//! Managing outlines.
//! Implements 87 instructions.
//! See <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/tt_instructions#managing-outlines>
use super::{
zone::{PointDisplacement, ZonePointer},
math, Engine, F26Dot6, HintErrorKind, OpResult,
impl<'a> Engine<'a> {
/// Flip point.
/// FLIPPT[] (0x80)
/// Pops: p: point number (uint32)
/// Uses the loop counter.
/// Flips points that are off the curve so that they are on the curve and
/// points that are on the curve so that they are off the curve. The point
/// is not marked as touched. The result of a FLIPPT instruction is that
/// the contour describing part of a glyph outline is redefined.
/// See <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/tt_instructions#flip-point>
/// and <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/blob/57617782464411201ce7bbc93b086c1b4d7d84a5/src/truetype/ttinterp.c#L5002>
pub(super) fn op_flippt(&mut self) -> OpResult {
let count = self.graphics.loop_counter as usize;
self.graphics.loop_counter = 1;
// In backward compatibility mode, don't flip points after IUP has
// been done.
if self.graphics.backward_compatibility
&& self.graphics.did_iup_x
&& self.graphics.did_iup_y
for _ in 0..count {
return Ok(());
let zone = self.graphics.zone_mut(ZonePointer::Glyph);
for _ in 0..count {
let p = self.value_stack.pop_usize()?;
/// Flip range on.
/// FLIPRGON[] (0x81)
/// Pops: highpoint: highest point number in range of points to be flipped (uint32)
/// lowpoint: lowest point number in range of points to be flipped (uint32)
/// Flips a range of points beginning with lowpoint and ending with highpoint so that
/// any off the curve points become on the curve points. The points are not marked as
/// touched.
/// See <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/tt_instructions#flip-range-on>
/// and <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/blob/57617782464411201ce7bbc93b086c1b4d7d84a5/src/truetype/ttinterp.c#L5056>
pub(super) fn op_fliprgon(&mut self) -> OpResult {
/// Flip range off.
/// FLIPRGOFF[] (0x82)
/// Pops: highpoint: highest point number in range of points to be flipped (uint32)
/// lowpoint: lowest point number in range of points to be flipped (uint32)
/// Flips a range of points beginning with lowpoint and ending with
/// highpoint so that any on the curve points become off the curve points.
/// The points are not marked as touched.
/// See <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/tt_instructions#flip-range-off>
/// and <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/blob/57617782464411201ce7bbc93b086c1b4d7d84a5/src/truetype/ttinterp.c#L5094>
pub(super) fn op_fliprgoff(&mut self) -> OpResult {
/// Shift point by the last point.
/// SHP\[a\] (0x32 - 0x33)
/// a: 0: uses rp2 in the zone pointed to by zp1
/// 1: uses rp1 in the zone pointed to by zp0
/// Pops: p: point to be shifted
/// Uses the loop counter.
/// Shift point p by the same amount that the reference point has been
/// shifted. Point p is shifted along the freedom_vector so that the
/// distance between the new position of point p and the current position
/// of point p is the same as the distance between the current position
/// of the reference point and the original position of the reference point.
/// See <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/tt_instructions#shift-point-by-the-last-point>
/// and <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/blob/57617782464411201ce7bbc93b086c1b4d7d84a5/src/truetype/ttinterp.c#L5211>
pub(super) fn op_shp(&mut self, opcode: u8) -> OpResult {
let gs = &mut self.graphics;
let PointDisplacement { dx, dy, .. } = gs.point_displacement(opcode)?;
let count = gs.loop_counter;
gs.loop_counter = 1;
for _ in 0..count {
let p = self.value_stack.pop_usize()?;
gs.move_zp2_point(p, dx, dy, true)?;
/// Shift contour by the last point.
/// SHC\[a\] (0x34 - 0x35)
/// a: 0: uses rp2 in the zone pointed to by zp1
/// 1: uses rp1 in the zone pointed to by zp0
/// Pops: c: contour to be shifted
/// Shifts every point on contour c by the same amount that the reference
/// point has been shifted. Each point is shifted along the freedom_vector
/// so that the distance between the new position of the point and the old
/// position of that point is the same as the distance between the current
/// position of the reference point and the original position of the
/// reference point. The distance is measured along the projection_vector.
/// If the reference point is one of the points defining the contour, the
/// reference point is not moved by this instruction.
/// See <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/tt_instructions#shift-contour-by-the-last-point>
/// and <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/blob/57617782464411201ce7bbc93b086c1b4d7d84a5/src/truetype/ttinterp.c#L5266>
pub(super) fn op_shc(&mut self, opcode: u8) -> OpResult {
let gs = &mut self.graphics;
let contour_ix = self.value_stack.pop_usize()?;
if !gs.is_pedantic && contour_ix >= gs.zp2().contours.len() {
return Ok(());
let point_disp = gs.point_displacement(opcode)?;
let start = if contour_ix != 0 {
gs.zp2().contour(contour_ix - 1)? as usize + 1
} else {
let end = if gs.zp2.is_twilight() {
} else {
gs.zp2().contour(contour_ix)? as usize + 1
for i in start..end {
if point_disp.zone != gs.zp2 || point_disp.point_ix != i {
gs.move_zp2_point(i, point_disp.dx, point_disp.dy, true)?;
/// Shift zone by the last point.
/// SHZ\[a\] (0x36 - 0x37)
/// a: 0: uses rp2 in the zone pointed to by zp1
/// 1: uses rp1 in the zone pointed to by zp0
/// Pops: e: zone to be shifted
/// Shift the points in the specified zone (Z1 or Z0) by the same amount
/// that the reference point has been shifted. The points in the zone are
/// shifted along the freedom_vector so that the distance between the new
/// position of the shifted points and their old position is the same as
/// the distance between the current position of the reference point and
/// the original position of the reference point.
