//! Drawing color glyphs.
//! # Examples
//! ## Retrieve the clip box of a COLRv1 glyph if it has one:
//! ```
//! # use core::result::Result;
//! # use skrifa::{instance::{Size, Location}, color::{ColorGlyphFormat, ColorPainter, PaintError}, GlyphId, MetadataProvider};
//! # fn get_colr_bb(font: read_fonts::FontRef, color_painter_impl : &mut impl ColorPainter, glyph_id : GlyphId, size: Size) -> Result<(), PaintError> {
//! match font.color_glyphs()
//! .get_with_format(glyph_id, ColorGlyphFormat::ColrV1)
//! .expect("Glyph not found.")
//! .bounding_box(&Location::default(), size)
//! {
//! Some(bounding_box) => {
//! println!("Bounding box is {:?}", bounding_box);
//! }
//! None => {
//! println!("Glyph has no clip box.");
//! }
//! }
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! ## Paint a COLRv1 glyph given a font, and a glyph id and a [`ColorPainter`] implementation:
//! ```
//! # use core::result::Result;
//! # use skrifa::{instance::{Size, Location}, color::{ColorGlyphFormat, ColorPainter, PaintError}, GlyphId, MetadataProvider};
//! # fn paint_colr(font: read_fonts::FontRef, color_painter_impl : &mut impl ColorPainter, glyph_id : GlyphId) -> Result<(), PaintError> {
//! let color_glyph = font.color_glyphs()
//! .get_with_format(glyph_id, ColorGlyphFormat::ColrV1)
//! .expect("Glyph not found");
//! color_glyph.paint(&Location::default(), color_painter_impl)
//! # }
//! ```
mod instance;
mod transform;
mod traversal;
mod traversal_tests;
use raw::tables::colr;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
pub use read_fonts::tables::colr::{CompositeMode, Extend};
use read_fonts::{
types::{BoundingBox, GlyphId, Point},
ReadError, TableProvider,
use std::{fmt::Debug, ops::Range};
use traversal::{get_clipbox_font_units, traverse_v0_range, traverse_with_callbacks, VisitedSet};
pub use transform::Transform;
use crate::prelude::{LocationRef, Size};
use self::instance::{resolve_paint, PaintId};
/// An error during drawing a COLR glyph.
/// This covers inconsistencies in the COLRv1 paint graph as well as downstream
/// parse errors from read-fonts.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum PaintError {
impl std::fmt::Display for PaintError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
match self {
PaintError::ParseError(read_error) => {
write!(f, "Error parsing font data: {read_error}")
PaintError::GlyphNotFound(glyph_id) => {
write!(f, "No COLRv1 glyph found for glyph id: {glyph_id}")
PaintError::PaintCycleDetected => write!(f, "Paint cycle detected in COLRv1 glyph."),
PaintError::DepthLimitExceeded => write!(f, "Depth limit exceeded in COLRv1 glyph."),
impl From<ReadError> for PaintError {
fn from(value: ReadError) -> Self {
/// A color stop of a gradient.
/// All gradient callbacks of [`ColorPainter`] normalize color stops to be in the range of 0
/// to 1.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug, Default)]
#[cfg_attr(test, derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
// This repr(C) is required so that C-side FFI's
// are able to cast the ColorStop slice to a C-side array pointer.
pub struct ColorStop {
pub offset: f32,
/// Specifies a color from the `CPAL` table.
pub palette_index: u16,
/// Additional alpha value, to be multiplied with the color above before use.
pub alpha: f32,
// Design considerations for choosing a slice of ColorStops as `color_stop`
// type: In principle, a local `Vec<ColorStop>` allocation would not required if
// we're willing to walk the `ResolvedColorStop` iterator to find the minimum
// and maximum color stops. Then we could scale the color stops based on the
// minimum and maximum. But performing the min/max search would require
// re-applying the deltas at least once, after which we would pass the scaled
// stops to client side and have the client sort the collected items once
// again. If we do want to pre-ort them, and still use use an
// `Iterator<Item=ColorStop>`` instead as the `color_stops` field, then we would
// need a Fontations-side allocations to sort, and an extra allocation on the
// client side to `.collect()` from the provided iterator before passing it to
// drawing API.
