//! Reading and writing data.
//! Implements 7 instructions.
//! See <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/tt_instructions#reading-and-writing-data>
use super::{
super::{math, zone::ZonePointer},
Engine, OpResult,
impl<'a> Engine<'a> {
/// Get coordinate project in to the projection vector.
/// GC\[a\] (0x46 - 0x47)
/// a: 0: use current position of point p
/// 1: use the position of point p in the original outline
/// Pops: p: point number
/// Pushes: value: coordinate location (F26Dot6)
/// Measures the coordinate value of point p on the current
/// projection_vector and pushes the value onto the stack.
/// See <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/tt_instructions#get-coordinate-projected-onto-the-projection_vector>
/// and <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/blob/57617782464411201ce7bbc93b086c1b4d7d84a5/src/truetype/ttinterp.c#L4512>
pub(super) fn op_gc(&mut self, opcode: u8) -> OpResult {
let p = self.value_stack.pop_usize()?;
let gs = &mut self.graphics;
if !gs.is_pedantic && !gs.in_bounds([(gs.zp2, p)]) {
return Ok(());
let value = if (opcode & 1) != 0 {
gs.dual_project(gs.zp2().original(p)?, Default::default())
} else {
gs.project(gs.zp2().point(p)?, Default::default())
/// Set coordinate from the stack using projection vector and freedom
/// vector.
/// SCFS[] (0x48)
/// Pops: value: distance from origin to move point (F26Dot6)
/// p: point number
/// Moves point p from its current position along the freedom_vector so
/// that its component along the projection_vector becomes the value popped
/// off the stack.
/// See <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/tt_instructions#sets-coordinate-from-the-stack-using-projection_vector-and-freedom_vector>
/// and <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/blob/57617782464411201ce7bbc93b086c1b4d7d84a5/src/truetype/ttinterp.c#L4550>
pub(super) fn op_scfs(&mut self) -> OpResult {
let value = self.value_stack.pop_f26dot6()?;
let p = self.value_stack.pop_usize()?;
let gs = &mut self.graphics;
let projection = gs.project(gs.zp2().point(p)?, Default::default());
gs.move_point(gs.zp2, p, value.wrapping_sub(projection))?;
if gs.zp2.is_twilight() {
let twilight = gs.zone_mut(ZonePointer::Twilight);
*twilight.original_mut(p)? = twilight.point(p)?;
/// Measure distance.
/// MD\[a\] (0x46 - 0x47)
/// a: 0: measure distance in grid-fitted outline
/// 1: measure distance in original outline
/// Pops: p1: point number
/// p2: point number
/// Pushes: distance (F26Dot6)
/// Measures the distance between outline point p1 and outline point p2.
/// The value returned is in pixels (F26Dot6) If distance is negative, it
/// was measured against the projection vector. Reversing the order in
/// which the points are listed will change the sign of the result.
/// See <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/tt_instructions#measure-distance>
/// and <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/blob/57617782464411201ce7bbc93b086c1b4d7d84a5/src/truetype/ttinterp.c#L4593>
pub(super) fn op_md(&mut self, opcode: u8) -> OpResult {
let p1 = self.value_stack.pop_usize()?;
let p2 = self.value_stack.pop_usize()?;
let gs = &self.graphics;
if !gs.is_pedantic && !gs.in_bounds([(gs.zp0, p2), (gs.zp1, p1)]) {
return Ok(());
let distance = if (opcode & 1) != 0 {
// measure in grid fitted outline
gs.project(gs.zp0().point(p2)?, gs.zp1().point(p1)?)
} else if gs.zp0.is_twilight() || gs.zp1.is_twilight() {
// special case for twilight zone
gs.dual_project(gs.zp0().original(p2)?, gs.zp1().original(p1)?)
} else {
// measure in original unscaled outline
gs.dual_project_unscaled(gs.zp0().unscaled(p2), gs.zp1().unscaled(p1)),
/// Measure pixels per em.
/// MPPEM[] (0x4B)
/// Pushes: ppem: pixels per em (uint32)
/// This instruction pushes the number of pixels per em onto the stack.
/// Pixels per em is a function of the resolution of the rendering device
/// and the current point size and the current transformation matrix.
/// See <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/tt_instructions#measure-pixels-per-em>
/// and <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/blob/57617782464411201ce7bbc93b086c1b4d7d84a5/src/truetype/ttinterp.c#L2609>
pub(super) fn op_mppem(&mut self) -> OpResult {
/// Measure point size.
/// MPS[] (0x4C)
/// Pushes: pointSize: the size in points of the current glyph (F26Dot6)
/// Measure point size can be used to obtain a value which serves as the
/// basis for choosing whether to branch to an alternative path through the
/// instruction stream. It makes it possible to treat point sizes below or
/// above a certain threshold differently.