/// See <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/tt_instructions#shift-zone-by-the-last-pt>
/// and <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/blob/57617782464411201ce7bbc93b086c1b4d7d84a5/src/truetype/ttinterp.c#L5318>
pub(super) fn op_shz(&mut self, opcode: u8) -> OpResult {
let _e = ZonePointer::try_from(self.value_stack.pop()?)?;
let gs = &mut self.graphics;
let point_disp = gs.point_displacement(opcode)?;
let end = if gs.zp2.is_twilight() {
} else if !gs.zp2().contours.is_empty() {
.ok_or(HintErrorKind::InvalidContourIndex(0))? as usize
+ 1
} else {
for i in 0..end {
if point_disp.zone != gs.zp2 || i != point_disp.point_ix {
gs.move_zp2_point(i, point_disp.dx, point_disp.dy, false)?;
/// Shift point by a pixel amount.
/// SHPIX (0x38)
/// Pops: amount: magnitude of the shift (F26Dot6)
/// p1, p2,.. pn: points to be shifted
/// Uses the loop counter.
/// Shifts the points specified by the amount stated. When the loop
/// variable is used, the amount to be shifted is put onto the stack
/// only once. That is, if loop = 3, then the contents of the top of
/// the stack should be point p1, point p2, point p3, amount. The value
/// amount is expressed in sixty-fourths of a pixel.
/// See <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/tt_instructions#shift-point-by-a-pixel-amount>
/// and <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/blob/57617782464411201ce7bbc93b086c1b4d7d84a5/src/truetype/ttinterp.c#L5366>
pub(super) fn op_shpix(&mut self) -> OpResult {
let gs = &mut self.graphics;
let in_twilight = gs.zp0.is_twilight() || gs.zp1.is_twilight() || gs.zp2.is_twilight();
let amount = self.value_stack.pop()?;
let dx = F26Dot6::from_bits(math::mul14(amount, gs.freedom_vector.x));
let dy = F26Dot6::from_bits(math::mul14(amount, gs.freedom_vector.y));
let count = gs.loop_counter;
gs.loop_counter = 1;
let did_iup = gs.did_iup_x && gs.did_iup_y;
for _ in 0..count {
let p = self.value_stack.pop_usize()?;
if gs.backward_compatibility {
if in_twilight
|| (!did_iup
&& ((gs.is_composite && gs.freedom_vector.y != 0)
|| gs.zp2().is_touched(p, CoordAxis::Y)?))
gs.move_zp2_point(p, dx, dy, true)?;
} else {
gs.move_zp2_point(p, dx, dy, true)?;
/// Move stack indirect relative point.
/// MSIRP\[a\] (0x3A - 0x3B)
/// a: 0: do not set rp0 to p
/// 1: set rp0 to p
/// Pops: d: distance (F26Dot6)
/// p: point number
/// Makes the distance between a point p and rp0 equal to the value
/// specified on the stack. The distance on the stack is in fractional
/// pixels (F26Dot6). An MSIRP has the same effect as a MIRP instruction
/// except that it takes its value from the stack rather than the Control
/// Value Table. As a result, the cut_in does not affect the results of a
/// MSIRP. Additionally, MSIRP is unaffected by the round_state.
/// See <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/tt_instructions#move-stack-indirect-relative-point>
/// and <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/blob/57617782464411201ce7bbc93b086c1b4d7d84a5/src/truetype/ttinterp.c#L5439>
pub(super) fn op_msirp(&mut self, opcode: u8) -> OpResult {
let gs = &mut self.graphics;
let distance = self.value_stack.pop_f26dot6()?;
let point_ix = self.value_stack.pop_usize()?;
if !gs.is_pedantic && !gs.in_bounds([(gs.zp1, point_ix), (gs.zp0, gs.rp0)]) {
return Ok(());
if gs.zp1.is_twilight() {
*gs.zp1_mut().point_mut(point_ix)? = gs.zp0().original(gs.rp0)?;
gs.move_original(gs.zp1, point_ix, distance)?;
*gs.zp1_mut().point_mut(point_ix)? = gs.zp1().original(point_ix)?;
let d = gs.project(gs.zp1().point(point_ix)?, gs.zp0().point(gs.rp0)?);
gs.move_point(gs.zp1, point_ix, distance.wrapping_sub(d))?;
gs.rp1 = gs.rp0;
gs.rp2 = point_ix;
if (opcode & 1) != 0 {
gs.rp0 = point_ix;
/// Move direct absolute point.
/// MDAP\[a\] (0x2E - 0x2F)
/// a: 0: do not round the value
/// 1: round the value
/// Pops: p: point number
/// Sets the reference points rp0 and rp1 equal to point p. If a=1, this
/// instruction rounds point p to the grid point specified by the state
/// variable round_state. If a=0, it simply marks the point as touched in
/// the direction(s) specified by the current freedom_vector. This command
/// is often used to set points in the twilight zone.
/// See <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/tt_instructions#move-direct-absolute-point>
/// and <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/blob/57617782464411201ce7bbc93b086c1b4d7d84a5/src/truetype/ttinterp.c#L5487>
pub(super) fn op_mdap(&mut self, opcode: u8) -> OpResult {
let gs = &mut self.graphics;
let p = self.value_stack.pop_usize()?;
if !gs.is_pedantic && !gs.in_bounds([(gs.zp0, p)]) {
gs.rp0 = p;
gs.rp1 = p;
return Ok(());
let distance = if (opcode & 1) != 0 {
let cur_dist = gs.project(gs.zp0().point(p)?, Default::default());
gs.round(cur_dist) - cur_dist
} else {
gs.move_point(gs.zp0, p, distance)?;
gs.rp0 = p;
gs.rp1 = p;
/// Move indirect absolute point.
/// MIAP\[a\] (0x3E - 0x3F)
/// a: 0: do not round the distance and don't use control value cutin
/// 1: round the distance and use control value cutin
/// Pops: n: CVT entry number
/// p: point number
/// Moves point p to the absolute coordinate position specified by the nth
/// Control Value Table entry. The coordinate is measured along the current
/// projection_vector. If a=1, the position will be rounded as specified by
/// round_state. If a=1, and if the device space difference between the CVT
/// value and the original position is greater than the
/// control_value_cut_in, then the original position will be rounded
/// (instead of the CVT value.)
