/// Contains some unsorted functions used across others modules
use quote::format_ident;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use crate::refident::MaybeIdent;
use syn::{Attribute, Expr, FnArg, Generics, Ident, ItemFn, ReturnType, Type, WherePredicate};
/// Return an iterator over fn arguments items.
pub(crate) fn fn_args_idents(test: &ItemFn) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Ident> {
/// Return if function declaration has an ident
pub(crate) fn fn_args_has_ident(fn_decl: &ItemFn, ident: &Ident) -> bool {
fn_args_idents(fn_decl).any(|id| id == ident)
/// Return an iterator over fn arguments.
pub(crate) fn fn_args(item_fn: &ItemFn) -> impl Iterator<Item = &FnArg> {
pub(crate) fn attr_ends_with(attr: &Attribute, segment: &syn::PathSegment) -> bool {
attr.path.segments.iter().last() == Some(segment)
pub(crate) fn attr_starts_with(attr: &Attribute, segment: &syn::PathSegment) -> bool {
attr.path.segments.iter().next() == Some(segment)
pub(crate) fn attr_is(attr: &Attribute, name: &str) -> bool {
attr.path.is_ident(&format_ident!("{}", name))
pub(crate) fn attr_in(attr: &Attribute, names: &[&str]) -> bool {
.any(|name| attr.path.is_ident(&format_ident!("{}", name)))
pub(crate) trait IsLiteralExpression {
fn is_literal(&self) -> bool;
impl<E: AsRef<Expr>> IsLiteralExpression for E {
fn is_literal(&self) -> bool {
Expr::Lit(syn::ExprLit {
lit: syn::Lit::Str(_),
// Recoursive search id by reference till find one in ends
fn _is_used(
visited: &mut HashSet<Ident>,
id: &Ident,
references: &HashMap<Ident, HashSet<Ident>>,
ends: &HashSet<Ident>,
) -> bool {
if visited.contains(id) {
return false;
if ends.contains(id) {
return true;
if references.contains_key(id) {
for refered in references.get(id).unwrap() {
if _is_used(visited, refered, references, ends) {
return true;
// Recoursive search id by reference till find one in ends
fn is_used(id: &Ident, references: &HashMap<Ident, HashSet<Ident>>, ends: &HashSet<Ident>) -> bool {
let mut visited = Default::default();
_is_used(&mut visited, id, references, ends)
impl MaybeIdent for syn::WherePredicate {
fn maybe_ident(&self) -> Option<&Ident> {
match self {
WherePredicate::Type(syn::PredicateType { bounded_ty: t, .. }) => {
WherePredicate::Lifetime(syn::PredicateLifetime { lifetime, .. }) => {
WherePredicate::Eq(_) => None,
struct SearchSimpleTypeName(HashSet<Ident>);
impl SearchSimpleTypeName {
fn take(self) -> HashSet<Ident> {
fn visit_inputs<'a>(&mut self, inputs: impl Iterator<Item = &'a FnArg>) {
use syn::visit::Visit;
inputs.for_each(|fn_arg| self.visit_fn_arg(fn_arg));
fn visit_output(&mut self, output: &ReturnType) {
use syn::visit::Visit;
fn collect_from_type_param(tp: &syn::TypeParam) -> Self {
let mut s: Self = Default::default();
use syn::visit::Visit;
fn collect_from_where_predicate(wp: &syn::WherePredicate) -> Self {
let mut s: Self = Default::default();
use syn::visit::Visit;
impl<'ast> syn::visit::Visit<'ast> for SearchSimpleTypeName {
fn visit_path(&mut self, p: &'ast syn::Path) {
if let Some(id) = p.get_ident() {
syn::visit::visit_path(self, p)
fn visit_lifetime(&mut self, i: &'ast syn::Lifetime) {
syn::visit::visit_lifetime(self, i)
// Take generics definitions and where clauses and return the
// a map from simple types (lifetime names or type with just names)
// to a set of all simple types that use it as some costrain.
