dst: &mut [u8],
) -> Result<usize, SerializeError> {
let nwrite = self.write_to_len();
nwrite % ACCEL_TY_SIZE,
"expected accelerator bytes written to be a multiple of {}",
if dst.len() < nwrite {
return Err(SerializeError::buffer_too_small("accelerators"));
// The number of accelerators can never exceed AccelTy::MAX.
E::write_u32(AccelTy::try_from(self.len()).unwrap(), dst);
// The actual accelerators are just raw bytes and thus their endianness
// is irrelevant. So we can copy them as bytes.
/// Validates that every accelerator in this collection can be successfully
/// deserialized as a valid accelerator.
pub fn validate(&self) -> Result<(), DeserializeError> {
for chunk in self.as_bytes()[ACCEL_TY_SIZE..].chunks(ACCEL_CAP) {
let _ = Accel::from_slice(chunk)?;
/// Returns the total number of bytes written by `write_to`.
pub fn write_to_len(&self) -> usize {
impl<A: AsRef<[AccelTy]>> core::fmt::Debug for Accels<A> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Accels(")?;
let mut list = f.debug_list();
for a in self.iter() {
write!(f, ")")
struct IterAccels<'a, A: AsRef<[AccelTy]>> {
accels: &'a Accels<A>,
i: usize,
impl<'a, A: AsRef<[AccelTy]>> Iterator for IterAccels<'a, A> {
type Item = Accel;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Accel> {
let accel = self.accels.get(self.i)?;
self.i += 1;
/// Accel represents a structure for determining how to "accelerate" a DFA
/// state.
/// Namely, it contains zero or more bytes that must be seen in order for the
/// DFA to leave the state it is associated with. In practice, the actual range
/// is 1 to 3 bytes.
/// The purpose of acceleration is to identify states whose vast majority
/// of transitions are just loops back to the same state. For example,
/// in the regex `(?-u)^[^a]+b`, the corresponding DFA will have a state
/// (corresponding to `[^a]+`) where all transitions *except* for `a` and
/// `b` loop back to itself. Thus, this state can be "accelerated" by simply
/// looking for the next occurrence of either `a` or `b` instead of explicitly
/// following transitions. (In this case, `b` transitions to the next state
/// where as `a` would transition to the dead state.)
pub(crate) struct Accel {
/// The first byte is the length. Subsequent bytes are the accelerated
/// bytes.
/// Note that we make every accelerator 8 bytes as a slightly wasteful
/// way of making sure alignment is always correct for state ID sizes of
/// 1, 2, 4 and 8. This should be okay since accelerated states aren't
/// particularly common, especially when Unicode is enabled.
bytes: [u8; ACCEL_CAP],
impl Accel {
/// Returns an empty accel, where no bytes are accelerated.
#[cfg(feature = "dfa-build")]
pub fn new() -> Accel {
Accel { bytes: [0; ACCEL_CAP] }
/// Returns a verified accelerator derived from the beginning of the given
/// slice.
/// If the slice is not long enough or contains invalid bytes for an
/// accelerator, then this returns an error.
pub fn from_slice(mut slice: &[u8]) -> Result<Accel, DeserializeError> {
slice = &slice[..core::cmp::min(ACCEL_LEN, slice.len())];
let bytes = slice
.map_err(|_| DeserializeError::buffer_too_small("accelerator"))?;
/// Returns a verified accelerator derived from raw bytes.
/// If the given bytes are invalid, then this returns an error.
fn from_bytes(bytes: [u8; 4]) -> Result<Accel, DeserializeError> {
if usize::from(bytes[0]) >= ACCEL_LEN {
return Err(DeserializeError::generic(
"accelerator bytes cannot have length more than 3",
/// Returns an accelerator derived from raw bytes.
/// This does not check whether the given bytes are valid. Invalid bytes
/// cannot sacrifice memory safety, but may result in panics or silent
/// logic bugs.
fn from_bytes_unchecked(bytes: [u8; 4]) -> Accel {
Accel { bytes: [bytes[0], bytes[1], bytes[2], bytes[3], 0, 0, 0, 0] }
/// Attempts to add the given byte to this accelerator. If the accelerator
/// is already full or thinks the byte is a poor accelerator, then this
/// returns false. Otherwise, returns true.
/// If the given byte is already in this accelerator, then it panics.
#[cfg(feature = "dfa-build")]
pub fn add(&mut self, byte: u8) -> bool {
if self.len() >= 3 {
return false;
// As a special case, we totally reject trying to accelerate a state
// with an ASCII space. In most cases, it occurs very frequently, and
// tends to result in worse overall performance.
if byte == b' ' {
return false;
"accelerator already contains {:?}",
self.bytes[self.len() + 1] = byte;
self.bytes[0] += 1;
/// Return the number of bytes in this accelerator.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns true if and only if there are no bytes in this accelerator.
#[cfg(feature = "dfa-build")]
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.len() == 0
/// Returns the slice of bytes to accelerate.
/// If this accelerator is empty, then this returns an empty slice.
fn needles(&self) -> &[u8] {
&self.bytes[1..1 + self.len()]
/// Returns true if and only if this accelerator will accelerate the given
/// byte.
#[cfg(feature = "dfa-build")]
fn contains(&self, byte: u8) -> bool {
self.needles().iter().position(|&b| b == byte).is_some()
/// Returns the accelerator bytes as an array of AccelTys.
#[cfg(feature = "dfa-build")]
fn as_accel_tys(&self) -> [AccelTy; 2] {
assert_eq!(ACCEL_CAP, 8);
// These unwraps are OK since ACCEL_CAP is set to 8.
let first =
let second =
[first, second]
impl core::fmt::Debug for Accel {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Accel(")?;
let mut set = f.debug_set();
for &b in self.needles() {
write!(f, ")")