/// See <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/tt_instructions#move-indirect-absolute-point>
/// and <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/blob/57617782464411201ce7bbc93b086c1b4d7d84a5/src/truetype/ttinterp.c#L5526>
pub(super) fn op_miap(&mut self, opcode: u8) -> OpResult {
let gs = &mut self.graphics;
let cvt_entry = self.value_stack.pop_usize()?;
let point_ix = self.value_stack.pop_usize()?;
let mut distance = self.cvt.get(cvt_entry)?;
if gs.zp0.is_twilight() {
// Special behavior for twilight zone.
// <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/blob/57617782464411201ce7bbc93b086c1b4d7d84a5/src/truetype/ttinterp.c#L5548>
let fv = gs.freedom_vector;
let z = gs.zp0_mut();
let original_point = z.original_mut(point_ix)?;
original_point.x = F26Dot6::from_bits(math::mul14(distance.to_bits(), fv.x));
original_point.y = F26Dot6::from_bits(math::mul14(distance.to_bits(), fv.y));
*z.point_mut(point_ix)? = *original_point;
let original_distance = gs.project(gs.zp0().point(point_ix)?, Default::default());
if (opcode & 1) != 0 {
let delta = (distance.wrapping_sub(original_distance)).abs();
if delta > gs.control_value_cutin {
distance = original_distance;
distance = gs.round(distance);
gs.move_point(gs.zp0, point_ix, distance.wrapping_sub(original_distance))?;
gs.rp0 = point_ix;
gs.rp1 = point_ix;
/// Move direct relative point.
/// MDRP\[abcde\] (0xC0 - 0xDF)
/// a: 0: do not set rp0 to point p after move
/// 1: do set rp0 to point p after move
/// b: 0: do not keep distance greater than or equal to minimum_distance
/// 1: keep distance greater than or equal to minimum_distance
/// c: 0: do not round distance
/// 1: round the distance
/// de: distance type for engine characteristic compensation
/// Pops: p: point number
/// MDRP moves point p along the freedom_vector so that the distance from
/// its new position to the current position of rp0 is the same as the
/// distance between the two points in the original uninstructed outline,
/// and then adjusts it to be consistent with the Boolean settings. Note
/// that it is only the original positions of rp0 and point p and the
/// current position of rp0 that determine the new position of point p
/// along the freedom_vector.
/// See <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/tt_instructions#move-direct-relative-point>
/// and <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/blob/57617782464411201ce7bbc93b086c1b4d7d84a5/src/truetype/ttinterp.c#L5610>
pub(super) fn op_mdrp(&mut self, opcode: u8) -> OpResult {
let gs = &mut self.graphics;
let p = self.value_stack.pop_usize()?;
if !gs.is_pedantic && !gs.in_bounds([(gs.zp1, p), (gs.zp0, gs.rp0)]) {
gs.rp1 = gs.rp0;
gs.rp2 = p;
if (opcode & 16) != 0 {
gs.rp0 = p;
return Ok(());
let mut original_distance = if gs.zp0.is_twilight() || gs.zp1.is_twilight() {
gs.dual_project(gs.zp1().original(p)?, gs.zp0().original(gs.rp0)?)
} else {
let v1 = gs.zp1().unscaled(p);
let v2 = gs.zp0().unscaled(gs.rp0);
let dist = gs.dual_project_unscaled(v1, v2);
F26Dot6::from_bits(math::mul(dist, gs.unscaled_to_pixels()))
let cutin = gs.single_width_cutin;
let value = gs.single_width;
if cutin > F26Dot6::ZERO
&& original_distance < value + cutin
&& original_distance > value - cutin
original_distance = if original_distance >= F26Dot6::ZERO {
} else {
// round flag
let mut distance = if (opcode & 4) != 0 {
} else {
// minimum distance flag
if (opcode & 8) != 0 {
let min_distance = gs.min_distance;
if original_distance >= F26Dot6::ZERO {
if distance < min_distance {
distance = min_distance;
} else if distance > -min_distance {
distance = -min_distance;
original_distance = gs.project(gs.zp1().point(p)?, gs.zp0().point(gs.rp0)?);
gs.move_point(gs.zp1, p, distance.wrapping_sub(original_distance))?;
gs.rp1 = gs.rp0;
gs.rp2 = p;
if (opcode & 16) != 0 {
gs.rp0 = p;
/// Move indirect relative point.
/// MIRP\[abcde\] (0xE0 - 0xFF)
/// a: 0: do not set rp0 to point p after move
/// 1: do set rp0 to point p after move
/// b: 0: do not keep distance greater than or equal to minimum_distance
/// 1: keep distance greater than or equal to minimum_distance
/// c: 0: do not round distance and do not look at control_value_cutin
/// 1: round the distance and look at control_value_cutin
/// de: distance type for engine characteristic compensation
/// Pops: n: CVT entry number
/// p: point number
/// A MIRP instruction makes it possible to preserve the distance between
/// two points subject to a number of qualifications. Depending upon the
/// setting of Boolean flag b, the distance can be kept greater than or
/// equal to the value established by the minimum_distance state variable.
/// Similarly, the instruction can be set to round the distance according
/// to the round_state graphics state variable. The value of the minimum
/// distance variable is the smallest possible value the distance between
/// two points can be rounded to. Additionally, if the c Boolean is set,
/// the MIRP instruction acts subject to the control_value_cut_in. If the
/// difference between the actual measurement and the value in the CVT is
/// sufficiently small (less than the cut_in_value), the CVT value will be
/// used and not the actual value. If the device space difference between
/// this distance from the CVT and the single_width_value is smaller than
/// the single_width_cut_in, then use the single_width_value rather than
/// the outline or Control Value Table distance.