/// A fill type of a COLRv1 glyph (solid fill or various gradient types).
/// The client receives the information about the fill type in the
/// [`fill``](ColorPainter::fill) callback of the [`ColorPainter`] trait.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Brush<'a> {
/// A solid fill with the color specified by `palette_index`. The respective
/// color from the CPAL table then needs to be multiplied with `alpha`.
Solid { palette_index: u16, alpha: f32 },
/// A linear gradient, normalized from the P0, P1 and P2 representation in
/// the COLRv1 table to a linear gradient between two points `p0` and
/// `p1`. If there is only one color stop, the client should draw a solid
/// fill with that color. The `color_stops` are normalized to the range from
/// 0 to 1.
LinearGradient {
p0: Point<f32>,
p1: Point<f32>,
color_stops: &'a [ColorStop],
extend: Extend,
/// A radial gradient, with color stops normalized to the range of 0 to 1.
/// Caution: This normalization can mean that negative radii occur. It is
/// the client's responsibility to truncate the color line at the 0
/// position, interpolating between `r0` and `r1` and compute an
/// interpolated color at that position.
RadialGradient {
c0: Point<f32>,
r0: f32,
c1: Point<f32>,
r1: f32,
color_stops: &'a [ColorStop],
extend: Extend,
/// A sweep gradient, also called conical gradient. The color stops are
/// normalized to the range from 0 to 1 and the returned angles are to be
/// interpreted in _clockwise_ direction (swapped from the meaning in the
/// font file). The stop normalization may mean that the angles may be
/// larger or smaller than the range of 0 to 360. Note that only the range
/// from 0 to 360 degrees is to be drawn, see
/// <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/colr#sweep-gradients>.
SweepGradient {
c0: Point<f32>,
start_angle: f32,
end_angle: f32,
color_stops: &'a [ColorStop],
extend: Extend,
/// Signals success of request to draw a COLRv1 sub glyph from cache.
/// Result of [`paint_cached_color_glyph`](ColorPainter::paint_cached_color_glyph)
/// through which the client signals whether a COLRv1 glyph referenced by
/// another COLRv1 glyph was drawn from cache or whether the glyph's subgraph
/// should be traversed by the skria side COLRv1 implementation.
pub enum PaintCachedColorGlyph {
/// The specified COLRv1 glyph has been successfully painted client side.
/// The client does not implement drawing COLRv1 glyphs from cache and the
/// Fontations side COLRv1 implementation is asked to traverse the
/// respective PaintColorGlyph sub graph.
/// A group of required painting callbacks to be provided by the client.
/// Each callback is executing a particular drawing or canvas transformation
/// operation. The trait's callback functions are invoked when
/// [`paint`](ColorGlyph::paint) is called with a [`ColorPainter`] trait
/// object. The documentation for each function describes what actions are to be
/// executed using the client side 2D graphics API, usually by performing some
/// kind of canvas operation.
pub trait ColorPainter {
/// Push the specified transform by concatenating it to the current
/// transformation matrix.
fn push_transform(&mut self, transform: Transform);
/// Restore the transformation matrix to the state before the previous
/// [`push_transform`](ColorPainter::push_transform) call.
fn pop_transform(&mut self);
/// Apply a clip path in the shape of glyph specified by `glyph_id`.
fn push_clip_glyph(&mut self, glyph_id: GlyphId);
/// Apply a clip rectangle specified by `clip_rect`.
fn push_clip_box(&mut self, clip_box: BoundingBox<f32>);
/// Restore the clip state to the state before a previous
/// [`push_clip_glyph`](ColorPainter::push_clip_glyph) or
/// [`push_clip_box`](ColorPainter::push_clip_box) call.
fn pop_clip(&mut self);
/// Fill the current clip area with the specified gradient fill.
fn fill(&mut self, brush: Brush<'_>);
/// Combined clip and fill operation.