fn extract_references_map(generics: &Generics) -> HashMap<Ident, HashSet<Ident>> {
let mut references = HashMap::<Ident, HashSet<Ident>>::default();
// Extracts references from types param
generics.type_params().for_each(|tp| {
.for_each(|id| {
// Extracts references from where clauses
.flat_map(|wc| wc.predicates.iter())
.filter_map(|wp| wp.maybe_ident().map(|id| (id, wp)))
.for_each(|(ref_ident, wp)| {
.for_each(|id| {
// Return a hash set that contains all types and lifetimes referenced
// in input/output expressed by a single ident.
fn references_ident_types<'a>(
generics: &Generics,
inputs: impl Iterator<Item = &'a FnArg>,
output: &ReturnType,
) -> HashSet<Ident> {
let mut used: SearchSimpleTypeName = Default::default();
let references = extract_references_map(generics);
let mut used = used.take();
let input_output = used.clone();
// Extend the input output collected ref with the transitive ones:
.filter(|&id| is_used(id, &references, &input_output))
fn filtered_predicates(mut wc: syn::WhereClause, valids: &HashSet<Ident>) -> syn::WhereClause {
wc.predicates = wc
.filter(|wp| {
.map(|t| valids.contains(t))
fn filtered_generics<'a>(
params: impl Iterator<Item = syn::GenericParam> + 'a,
valids: &'a HashSet<Ident>,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = syn::GenericParam> + 'a {
params.filter(move |p| match p.maybe_ident() {
Some(id) => valids.contains(id),
None => false,
//noinspection RsTypeCheck
pub(crate) fn generics_clean_up<'a>(
original: &Generics,
inputs: impl Iterator<Item = &'a FnArg>,
output: &ReturnType,
) -> syn::Generics {
let used = references_ident_types(original, inputs, output);
let mut result: Generics = original.clone();
result.params = filtered_generics(result.params.into_iter(), &used).collect();
result.where_clause = result.where_clause.map(|wc| filtered_predicates(wc, &used));
// If type is not self and doesn't starts with :: return the first ident
// of its path segment: only if is a simple path.
// If type is a simple ident just return the this ident. That is useful to
// find the base type for associate type indication
fn first_type_path_segment_ident(t: &Type) -> Option<&Ident> {
match t {
Type::Path(tp) if tp.qself.is_none() && tp.path.leading_colon.is_none() => tp
.and_then(|ps| match ps.arguments {
syn::PathArguments::None => Some(&ps.ident),
_ => None,
_ => None,
pub(crate) fn fn_arg_mutability(arg: &FnArg) -> Option<syn::token::Mut> {
match arg {
FnArg::Typed(syn::PatType { pat, .. }) => match pat.as_ref() {
syn::Pat::Ident(syn::PatIdent { mutability, .. }) => *mutability,
_ => None,
_ => None,
mod test {
use syn::parse_quote;
use super::*;
use crate::test::{assert_eq, *};
fn fn_args_idents_should() {
let item_fn = parse_quote! {
fn the_functon(first: u32, second: u32) {}
let mut args = fn_args_idents(&item_fn);
assert_eq!("first", args.next().unwrap().to_string());
assert_eq!("second", args.next().unwrap().to_string());
fn fn_args_has_ident_should() {
let item_fn = parse_quote! {
fn the_functon(first: u32, second: u32) {}
assert!(fn_args_has_ident(&item_fn, &ident("first")));
assert!(!fn_args_has_ident(&item_fn, &ident("third")));