/// See <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/tt_instructions#move-indirect-relative-point>
/// and <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/blob/57617782464411201ce7bbc93b086c1b4d7d84a5/src/truetype/ttinterp.c#L5731>
pub(super) fn op_mirp(&mut self, opcode: u8) -> OpResult {
let gs = &mut self.graphics;
let n = (self.value_stack.pop()? + 1) as usize;
let p = self.value_stack.pop_usize()?;
if !gs.is_pedantic
&& (!gs.in_bounds([(gs.zp1, p), (gs.zp0, gs.rp0)]) || (n > self.cvt.len()))
gs.rp1 = gs.rp0;
if (opcode & 16) != 0 {
gs.rp0 = p;
gs.rp2 = p;
return Ok(());
let mut cvt_distance = if n == 0 {
} else {
self.cvt.get(n - 1)?
// single width test
let cutin = gs.single_width_cutin;
let value = gs.single_width;
let mut delta = cvt_distance.wrapping_sub(value).abs();
if delta < cutin {
cvt_distance = if cvt_distance >= F26Dot6::ZERO {
} else {
if gs.zp1.is_twilight() {
let fv = gs.freedom_vector;
let point = {
let d = cvt_distance.to_bits();
let p2 = gs.zp0().original(gs.rp0)?;
let p1 = gs.zp1_mut().original_mut(p)?;
p1.x = p2.x + F26Dot6::from_bits(math::mul(d, fv.x));
p1.y = p2.y + F26Dot6::from_bits(math::mul(d, fv.y));
*gs.zp1_mut().point_mut(p)? = point;
let original_distance = gs.dual_project(gs.zp1().original(p)?, gs.zp0().original(gs.rp0)?);
let current_distance = gs.project(gs.zp1().point(p)?, gs.zp0().point(gs.rp0)?);
// auto flip test
if gs.auto_flip && (original_distance.to_bits() ^ cvt_distance.to_bits()) < 0 {
cvt_distance = -cvt_distance;
// control value cutin and round
let mut distance = if (opcode & 4) != 0 {
if gs.zp0 == gs.zp1 {
delta = cvt_distance.wrapping_sub(original_distance).abs();
if delta > gs.control_value_cutin {
cvt_distance = original_distance;
} else {
// minimum distance test
if (opcode & 8) != 0 {
let min_distance = gs.min_distance;
if original_distance >= F26Dot6::ZERO {
if distance < min_distance {
distance = min_distance
} else if distance > -min_distance {
distance = -min_distance
gs.move_point(gs.zp1, p, distance.wrapping_sub(current_distance))?;
gs.rp1 = gs.rp0;
if (opcode & 16) != 0 {
gs.rp0 = p;
gs.rp2 = p;
/// Align relative point.
/// ALIGNRP[] (0x3C)
/// Pops: p: point number (uint32)
/// Uses the loop counter.
/// Reduces the distance between rp0 and point p to zero. Since distance
/// is measured along the projection_vector and movement is along the
/// freedom_vector, the effect of the instruction is to align points.
/// See <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/tt_instructions#align-relative-point>
/// and <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/blob/57617782464411201ce7bbc93b086c1b4d7d84a5/src/truetype/ttinterp.c#L5882>
pub(super) fn op_alignrp(&mut self) -> OpResult {
let gs = &mut self.graphics;
let count = gs.loop_counter;
gs.loop_counter = 1;
for _ in 0..count {
let p = self.value_stack.pop_usize()?;
let distance = gs.project(gs.zp1().point(p)?, gs.zp0().point(gs.rp0)?);
gs.move_point(gs.zp1, p, -distance)?;
/// Move point to intersection of two lines.
/// ISECT[] (0x0F)
/// Pops: b1: end point of line 2
/// b0: start point of line 2
/// a1: end point of line 1
/// a0: start point of line 1
/// p: point to move.
/// Puts point p at the intersection of the lines A and B. The points a0
/// and a1 define line A. Similarly, b0 and b1 define line B. ISECT
/// ignores the freedom_vector in moving point p.
/// See <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/tt_instructions#moves-point-p-to-the-intersection-of-two-lines>
/// and <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/blob/57617782464411201ce7bbc93b086c1b4d7d84a5/src/truetype/ttinterp.c#L5934>
pub(super) fn op_isect(&mut self) -> OpResult {
let gs = &mut self.graphics;
let b1 = self.value_stack.pop_usize()?;
let b0 = self.value_stack.pop_usize()?;
let a1 = self.value_stack.pop_usize()?;
let a0 = self.value_stack.pop_usize()?;
let point_ix = self.value_stack.pop_usize()?;
// Lots of funky fixed point math so just map these to i32 to avoid
// a bunch of wrapping/unwrapping.
// To shreds you say!
let [pa0, pa1] = {
let z = gs.zp1();
[z.point(a0)?, z.point(a1)?].map(|p| p.map(F26Dot6::to_bits))
let [pb0, pb1] = {
let z = gs.zp0();
[z.point(b0)?, z.point(b1)?].map(|p| p.map(F26Dot6::to_bits))
let dbx = pb1.x - pb0.x;
let dby = pb1.y - pb0.y;
let dax = pa1.x - pa0.x;
let day = pa1.y - pa0.y;
let dx = pb0.x - pa0.x;
let dy = pb0.y - pa0.y;
use math::mul_div;
let discriminant = mul_div(dax, -dby, 0x40) + mul_div(day, dbx, 0x40);
let dotproduct = mul_div(dax, dbx, 0x40) + mul_div(day, dby, 0x40);
// Useful context from FreeType:
// "The discriminant above is actually a cross product of vectors
// da and db. Together with the dot product, they can be used as
// surrogates for sine and cosine of the angle between the vectors.
// Indeed,
// dotproduct = |da||db|cos(angle)
// discriminant = |da||db|sin(angle)
// We use these equations to reject grazing intersections by
// thresholding abs(tan(angle)) at 1/19, corresponding to 3 degrees."
