
//! Management of function and instruction definitions.

use core::ops::Range;

use super::{error::HintErrorKind, program::Program};

/// Code range and properties for a function or instruction definition.
// Note: this type is designed to support allocation from user memory
// so make sure the fields are all tightly packed and only use integral
// types.
// See <>
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Default, Debug)]
pub struct Definition {
    start: u32,
    end: u32,
    /// The function number for an FDEF or opcode for an IDEF.
    key: i32,
    _pad: u16,
    program: u8,
    is_active: u8,

impl Definition {
    /// Creates a new definition with the given program, code range and
    /// key.
    /// The key is either a function number or opcode for function and
    /// instruction definitions respectively.
    pub fn new(program: Program, code_range: Range<usize>, key: i32) -> Self {
        Self {
            program: program as u8,
            // Table sizes are specified in u32 so valid ranges will
            // always fit.
            start: code_range.start as u32,
            end: code_range.end as u32,
            _pad: 0,
            is_active: 1,

    /// Returns the program that contains this definition.
    pub fn program(&self) -> Program {
        match self.program {
            0 => Program::Font,
            1 => Program::ControlValue,
            _ => Program::Glyph,

    /// Returns the function number or opcode.
    pub fn key(&self) -> i32 {

    /// Returns the byte range of the code for this definition in the source
    /// program.
    pub fn code_range(&self) -> Range<usize> {
        self.start as usize..self.end as usize

    /// Returns true if this definition entry has been defined by a program.
    pub fn is_active(&self) -> bool {
        self.is_active != 0

/// Map of function number or opcode to code definitions.
/// The `Ref` vs `Mut` distinction exists because these can be modified
/// from the font and control value programs but not from a glyph program.
/// In addition, hinting instance state is immutable once initialized so
/// this captures that in a type safe way.
pub enum DefinitionMap<'a> {
    Ref(&'a [Definition]),
    Mut(&'a mut [Definition]),

impl<'a> DefinitionMap<'a> {
    /// Attempts to allocate a new definition entry with the given key.
    /// Overriding a definition is legal, so if an existing active entry
    /// is found with the same key, that one will be returned. Otherwise,
    /// an inactive entry will be chosen.
    pub fn allocate(&mut self, key: i32) -> Result<&mut Definition, HintErrorKind> {
        let Self::Mut(defs) = self else {
            return Err(HintErrorKind::DefinitionInGlyphProgram);
        // First, see if we can use key as an index.
        // For function definitions in well-behaved fonts (that is, where
        // function numbers fall within 0..max_function_defs) this will
        // always work.
        // For instruction definitions, this will likely never work
        // because the number of instruction definitions is usually small
        // (nearly always 0) and the available opcodes are in the higher
        // ranges of u8 space.
        let ix = if defs
            .get(key as usize)
            .filter(|def| !def.is_active() || def.key == key)
            // If the entry is inactive or the key matches, we're good.
            key as usize
        } else {
            // Otherwise, walk backward looking for an active entry with
            // a matching key. Keep track of the inactive entry with the
            // highest index.
            let mut last_inactive_ix = None;
            for (i, def) in defs.iter().enumerate().rev() {
                if def.is_active() {
                    if def.key == key {
                        last_inactive_ix = Some(i);
                } else if last_inactive_ix.is_none() {
                    last_inactive_ix = Some(i);
        let def = defs.get_mut(ix).ok_or(HintErrorKind::TooManyDefinitions)?;
        *def = Definition::new(Program::Font, 0..0, key);

    /// Returns the definition with the given key.
    pub fn get(&self, key: i32) -> Result<&Definition, HintErrorKind> {
        let defs = match self {
            Self::Mut(defs) => *defs,
            Self::Ref(defs) => *defs,
        // Fast path, try to use key as index.
        if let Some(def) = defs.get(key as usize) {
            if def.is_active() && def.key == key {
                return Ok(def);
        // Otherwise, walk backward doing a linear search.
        for def in defs.iter().rev() {
            if def.is_active() && def.key == key {
                return Ok(def);
        Err(HintErrorKind::InvalidDefinition(key as _))

    /// Returns a reference to the underlying definition slice.
    fn as_slice(&self) -> &[Definition] {
        match self {
            Self::Ref(defs) => defs,
            Self::Mut(defs) => defs,

    /// If the map is mutable, resets all definitions to the default
    /// value.
    pub fn reset(&mut self) {
        if let Self::Mut(defs) = self {

/// State containing font defined functions and instructions.
pub struct DefinitionState<'a> {
    pub functions: DefinitionMap<'a>,
    pub instructions: DefinitionMap<'a>,

impl<'a> DefinitionState<'a> {
    pub fn new(functions: DefinitionMap<'a>, instructions: DefinitionMap<'a>) -> Self {
        Self {

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn too_many_and_invalid() {
        let mut buf = vec![Default::default(); 32];
        let mut map = DefinitionMap::Mut(&mut buf);
        for i in 0..32 {

    /// Test dense allocation where all keys map directly to indices. This is
    /// the case for function definitions in well behaved fonts.
    fn allocate_dense() {
        let mut buf = vec![Default::default(); 32];
        let mut map = DefinitionMap::Mut(&mut buf);
        for i in 0..32 {
        for (i, def) in map.as_slice().iter().enumerate() {
            let key = i as i32;
            assert_eq!(def.key, key);

    /// Test sparse allocation where keys never map to indices. This is
    /// generally the case for instruction definitions and would apply
    /// to fonts with function definition numbers that all fall outside
    /// the range 0..max_function_defs.
    fn allocate_sparse() {
        let mut buf = vec![Default::default(); 3];
        let mut map = DefinitionMap::Mut(&mut buf);
        let keys = [42, 88, 107];
        for key in keys {
        for key in keys {
            assert_eq!(map.get(key).unwrap().key, key);

    /// Test mixed allocation where some keys map to indices and others are
    /// subject to fallback allocation. This would be the case for fonts
    /// with function definition numbers where some fall inside the range
    /// 0..max_function_defs but others don't.
    fn allocate_mixed() {
        let mut buf = vec![Default::default(); 10];
        let mut map = DefinitionMap::Mut(&mut buf);
        let keys = [
            0, 1, 2, 3, // Directly mapped to indices
            123456, -42, -5555, // Fallback allocated
            5,     // Also directly mapped
            7,     // Would be direct but blocked by prior fallback
        for key in keys {
        // Check backing store directly to ensure the expected allocation
        // pattern.
        let expected = [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 5, 7, -5555, -42, 123456];
        let mapped_keys: Vec<_> = map.as_slice().iter().map(|def| def.key).collect();
        assert_eq!(&expected, mapped_keys.as_slice());
        // Check that all keys are mapped
        for key in keys {
            assert_eq!(map.get(key).unwrap().key, key);