use alloc::{vec, vec::Vec};
use crate::hir::{self, Hir, HirKind};
/// A trait for visiting the high-level IR (HIR) in depth first order.
/// The principle aim of this trait is to enable callers to perform case
/// analysis on a high-level intermediate representation of a regular
/// expression without necessarily using recursion. In particular, this permits
/// callers to do case analysis with constant stack usage, which can be
/// important since the size of an HIR may be proportional to end user input.
/// Typical usage of this trait involves providing an implementation and then
/// running it using the [`visit`] function.
pub trait Visitor {
/// The result of visiting an HIR.
type Output;
/// An error that visiting an HIR might return.
type Err;
/// All implementors of `Visitor` must provide a `finish` method, which
/// yields the result of visiting the HIR or an error.
fn finish(self) -> Result<Self::Output, Self::Err>;
/// This method is called before beginning traversal of the HIR.
fn start(&mut self) {}
/// This method is called on an `Hir` before descending into child `Hir`
/// nodes.
fn visit_pre(&mut self, _hir: &Hir) -> Result<(), Self::Err> {
/// This method is called on an `Hir` after descending all of its child
/// `Hir` nodes.
fn visit_post(&mut self, _hir: &Hir) -> Result<(), Self::Err> {
/// This method is called between child nodes of an alternation.
fn visit_alternation_in(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Err> {
/// This method is called between child nodes of a concatenation.
fn visit_concat_in(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Err> {
/// Executes an implementation of `Visitor` in constant stack space.
/// This function will visit every node in the given `Hir` while calling
/// appropriate methods provided by the [`Visitor`] trait.
/// The primary use case for this method is when one wants to perform case
/// analysis over an `Hir` without using a stack size proportional to the depth
/// of the `Hir`. Namely, this method will instead use constant stack space,
/// but will use heap space proportional to the size of the `Hir`. This may be
/// desirable in cases where the size of `Hir` is proportional to end user
/// input.
/// If the visitor returns an error at any point, then visiting is stopped and
/// the error is returned.
pub fn visit<V: Visitor>(hir: &Hir, visitor: V) -> Result<V::Output, V::Err> {
HeapVisitor::new().visit(hir, visitor)
/// HeapVisitor visits every item in an `Hir` recursively using constant stack
/// size and a heap size proportional to the size of the `Hir`.
struct HeapVisitor<'a> {
/// A stack of `Hir` nodes. This is roughly analogous to the call stack
/// used in a typical recursive visitor.
stack: Vec<(&'a Hir, Frame<'a>)>,
/// Represents a single stack frame while performing structural induction over
/// an `Hir`.
enum Frame<'a> {
/// A stack frame allocated just before descending into a repetition
/// operator's child node.
Repetition(&'a hir::Repetition),
/// A stack frame allocated just before descending into a capture's child
/// node.
Capture(&'a hir::Capture),
/// The stack frame used while visiting every child node of a concatenation
/// of expressions.
Concat {
/// The child node we are currently visiting.
head: &'a Hir,
/// The remaining child nodes to visit (which may be empty).
tail: &'a [Hir],
/// The stack frame used while visiting every child node of an alternation
/// of expressions.
Alternation {
/// The child node we are currently visiting.
head: &'a Hir,
/// The remaining child nodes to visit (which may be empty).
tail: &'a [Hir],
impl<'a> HeapVisitor<'a> {
fn new() -> HeapVisitor<'a> {
HeapVisitor { stack: vec![] }
fn visit<V: Visitor>(
&mut self,
mut hir: &'a Hir,
mut visitor: V,
) -> Result<V::Output, V::Err> {
loop {
if let Some(x) = self.induct(hir) {
let child = x.child();
self.stack.push((hir, x));
hir = child;
// No induction means we have a base case, so we can post visit
// it now.
// At this point, we now try to pop our call stack until it is
// either empty or we hit another inductive case.
loop {
let (post_hir, frame) = match self.stack.pop() {
None => return visitor.finish(),
Some((post_hir, frame)) => (post_hir, frame),
// If this is a concat/alternate, then we might have additional
// inductive steps to process.
if let Some(x) = self.pop(frame) {
match x {
Frame::Alternation { .. } => {
Frame::Concat { .. } => {
_ => {}
hir = x.child();
self.stack.push((post_hir, x));
// Otherwise, we've finished visiting all the child nodes for
// this HIR, so we can post visit it now.
/// Build a stack frame for the given HIR if one is needed (which occurs if
/// and only if there are child nodes in the HIR). Otherwise, return None.
fn induct(&mut self, hir: &'a Hir) -> Option<Frame<'a>> {
match *hir.kind() {
HirKind::Repetition(ref x) => Some(Frame::Repetition(x)),
HirKind::Capture(ref x) => Some(Frame::Capture(x)),
HirKind::Concat(ref x) if x.is_empty() => None,
HirKind::Concat(ref x) => {
Some(Frame::Concat { head: &x[0], tail: &x[1..] })
HirKind::Alternation(ref x) if x.is_empty() => None,
HirKind::Alternation(ref x) => {
Some(Frame::Alternation { head: &x[0], tail: &x[1..] })
_ => None,
/// Pops the given frame. If the frame has an additional inductive step,
/// then return it, otherwise return `None`.
fn pop(&self, induct: Frame<'a>) -> Option<Frame<'a>> {
match induct {
Frame::Repetition(_) => None,
Frame::Capture(_) => None,
Frame::Concat { tail, .. } => {
if tail.is_empty() {
} else {
Some(Frame::Concat { head: &tail[0], tail: &tail[1..] })
Frame::Alternation { tail, .. } => {
if tail.is_empty() {
} else {
Some(Frame::Alternation {
head: &tail[0],
tail: &tail[1..],
impl<'a> Frame<'a> {
/// Perform the next inductive step on this frame and return the next
/// child HIR node to visit.
fn child(&self) -> &'a Hir {
match *self {
Frame::Repetition(rep) => &rep.sub,
Frame::Capture(capture) => &capture.sub,
Frame::Concat { head, .. } => head,
Frame::Alternation { head, .. } => head,