// See <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/blob/57617782464411201ce7bbc93b086c1b4d7d84a5/src/truetype/ttinterp.c#L5986>
if 19 * discriminant.abs() > dotproduct.abs() {
let v = mul_div(dx, -dby, 0x40) + mul_div(dy, dbx, 0x40);
let x = mul_div(v, dax, discriminant);
let y = mul_div(v, day, discriminant);
let point = gs.zp2_mut().point_mut(point_ix)?;
point.x = F26Dot6::from_bits(pa0.x + x);
point.y = F26Dot6::from_bits(pa0.y + y);
} else {
let point = gs.zp2_mut().point_mut(point_ix)?;
point.x = F26Dot6::from_bits((pa0.x + pa1.x + pb0.x + pb1.x) / 4);
point.y = F26Dot6::from_bits((pa0.y + pa1.y + pb0.y + pb1.y) / 4);
gs.zp2_mut().touch(point_ix, CoordAxis::Both)?;
/// Align points.
/// ALIGNPTS[] (0x27)
/// Pops: p1: point number
/// p2: point number
/// Makes the distance between point 1 and point 2 zero by moving both
/// along the freedom_vector to the average of both their projections
/// along the projection_vector.
/// See <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/tt_instructions#align-points>
/// and <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/blob/57617782464411201ce7bbc93b086c1b4d7d84a5/src/truetype/ttinterp.c#L6030>
pub(super) fn op_alignpts(&mut self) -> OpResult {
let p2 = self.value_stack.pop_usize()?;
let p1 = self.value_stack.pop_usize()?;
let gs = &mut self.graphics;
let distance = F26Dot6::from_bits(
gs.project(gs.zp0().point(p2)?, gs.zp1().point(p1)?)
/ 2,
gs.move_point(gs.zp1, p1, distance)?;
gs.move_point(gs.zp0, p2, -distance)?;
/// Interpolate point by last relative stretch.
/// IP[] (0x39)
/// Pops: p: point number
/// Uses the loop counter.
/// Moves point p so that its relationship to rp1 and rp2 is the same as it
/// was in the original uninstructed outline. Measurements are made along
/// the projection_vector, and movement to satisfy the interpolation
/// relationship is constrained to be along the freedom_vector. This
/// instruction is not valid if rp1 and rp2 have the same position on the
/// projection_vector.
/// See <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/tt_instructions#interpolate-point-by-the-last-relative-stretch>
/// and <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/blob/57617782464411201ce7bbc93b086c1b4d7d84a5/src/truetype/ttinterp.c#L6065>
pub(super) fn op_ip(&mut self) -> OpResult {
let gs = &mut self.graphics;
let count = gs.loop_counter;
gs.loop_counter = 1;
if !gs.is_pedantic && !gs.in_bounds([(gs.zp0, gs.rp1), (gs.zp1, gs.rp2)]) {
return Ok(());
let in_twilight = gs.zp0.is_twilight() || gs.zp1.is_twilight() || gs.zp2.is_twilight();
let orus_base = if in_twilight {
} else {
let cur_base = gs.zp0().point(gs.rp1)?;
let old_range = if in_twilight {
gs.dual_project(gs.zp1().original(gs.rp2)?, orus_base)
} else {
gs.dual_project(gs.zp1().unscaled(gs.rp2).map(F26Dot6::from_bits), orus_base)
let cur_range = gs.project(gs.zp1().point(gs.rp2)?, cur_base);
for _ in 0..count {
let point = self.value_stack.pop_usize()?;
if !gs.is_pedantic && !gs.in_bounds([(gs.zp2, point)]) {
let original_distance = if in_twilight {
gs.dual_project(gs.zp2().original(point)?, orus_base)
} else {
gs.dual_project(gs.zp2().unscaled(point).map(F26Dot6::from_bits), orus_base)
let cur_distance = gs.project(gs.zp2().point(point)?, cur_base);
let new_distance = if original_distance != F26Dot6::ZERO {
if old_range != F26Dot6::ZERO {
} else {
} else {
gs.move_point(gs.zp2, point, new_distance.wrapping_sub(cur_distance))?;
/// Interpolate untouched points through the outline.
/// IUP\[a\] (0x30 - 0x31)
/// a: 0: interpolate in the y-direction
/// 1: interpolate in the x-direction
/// Considers a glyph contour by contour, moving any untouched points in
/// each contour that are between a pair of touched points. If the
/// coordinates of an untouched point were originally between those of
/// the touched pair, it is linearly interpolated between the new
/// coordinates, otherwise the untouched point is shifted by the amount
/// the nearest touched point is shifted.
/// See <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/tt_instructions#interpolate-untouched-points-through-the-outline>
/// and <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/blob/57617782464411201ce7bbc93b086c1b4d7d84a5/src/truetype/ttinterp.c#L6391>
pub(super) fn op_iup(&mut self, opcode: u8) -> OpResult {
let gs = &mut self.graphics;
let axis = if (opcode & 1) != 0 {
} else {
let mut run = true;
// In backward compatibility mode, allow IUP until it has been done on
// both axes.
if gs.backward_compatibility {
if gs.did_iup_x && gs.did_iup_y {
run = false;
if axis == CoordAxis::X {
gs.did_iup_x = true;
} else {
gs.did_iup_y = true;
if run {
/// Untouch point.
/// UTP[] (0x29)
/// Pops: p: point number (uint32)
/// Marks point p as untouched. A point may be touched in the x direction,
/// the y direction, both, or neither. This instruction uses the current
/// freedom_vector to determine whether to untouch the point in the
/// x-direction, the y direction, or both. Points that are marked as
/// untouched will be moved by an IUP (interpolate untouched points)
/// instruction. Using UTP you can ensure that a point will be affected
/// by IUP even if it was previously touched.
