
//! This crate will help you to write simpler tests by leveraging a software testing concept called
//! [test fixtures]( A fixture is something
//! that you can use in your tests to encapsulate a test's dependencies.
//! The general idea is to have smaller tests that only describe the thing you're testing while you
//! hide the auxiliary utilities your tests make use of somewhere else.
//! For instance, if you have an application that has many tests with users, shopping baskets, and
//! products, you'd have to create a user, a shopping basket, and product every single time in
//! every test which becomes unwieldy quickly. In order to cut down on that repetition, you can
//! instead use fixtures to declare that you need those objects for your function and the fixtures
//! will take care of creating those by themselves. Focus on the important stuff in your tests!
//! In `rstest` a fixture is a function that can return any kind of valid Rust type. This
//! effectively means that your fixtures are not limited by the kind of data they can return.
//! A test can consume an arbitrary number of fixtures at the same time.
//! ## What
//! The `rstest` crate defines the following procedural macros:
//! - [`[rstest]`](macro@rstest): Declare that a test or a group of tests that may take
//! [fixtures](attr.rstest.html#injecting-fixtures),
//! [input table](attr.rstest.html#test-parametrized-cases) or
//! [list of values](attr.rstest.html#values-lists).
//! - [`[fixture]`](macro@fixture): To mark a function as a fixture.
//! ## Why
//! Very often in Rust we write tests like this
//! ```
//! #[test]
//! fn should_process_two_users() {
//!     let mut repository = create_repository();
//!     repository.add("Bob", 21);
//!     repository.add("Alice", 22);
//!     let processor = string_processor();
//!     processor.send_all(&repository, "Good Morning");
//!     assert_eq!(2, processor.output.find("Good Morning").count());
//!     assert!(processor.output.contains("Bob"));
//!     assert!(processor.output.contains("Alice"));
//! }
//! ```
//! By making use of [`[rstest]`](macro@rstest) we can isolate the dependencies `empty_repository` and
//! `string_processor` by passing them as fixtures:
//! ```
//! # use rstest::*;
//! #[rstest]
//! fn should_process_two_users(mut empty_repository: impl Repository,
//!                             string_processor: FakeProcessor) {
//!     empty_repository.add("Bob", 21);
//!     empty_repository.add("Alice", 22);
//!     string_processor.send_all("Good Morning");
//!     assert_eq!(2, string_processor.output.find("Good Morning").count());
//!     assert!(string_processor.output.contains("Bob"));
//!     assert!(string_processor.output.contains("Alice"));
//! }
//! ```
//! ... or if you use `"Alice"` and `"Bob"` in other tests, you can isolate `alice_and_bob` fixture
//! and use it directly:
//! ```
//! # use rstest::*;
//! # trait Repository { fn add(&mut self, name: &str, age: u8); }
//! # struct Rep;
//! # impl Repository for Rep { fn add(&mut self, name: &str, age: u8) {} }
//! # #[fixture]
//! # fn empty_repository() -> Rep {
//! #     Rep
//! # }
//! #[fixture]
//! fn alice_and_bob(mut empty_repository: impl Repository) -> impl Repository {
//!     empty_repository.add("Bob", 21);
//!     empty_repository.add("Alice", 22);
//!     empty_repository
//! }
//! #[rstest]
//! fn should_process_two_users(alice_and_bob: impl Repository,
//!                             string_processor: FakeProcessor) {
//!     string_processor.send_all("Good Morning");
//!     assert_eq!(2, string_processor.output.find("Good Morning").count());
//!     assert!(string_processor.output.contains("Bob"));
//!     assert!(string_processor.output.contains("Alice"));
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Injecting fixtures as function arguments
//! `rstest` functions can receive fixtures by using them as input arguments.
//! A function decorated with [`[rstest]`](attr.rstest.html#injecting-fixtures)
//! will resolve each argument name by call the fixture function.
//! Fixtures should be annotated with the [`[fixture]`](macro@fixture) attribute.