/// See <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/tt_instructions#measure-point-size>
/// and <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/blob/57617782464411201ce7bbc93b086c1b4d7d84a5/src/truetype/ttinterp.c#L2623>
pub(super) fn op_mps(&mut self) -> OpResult {
// Note: FreeType computes this at
// <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/blob/57617782464411201ce7bbc93b086c1b4d7d84a5/src/truetype/ttdriver.c#L392>
// which is mul_div(ppem, 64 * 72, resolution) where resolution
// is always 72 for our purposes (Skia), resulting in ppem * 64.
self.value_stack.push(self.graphics.ppem * 64)
mod tests {
use super::super::{super::zone::ZonePointer, math, Engine, MockEngine};
use raw::types::F26Dot6;
fn measure_ppem_and_point_size() {
let mut mock = MockEngine::new();
let mut engine = mock.engine();
let ppem = 20;
engine.graphics.ppem = ppem;
assert_eq!(engine.value_stack.pop().unwrap(), ppem);
assert_eq!(engine.value_stack.pop().unwrap(), ppem * 64);
fn gc() {
let mut mock = MockEngine::new();
let mut engine = mock.engine();
set_test_vectors(&mut engine);
// current point projected coord
let point = engine.graphics.zones[1].point_mut(1).unwrap();
point.x = F26Dot6::from_bits(132);
point.y = F26Dot6::from_bits(-256);
assert_eq!(engine.value_stack.pop().unwrap(), 4);
// original point projected coord
let point = engine.graphics.zones[1].original_mut(1).unwrap();
point.x = F26Dot6::from_bits(-64);
point.y = F26Dot6::from_bits(521);
assert_eq!(engine.value_stack.pop().unwrap(), 176);
fn scfs() {
let mut mock = MockEngine::new();
let mut engine = mock.engine();
set_test_vectors(&mut engine);
// This instruction is a nop in backward compatibility mode
// and before IUP.
engine.graphics.backward_compatibility = false;
engine.graphics.did_iup_x = true;
engine.graphics.did_iup_y = true;
// use the twilight zone to test the optional code path
engine.graphics.zp2 = ZonePointer::Twilight;
let point = engine.graphics.zones[0].point_mut(1).unwrap();
point.x = F26Dot6::from_bits(132);
point.y = F26Dot6::from_bits(-256);
// assert we're not currently the same
// push point number
// push value to match
// set coordinate from stack!
let point = engine.graphics.zones[0].point(1).unwrap();
assert_eq!(point.x.to_bits(), 166);
assert_eq!(point.y.to_bits(), -239);
// ensure that we set original = point
assert_eq!(point, engine.graphics.zones[0].original(1).unwrap());
fn md_scaled() {
let mut mock = MockEngine::new();
let mut engine = mock.engine();
set_test_vectors(&mut engine);
// first path, measure in grid fitted outline
let zone = engine.graphics.zone_mut(ZonePointer::Glyph);
let point1 = zone.point_mut(1).unwrap();
point1.x = F26Dot6::from_bits(132);
point1.y = F26Dot6::from_bits(-256);
let point2 = zone.point_mut(3).unwrap();
point2.x = F26Dot6::from_bits(-64);
point2.y = F26Dot6::from_bits(100);
// now measure
assert_eq!(engine.value_stack.pop().unwrap(), 16);
fn md_unscaled() {
let mut mock = MockEngine::new();
let mut engine = mock.engine();
set_test_vectors(&mut engine);
// second path, measure in original unscaled outline.
// unscaled points are set in mock engine but we need a scale
engine.graphics.scale = 375912;
assert_eq!(engine.value_stack.pop().unwrap(), 11);
fn md_twilight() {
let mut mock = MockEngine::new();
let mut engine = mock.engine();
set_test_vectors(&mut engine);
// final path, measure in original outline, in twilight zone
engine.graphics.zp0 = ZonePointer::Twilight;
engine.graphics.zp1 = ZonePointer::Twilight;
// set some points
let zone = engine.graphics.zone_mut(ZonePointer::Twilight);
let point1 = zone.original_mut(1).unwrap();
point1.x = F26Dot6::from_bits(132);
point1.y = F26Dot6::from_bits(-256);
let point2 = zone.original_mut(3).unwrap();
point2.x = F26Dot6::from_bits(-64);
point2.y = F26Dot6::from_bits(100);
// now measure
assert_eq!(engine.value_stack.pop().unwrap(), 16);
fn set_test_vectors(engine: &mut Engine) {
let v = math::normalize14(100, 50);
engine.graphics.proj_vector = v;
engine.graphics.dual_proj_vector = v;
engine.graphics.freedom_vector = v;