/// Apply the clip path determined by the specified `glyph_id`, then fill it
/// with the specified [`brush`](Brush), applying the `_brush_transform`
/// transformation matrix to the brush. The default implementation works
/// based on existing methods in this trait. It is recommended for clients
/// to override the default implementaition with a custom combined clip and
/// fill operation. In this way overriding likely results in performance
/// gains depending on performance characteristics of the 2D graphics stack
/// that these calls are mapped to.
fn fill_glyph(
&mut self,
glyph_id: GlyphId,
brush_transform: Option<Transform>,
brush: Brush<'_>,
) {
if let Some(wrap_in_transform) = brush_transform {
} else {
/// Optionally implement this method: Draw an unscaled COLRv1 glyph given
/// the current transformation matrix (as accumulated by
/// [`push_transform`](ColorPainter::push_transform) calls).
fn paint_cached_color_glyph(
&mut self,
_glyph: GlyphId,
) -> Result<PaintCachedColorGlyph, PaintError> {
/// Open a new layer, and merge the layer down using `composite_mode` when
/// [`pop_layer`](ColorPainter::pop_layer) is called, signalling that this layer is done drawing.
fn push_layer(&mut self, composite_mode: CompositeMode);
fn pop_layer(&mut self);
/// Distinguishes available color glyph formats.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub enum ColorGlyphFormat {
/// A representation of a color glyph that can be painted through a sequence of [`ColorPainter`] callbacks.
pub struct ColorGlyph<'a> {
colr: colr::Colr<'a>,
root_paint_ref: ColorGlyphRoot<'a>,
enum ColorGlyphRoot<'a> {
V1Paint(colr::Paint<'a>, PaintId, GlyphId, Result<u16, ReadError>),
impl<'a> ColorGlyph<'a> {
/// Returns the version of the color table from which this outline was
/// selected.
pub fn format(&self) -> ColorGlyphFormat {
match &self.root_paint_ref {
ColorGlyphRoot::V0Range(_) => ColorGlyphFormat::ColrV0,
ColorGlyphRoot::V1Paint(..) => ColorGlyphFormat::ColrV1,
/// Returns the bounding box. For COLRv1 glyphs, this is clipbox of the
/// specified COLRv1 glyph, or `None` if there is
/// none for the particular glyph. The `size` argument can optionally be used
/// to scale the bounding box to a particular font size. `location` allows
/// specifycing a variation instance.
pub fn bounding_box(
location: impl Into<LocationRef<'a>>,
size: Size,
) -> Option<BoundingBox<f32>> {
let instance = instance::ColrInstance::new(self.colr.clone(), location.into().coords());
match &self.root_paint_ref {
ColorGlyphRoot::V1Paint(_paint, _paint_id, glyph_id, upem) => {
let resolved_bounding_box = get_clipbox_font_units(&instance, *glyph_id);
resolved_bounding_box.map(|bounding_box| {
let scale_factor = size.linear_scale((*upem).clone().unwrap_or(0));
_ => todo!(),
/// Evaluates the paint graph at the specified location in variation space
/// and emits the results to the given painter.
/// For a COLRv1 glyph, traverses the COLRv1 paint graph and invokes drawing callbacks on a
/// specified [`ColorPainter`] trait object. The traversal operates in font
/// units and will call `ColorPainter` methods with font unit values. This
/// means, if you want to draw a COLRv1 glyph at a particular font size, the
/// canvas needs to have a transformation matrix applied so that it scales down
/// the drawing operations to `font_size / upem`.
/// # Arguments
/// * `glyph_id` the `GlyphId` to be drawn.
/// * `location` coordinates for specifying a variation instance. This can be empty.
/// * `painter` a client-provided [`ColorPainter`] implementation receiving drawing callbacks.
pub fn paint(
location: impl Into<LocationRef<'a>>,
painter: &mut impl ColorPainter,
) -> Result<(), PaintError> {
let instance = instance::ColrInstance::new(self.colr.clone(), location.into().coords());
match &self.root_paint_ref {
ColorGlyphRoot::V1Paint(paint, paint_id, glyph_id, _) => {
let clipbox = get_clipbox_font_units(&instance, *glyph_id);
if let Some(rect) = clipbox {
let mut visited_set = VisitedSet::default();
&resolve_paint(&instance, paint)?,
&mut visited_set,
if clipbox.is_some() {
ColorGlyphRoot::V0Range(range) => {
traverse_v0_range(range, &instance, painter)?;
/// Collection of color glyphs.