/// See <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/tt_instructions#untouch-point>
/// and <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/blob/57617782464411201ce7bbc93b086c1b4d7d84a5/src/truetype/ttinterp.c#L6222>
pub(super) fn op_utp(&mut self) -> OpResult {
let p = self.value_stack.pop_usize()?;
let coord_axis = match (
self.graphics.freedom_vector.x != 0,
self.graphics.freedom_vector.y != 0,
) {
(true, true) => Some(CoordAxis::Both),
(true, false) => Some(CoordAxis::X),
(false, true) => Some(CoordAxis::Y),
(false, false) => None,
if let Some(coord_axis) = coord_axis {
self.graphics.zp0_mut().untouch(p, coord_axis)?;
/// Helper for FLIPRGON and FLIPRGOFF.
fn set_on_curve_for_range(&mut self, on: bool) -> OpResult {
// high_point is inclusive but Zone::set_on_curve takes an exclusive
// range
let high_point = self.value_stack.pop_usize()? + 1;
let low_point = self.value_stack.pop_usize()?;
// In backward compatibility mode, don't flip points after IUP has
// been done.
if self.graphics.backward_compatibility
&& self.graphics.did_iup_x
&& self.graphics.did_iup_y
return Ok(());
.set_on_curve(low_point, high_point, on)
mod tests {
use super::{super::MockEngine, math, CoordAxis, Engine, ZonePointer};
use raw::{
tables::glyf::{bytecode::Opcode, PointMarker},
types::{F26Dot6, Point},
fn flip_point() {
let mut mock = MockEngine::new();
let mut engine = mock.engine();
// Points all start as off-curve in the mock engine.
// Flip every odd point in the first 10
let count = 5;
// First, set the loop counter:
// Now push the point indices
for i in (1..=9).step_by(2) {
assert_eq!(engine.value_stack.len(), count as usize);
// And flip!
let flags = &engine.graphics.zones[1].flags;
for i in 0..10 {
// Odd points are now on-curve
assert_eq!(flags[i].is_on_curve(), i & 1 != 0);
/// Backward compat + IUP state prevents flipping.
fn state_prevents_flip_point() {
let mut mock = MockEngine::new();
let mut engine = mock.engine();
// Points all start as off-curve in the mock engine.
// Flip every odd point in the first 10
let count = 5;
// First, set the loop counter:
// Now push the point indices
for i in (1..=9).step_by(2) {
assert_eq!(engine.value_stack.len(), count as usize);
// Prevent flipping
engine.graphics.backward_compatibility = true;
engine.graphics.did_iup_x = true;
engine.graphics.did_iup_y = true;
// But try anyway
let flags = &engine.graphics.zones[1].flags;
for i in 0..10 {
// All points are still off-curve
fn flip_range_on_off() {
let mut mock = MockEngine::new();
let mut engine = mock.engine();
// Points all start as off-curve in the mock engine.
// Flip 10..=20 on
for (i, flag) in engine.graphics.zones[1].flags.iter().enumerate() {
assert_eq!(flag.is_on_curve(), (10..=20).contains(&i));
// Now flip 12..=15 off
for (i, flag) in engine.graphics.zones[1].flags.iter().enumerate() {
(10..=11).contains(&i) || (16..=20).contains(&i)
/// Backward compat + IUP state prevents flipping.
fn state_prevents_flip_range_on_off() {
let mut mock = MockEngine::new();
let mut engine = mock.engine();
// Prevent flipping
engine.graphics.backward_compatibility = true;
engine.graphics.did_iup_x = true;
engine.graphics.did_iup_y = true;
// Points all start as off-curve in the mock engine.
// Try to flip 10..=20 on
for flag in engine.graphics.zones[1].flags.iter() {
// Reset all points to on
for flag in engine.graphics.zones[1].flags.iter_mut() {
// Now try to flip 12..=15 off
for flag in engine.graphics.zones[1].flags.iter() {
fn untouch_point() {
let mut mock = MockEngine::new();
let mut engine = mock.engine();
// Touch all points in both axes to start.
let count = engine.graphics.zones[1].points.len();
for i in 0..count {
engine.graphics.zones[1].touch(i, CoordAxis::Both).unwrap();
let mut untouch = |point_ix: usize, fx, fy, marker| {
// Untouch axis is based on freedom vector:
engine.graphics.freedom_vector.x = fx;
engine.graphics.freedom_vector.y = fy;
engine.value_stack.push(point_ix as i32).unwrap();
// Untouch point 0 in x axis
untouch(0, 1, 0, PointMarker::TOUCHED_X);
// Untouch point 1 in y axis
untouch(1, 0, 1, PointMarker::TOUCHED_Y);
// untouch point 2 in both axes
untouch(2, 1, 1, PointMarker::TOUCHED);
fn shp() {
let mut mock = MockEngine::new();
let mut engine = mock.engine();
set_test_vectors(&mut engine);
engine.graphics.backward_compatibility = false;
engine.graphics.zp0 = ZonePointer::Glyph;
engine.graphics.zp2 = ZonePointer::Glyph;
engine.graphics.rp2 = 1;
let point = engine.graphics.zones[1].point_mut(1).unwrap();
point.x = F26Dot6::from_bits(132);
point.y = F26Dot6::from_bits(-256);
let point = engine.graphics.zones[1].point(1).unwrap();
assert_eq!(point.map(F26Dot6::to_bits), Point::new(136, -254));
fn shc() {
let mut mock = MockEngine::new();
let mut engine = mock.engine();
set_test_vectors(&mut engine);
engine.graphics.backward_compatibility = false;
engine.graphics.zp0 = ZonePointer::Glyph;
engine.graphics.zp2 = ZonePointer::Glyph;
engine.graphics.rp2 = 1;
let point = engine.graphics.zones[1].point_mut(1).unwrap();
point.x = F26Dot6::from_bits(132);
point.y = F26Dot6::from_bits(-256);