#[case::base("fn foo<A, B, C>(a: A) -> B {}", &["A", "B"])]
#[case::use_const_in_array("fn foo<A, const B: usize, C>(a: A) -> [u32; B] {}", &["A", "B", "u32"])]
#[case::in_type_args("fn foo<A, const B: usize, C>(a: A) -> SomeType<B> {}", &["A", "B"])]
#[case::in_type_args("fn foo<A, const B: usize, C>(a: SomeType<A>, b: SomeType<B>) {}", &["A", "B"])]
#[case::pointers("fn foo<A, B, C>(a: *const A, b: &B) {}", &["A", "B"])]
#[case::lifetime("fn foo<'a, A, B, C>(a: A, b: &'a B) {}", &["a", "A", "B"])]
#[case::transitive_lifetime("fn foo<'a, A, B, C>(a: A, b: B) where B: Iterator<Item=A> + 'a {}", &["a", "A", "B"])]
#[case::associated("fn foo<'a, A:Copy, C>(b: impl Iterator<Item=A> + 'a) {}", &["a", "A"])]
#[case::transitive_in_defs("fn foo<A:Copy, B: Iterator<Item=A>>(b: B) {}", &["A", "B"])]
#[case::transitive_in_where("fn foo<A:Copy, B>(b: B) where B: Iterator<Item=A> {}", &["A", "B"])]
#[case::transitive_const("fn foo<const A: usize, B, C>(b: B) where B: Some<A> {}", &["A", "B"])]
#[case::transitive_lifetime("fn foo<'a, A, B, C>(a: A, b: B) where B: Iterator<Item=A> + 'a {}", &["a", "A", "B"])]
#[case::transitive_lifetime(r#"fn foo<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, A, B, C>
(a: A, b: B)
where B: Iterator<Item=A> + 'c,
'c: 'a + 'b {}"#, &["a", "b", "c", "A", "B"])]
fn references_ident_types_should(#[case] f: &str, #[case] expected: &[&str]) {
let f: ItemFn = f.ast();
let used = references_ident_types(&f.sig.generics, f.sig.inputs.iter(), &f.sig.output);
let expected = to_idents!(expected)
assert_eq!(expected, used);
r#"fn test<R: AsRef<str>, B, F, H: Iterator<Item=u32>>() -> (H, B, String, &str)
where F: ToString,
B: Borrow<u32>
r#"fn test<B, H: Iterator<Item=u32>>() -> (H, B, String, &str)
where B: Borrow<u32>
r#"fn test<R: AsRef<str>, B, F, H: Iterator<Item=u32>>
(h: H, it: impl Iterator<Item=R>, j: &[B])
where F: ToString,
B: Borrow<u32>
r#"fn test<R: AsRef<str>, B, H: Iterator<Item=u32>>
(h: H, it: impl Iterator<Item=R>, j: &[B])
B: Borrow<u32>
r#"fn test<A, B, C, D, const F: usize, O>(a: A) where
B: AsRef<C>,
A: Iterator<Item=[B; F]>,
D: ArsRef<O> {}"#,
r#"fn test<A, B, C, const F: usize>(a: A) where
B: AsRef<C>,
A: Iterator<Item=[B; F]> {}"#
"fn test<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f, 'g, A>(a: &'a uint32, b: impl AsRef<A> + 'b) where 'b: 'c + 'd, A: Copy + 'e, 'f: 'g {}",
"fn test<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, A>(a: &'a uint32, b: impl AsRef<A> + 'b) where 'b: 'c + 'd, A: Copy + 'e {}"
r#"fn test<const A: usize, const B: usize, const C: usize, const D: usize, T, O>
(a: [u32; A], b: SomeType<B>, c: T) where
T: Iterator<Item=[i32; C]>,
O: AsRef<D>
r#"fn test<const A: usize, const B: usize, const C: usize, T>
(a: [u32; A], b: SomeType<B>, c: T) where
T: Iterator<Item=[i32; C]>
fn generics_cleaner(#[case] code: &str, #[case] expected: &str) {
// Should remove all generics parameters that are not present in output
let item_fn: ItemFn = code.ast();
let expected: ItemFn = expected.ast();
let cleaned = generics_clean_up(
assert_eq!(expected.sig.generics, cleaned);