pub struct ColorGlyphCollection<'a> {
colr: Option<colr::Colr<'a>>,
upem: Result<u16, ReadError>,
impl<'a> ColorGlyphCollection<'a> {
/// Creates a new collection of paintable color glyphs for the given font.
pub fn new(font: &impl TableProvider<'a>) -> Self {
let colr = font.colr().ok();
let upem = font.head().map(|h| h.units_per_em());
Self { colr, upem }
/// Returns the color glyph representation for the given glyph identifier,
/// given a specific format.
pub fn get_with_format(
glyph_id: GlyphId,
glyph_format: ColorGlyphFormat,
) -> Option<ColorGlyph<'a>> {
let colr = self.colr.clone()?;
let root_paint_ref = match glyph_format {
ColorGlyphFormat::ColrV0 => {
let layer_range = colr.v0_base_glyph(glyph_id).ok()??;
ColorGlyphFormat::ColrV1 => {
let (paint, paint_id) = colr.v1_base_glyph(glyph_id).ok()??;
ColorGlyphRoot::V1Paint(paint, paint_id, glyph_id, self.upem.clone())
Some(ColorGlyph {
/// Returns a color glyph representation for the given glyph identifier if
/// available, preferring a COLRv1 representation over a COLRv0
/// representation.
pub fn get(&self, glyph_id: GlyphId) -> Option<ColorGlyph<'a>> {
self.get_with_format(glyph_id, ColorGlyphFormat::ColrV1)
.or_else(|| self.get_with_format(glyph_id, ColorGlyphFormat::ColrV0))
mod tests {
use crate::{
color::traversal_tests::test_glyph_defs::PAINTCOLRGLYPH_CYCLE, prelude::LocationRef,
use read_fonts::{types::BoundingBox, FontRef};
use super::{Brush, ColorPainter, CompositeMode, GlyphId, Transform};
use crate::color::traversal_tests::test_glyph_defs::{COLORED_CIRCLES_V0, COLORED_CIRCLES_V1};
fn has_colrv1_glyph_test() {
let colr_font = font_test_data::COLRV0V1_VARIABLE;
let font = FontRef::new(colr_font).unwrap();
let get_colrv1_glyph = |codepoint: &[char]| {
font.charmap().map(codepoint[0]).and_then(|glyph_id| {
.get_with_format(glyph_id, crate::color::ColorGlyphFormat::ColrV1)
struct DummyColorPainter {}
impl DummyColorPainter {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {}
impl Default for DummyColorPainter {
fn default() -> Self {
impl ColorPainter for DummyColorPainter {
fn push_transform(&mut self, _transform: Transform) {}
fn pop_transform(&mut self) {}
fn push_clip_glyph(&mut self, _glyph: GlyphId) {}
fn push_clip_box(&mut self, _clip_box: BoundingBox<f32>) {}
fn pop_clip(&mut self) {}
fn fill(&mut self, _brush: Brush) {}
fn push_layer(&mut self, _composite_mode: CompositeMode) {}
fn pop_layer(&mut self) {}
fn paintcolrglyph_cycle_test() {
let colr_font = font_test_data::COLRV0V1_VARIABLE;
let font = FontRef::new(colr_font).unwrap();
let cycle_glyph_id = font.charmap().map(PAINTCOLRGLYPH_CYCLE[0]).unwrap();
let colrv1_glyph = font
.get_with_format(cycle_glyph_id, crate::color::ColorGlyphFormat::ColrV1);
let mut color_painter = DummyColorPainter::new();
let result = colrv1_glyph
.paint(LocationRef::default(), &mut color_painter);
// Expected to fail with an error as the glyph contains a paint cycle.
fn no_cliplist_test() {
let colr_font = font_test_data::COLRV1_NO_CLIPLIST;
let font = FontRef::new(colr_font).unwrap();
let cycle_glyph_id = GlyphId::new(1);
let colrv1_glyph = font
.get_with_format(cycle_glyph_id, crate::color::ColorGlyphFormat::ColrV1);
let mut color_painter = DummyColorPainter::new();
let result = colrv1_glyph
.paint(LocationRef::default(), &mut color_painter);