let points = engine.graphics.zones[1]
.map(|p| p.map(F26Dot6::to_bits))
&[Point::new(4, 2), Point::new(132, -256), Point::new(4, 2),]
fn shz() {
let mut mock = MockEngine::new();
let mut engine = mock.engine();
set_test_vectors(&mut engine);
engine.graphics.backward_compatibility = false;
engine.graphics.zp0 = ZonePointer::Glyph;
engine.graphics.zp2 = ZonePointer::Glyph;
engine.graphics.rp2 = 1;
let point = engine.graphics.zones[1].point_mut(1).unwrap();
point.x = F26Dot6::from_bits(132);
point.y = F26Dot6::from_bits(-256);
let points = engine.graphics.zones[1]
.map(|p| p.map(F26Dot6::to_bits))
&[Point::new(4, 2), Point::new(132, -256), Point::new(4, 2),]
fn shpix() {
let mut mock = MockEngine::new();
let mut engine = mock.engine();
set_test_vectors(&mut engine);
engine.graphics.backward_compatibility = false;
engine.graphics.zp2 = ZonePointer::Glyph;
let point = engine.graphics.zones[1].point_mut(1).unwrap();
point.x = F26Dot6::from_bits(132);
point.y = F26Dot6::from_bits(-256);
// point index
// amount to move in pixels along freedom vector
let point = engine.graphics.zones[1].point(1).unwrap();
assert_eq!(point.map(F26Dot6::to_bits), Point::new(170, -237));
fn msirp() {
let mut mock = MockEngine::new();
let mut engine = mock.engine();
set_test_vectors(&mut engine);
engine.graphics.backward_compatibility = false;
engine.graphics.zp0 = ZonePointer::Glyph;
engine.graphics.zp1 = ZonePointer::Glyph;
let point = engine.graphics.zones[1].point_mut(1).unwrap();
point.x = F26Dot6::from_bits(132);
point.y = F26Dot6::from_bits(-256);
// point index
// amount to move in pixels along freedom vector
let point = engine.graphics.zones[1].point(1).unwrap();
assert_eq!(point.map(F26Dot6::to_bits), Point::new(91, -277));
assert_eq!(engine.graphics.rp0, 0);
// opcode with bit 0 set changes rp0 to point_ix
assert_eq!(engine.graphics.rp0, 4);
fn mdap() {
let mut mock = MockEngine::new();
let mut engine = mock.engine();
set_test_vectors(&mut engine);
engine.graphics.backward_compatibility = false;
engine.graphics.zp0 = ZonePointer::Glyph;
// with rounding
engine.set_point_f26dot6(1, 1, (132, -256));
let point = engine.graphics.zones[1].point(1).unwrap();
assert_eq!(point.map(F26Dot6::to_bits), Point::new(128, -258));
// without rounding
engine.set_point_f26dot6(1, 2, (132, -256));
let point = engine.graphics.zones[1].point(2).unwrap();
assert_eq!(point.map(F26Dot6::to_bits), Point::new(132, -256));
fn miap() {
let mut mock = MockEngine::new();
let mut engine = mock.engine();
set_test_vectors(&mut engine);
engine.graphics.backward_compatibility = false;
engine.graphics.zp0 = ZonePointer::Glyph;
// set a CVT distance
engine.cvt.set(1, F26Dot6::from_f64(0.75)).unwrap();
// with rounding
engine.set_point_f26dot6(1, 1, (132, -256));
let point = engine.graphics.zones[1].point(1).unwrap();
assert_eq!(point.map(F26Dot6::to_bits), Point::new(186, -229));
// without rounding
engine.set_point_f26dot6(1, 2, (132, -256));
let point = engine.graphics.zones[1].point(2).unwrap();
assert_eq!(point.map(F26Dot6::to_bits), Point::new(171, -236));
/// Tests bit 'a' of MDRP which just sets rp0 to the adjusted point
/// after move.
fn mdrp_rp0() {
let mut mock = MockEngine::new();
let mut engine = mock.engine();
engine.graphics.rp0 = 0;
// Don't change rp0
engine.op_mdrp(Opcode::MDRP00000 as _).unwrap();
assert_eq!(engine.graphics.rp0, 0);
// Change rp0
engine.op_mdrp(Opcode::MDRP10000 as _).unwrap();
assert_eq!(engine.graphics.rp0, 1);
/// Test bit "b" which controls whether distances are adjusted
/// to the minimum_distance field of GraphicsState.
fn mdrp_mindist() {
let mut mock = MockEngine::new();
let mut engine = mock.engine();
set_test_vectors(&mut engine);
engine.graphics.backward_compatibility = false;
engine.graphics.zp0 = ZonePointer::Glyph;
// without min distance check
engine.set_point_f26dot6(1, 1, (132, -256));
engine.op_mdrp(Opcode::MDRP00000 as _).unwrap();
let point = engine.graphics.zones[1].point(1).unwrap();
assert_eq!(point.map(F26Dot6::to_bits), Point::new(128, -258));
// with min distance check
engine.set_point_f26dot6(1, 2, (132, -256));
engine.op_mdrp(Opcode::MDRP01000 as _).unwrap();
let point = engine.graphics.zones[1].point(2).unwrap();
assert_eq!(point.map(F26Dot6::to_bits), Point::new(186, -229));
/// Test bit "c" which controls whether distances are rounded.
fn mdrp_round() {
let mut mock = MockEngine::new();
let mut engine = mock.engine();
set_test_vectors(&mut engine);
engine.graphics.backward_compatibility = false;
engine.graphics.zp0 = ZonePointer::Glyph;
// without rounding
engine.set_point_f26dot6(1, 1, (132, -231));
engine.op_mdrp(Opcode::MDRP00000 as _).unwrap();
let point = engine.graphics.zones[1].point(1).unwrap();
assert_eq!(point.map(F26Dot6::to_bits), Point::new(119, -238));
// with rounding
engine.set_point_f26dot6(1, 2, (132, -231));
engine.op_mdrp(Opcode::MDRP00100 as _).unwrap();
let point = engine.graphics.zones[1].point(2).unwrap();
assert_eq!(point.map(F26Dot6::to_bits), Point::new(147, -223));
/// Tests bit 'a' of MIRP which just sets rp0 to the adjusted point
/// after move.