//! Fixtures will be resolved like function calls by following the standard resolution rules.
//! Therefore, an identically named fixture can be use in different context.
//! ```
//! # use rstest::*;
//! # trait Repository { }
//! # #[derive(Default)]
//! # struct DataSet {}
//! # impl Repository for DataSet { }
//! mod empty_cases {
//! # use rstest::*;
//! # trait Repository { }
//! # #[derive(Default)]
//! # struct DataSet {}
//! # impl Repository for DataSet { }
//!     use super::*;
//!     #[fixture]
//!     fn repository() -> impl Repository {
//!         DataSet::default()
//!     }
//!     #[rstest]
//!     fn should_do_nothing(repository: impl Repository) {
//!         //.. test impl ..
//!     }
//! }
//! mod non_trivial_case {
//! # use rstest::*;
//! # trait Repository { }
//! # #[derive(Default)]
//! # struct DataSet {}
//! # impl Repository for DataSet { }
//!     use super::*;
//!     #[fixture]
//!     fn repository() -> impl Repository {
//!         let mut ds = DataSet::default();
//!         // Fill your dataset with interesting case
//!         ds
//!     }
//!     #[rstest]
//!     fn should_notify_all_entries(repository: impl Repository) {
//!         //.. test impl ..
//!     }
//! }
//! ```
//! Last but not least, fixtures can be injected like we saw in `alice_and_bob` example.
//! ## Creating parametrized tests
//! You can use also [`[rstest]`](attr.rstest.html#test-parametrized-cases) to create
//! simple table-based tests. Let's see the classic Fibonacci example:
//! ```
//! use rstest::rstest;
//! #[rstest]
//! #[case(0, 0)]
//! #[case(1, 1)]
//! #[case(2, 1)]
//! #[case(3, 2)]
//! #[case(4, 3)]
//! #[case(5, 5)]
//! #[case(6, 8)]
//! fn fibonacci_test(#[case] input: u32,#[case] expected: u32) {
//!     assert_eq!(expected, fibonacci(input))
//! }
//! fn fibonacci(input: u32) -> u32 {
//!     match input {
//!         0 => 0,
//!         1 => 1,
//!         n => fibonacci(n - 2) + fibonacci(n - 1)
//!     }
//! }
//! ```
//! This will generate a bunch of tests, one for every `#[case(a, b)]`.
//! ## Creating a test for each combinations of given values
//! In some cases you need to test your code for each combinations of some input values. In this
//! cases [`[rstest]`](attr.rstest.html#values-lists) give you the ability to define a list
//! of values (rust expressions) to use for an arguments.
//! ```
//! # use rstest::rstest;
//! # #[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
//! # enum State { Init, Start, Processing, Terminated }
//! # #[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
//! # enum Event { Error, Fatal }
//! # impl State { fn process(self, event: Event) -> Self { self } }
//! #[rstest]
//! fn should_terminate(
//!     #[values(State::Init, State::Start, State::Processing)]
//!     state: State,
//!     #[values(Event::Error, Event::Fatal)]
//!     event: Event
//! ) {
//!     assert_eq!(State::Terminated, state.process(event))
//! }
//! ```
//! This will generate a test for each combination of `state` and `event`.
//! ## Magic Conversion
//! If you need a value where its type implement `FromStr()` trait you
//! can use a literal string to build it.
//! ```
//! # use rstest::rstest;
//! # use std::net::SocketAddr;
//! #[rstest]
//! #[case("", 8080)]
//! #[case("", 9000)]
//! fn check_port(#[case] addr: SocketAddr, #[case] expected: u16) {
//!     assert_eq!(expected, addr.port());
//! }
//! ```
//! You can use this feature also in value list and in fixture default value.
//! # Optional features
//! `rstest` Enable all fetures by default. You can disable them if you need to
//! speed up compilation.
//! - **`async-timeout`** *(enabled by default)* — Implement timeout for async
//! tests.

pub mod magic_conversion;
pub mod timeout;

pub use rstest_macros::{fixture, rstest};