fn mirp_rp0() {
let mut mock = MockEngine::new();
let mut engine = mock.engine();
engine.graphics.rp0 = 0;
// Don't change rp0
engine.op_mirp(Opcode::MIRP00000 as _).unwrap();
assert_eq!(engine.graphics.rp0, 0);
// Change rp0
engine.op_mirp(Opcode::MIRP10000 as _).unwrap();
assert_eq!(engine.graphics.rp0, 1);
/// Test bit "b" which controls whether distances are adjusted
/// to the minimum_distance field of GraphicsState.
fn mirp_mindist() {
let mut mock = MockEngine::new();
let mut engine = mock.engine();
set_test_vectors(&mut engine);
engine.graphics.backward_compatibility = false;
engine.graphics.zp0 = ZonePointer::Glyph;
// set a CVT distance
engine.cvt.set(1, F26Dot6::from_f64(0.75)).unwrap();
// without min distance check
engine.set_point_f26dot6(1, 1, (132, -256));
engine.op_mirp(Opcode::MIRP00000 as _).unwrap();
let point = engine.graphics.zones[1].point(1).unwrap();
assert_eq!(point.map(F26Dot6::to_bits), Point::new(171, -236));
// with min distance check
engine.set_point_f26dot6(1, 2, (132, -256));
engine.op_mirp(Opcode::MIRP01000 as _).unwrap();
let point = engine.graphics.zones[1].point(2).unwrap();
assert_eq!(point.map(F26Dot6::to_bits), Point::new(186, -229));
/// Test bit "c" which controls whether distances are rounded.
fn mirp_round() {
let mut mock = MockEngine::new();
let mut engine = mock.engine();
set_test_vectors(&mut engine);
engine.graphics.backward_compatibility = false;
engine.graphics.zp0 = ZonePointer::Glyph;
// set a CVT distance
engine.cvt.set(1, F26Dot6::from_f64(0.75)).unwrap();
// without rounding
engine.set_point_f26dot6(1, 1, (132, -231));
engine.op_mirp(Opcode::MIRP00000 as _).unwrap();
let point = engine.graphics.zones[1].point(1).unwrap();
assert_eq!(point.map(F26Dot6::to_bits), Point::new(162, -216));
// with rounding
engine.set_point_f26dot6(1, 2, (132, -231));
engine.op_mirp(Opcode::MIRP00100 as _).unwrap();
let point = engine.graphics.zones[1].point(2).unwrap();
assert_eq!(point.map(F26Dot6::to_bits), Point::new(147, -223));
fn alignrp() {
let mut mock = MockEngine::new();
let mut engine = mock.engine();
set_test_vectors(&mut engine);
engine.graphics.backward_compatibility = false;
engine.graphics.zp0 = ZonePointer::Glyph;
engine.graphics.zp1 = ZonePointer::Glyph;
engine.graphics.rp0 = 0;
engine.set_point_f26dot6(1, 0, (132, -231));
engine.set_point_f26dot6(1, 1, (-72, 109));
let point = engine.graphics.zones[1].point(1).unwrap();
assert_eq!(point.map(F26Dot6::to_bits), Point::new(-45, 122));
fn isect() {
let mut mock = MockEngine::new();
let mut engine = mock.engine();
engine.graphics.zp0 = ZonePointer::Glyph;
engine.graphics.zp1 = ZonePointer::Glyph;
engine.graphics.rp0 = 0;
// Two points for line 1
engine.set_point_f26dot6(1, 0, (0, 0));
engine.set_point_f26dot6(1, 1, (100, 100));
// And two more for line 2
engine.set_point_f26dot6(1, 2, (0, 100));
engine.set_point_f26dot6(1, 3, (100, 0));
// Push point numbers: first is the point where the
// intersection should be stored.
for ix in [4, 0, 1, 2, 3] {
let point = engine.graphics.zones[1].point(4).unwrap();
assert_eq!(point.map(F26Dot6::to_bits), Point::new(50, 50));
fn alignpts() {
let mut mock = MockEngine::new();
let mut engine = mock.engine();
set_test_vectors(&mut engine);
engine.graphics.backward_compatibility = false;
engine.graphics.zp0 = ZonePointer::Glyph;
engine.graphics.zp1 = ZonePointer::Glyph;
engine.set_point_f26dot6(1, 0, (132, -231));
engine.set_point_f26dot6(1, 1, (-72, 109));
let p1 = engine.graphics.zones[1].point(0).unwrap();
let p2 = engine.graphics.zones[1].point(1).unwrap();
assert_eq!(p1.map(F26Dot6::to_bits), Point::new(119, -238));
assert_eq!(p2.map(F26Dot6::to_bits), Point::new(-59, 116));
fn ip() {
let mut mock = MockEngine::new();
let mut engine = mock.engine();
set_test_vectors(&mut engine);
engine.graphics.backward_compatibility = false;
engine.graphics.zp0 = ZonePointer::Glyph;
engine.graphics.zp1 = ZonePointer::Glyph;
engine.graphics.zp2 = ZonePointer::Glyph;
engine.graphics.rp1 = 2;
engine.graphics.rp2 = 3;
engine.set_point_f26dot6(1, 2, (72, -109));
engine.set_point_f26dot6(1, 1, (132, -231));
let point = engine.graphics.zones[1].point(1).unwrap();
assert_eq!(point.map(F26Dot6::to_bits), Point::new(147, -223));
fn iup_flags() {
// IUP shift and interpolate logic is tested in ../zone.rs so just
// check the flags here.
let mut mock = MockEngine::new();
let mut engine = mock.engine();
// IUP[y]
// IUP[x]
fn set_test_vectors(engine: &mut Engine) {
let v = math::normalize14(100, 50);
engine.graphics.proj_vector = v;
engine.graphics.dual_proj_vector = v;
engine.graphics.freedom_vector = v;
impl Engine<'_> {
fn set_point_f26dot6(&mut self, zone_ix: usize, point_ix: usize, xy: (i32, i32)) {
let p = self.graphics.zones[zone_ix].point_mut(point_ix).unwrap();
p.x = F26Dot6::from_bits(xy.0);
p.y = F26Dot6::from_bits(xy.1);