
//! Axes of variation in a variable font.

use read_fonts::{
    tables::fvar::{self, Fvar},
    types::{Fixed, Tag},

use crate::{
    instance::{Location, NormalizedCoord},

/// Axis of variation in a variable font.
/// In variable fonts, an axis usually refers to a single aspect of a
/// typeface's design that can be altered by the user.
/// See <>
pub struct Axis {
    index: usize,
    record: fvar::VariationAxisRecord,

impl Axis {
    /// Returns the tag that identifies the axis.
    pub fn tag(&self) -> Tag {

    /// Returns the index of the axis in its owning collection.
    pub fn index(&self) -> usize {

    /// Returns the localized string identifier for the name of the axis.
    pub fn name_id(&self) -> StringId {

    /// Returns true if the axis should be hidden in user interfaces.
    pub fn is_hidden(&self) -> bool {
        const AXIS_HIDDEN_FLAG: u16 = 0x1;
        self.record.flags() & AXIS_HIDDEN_FLAG != 0

    /// Returns the minimum value of the axis.
    pub fn min_value(&self) -> f32 {
        self.record.min_value().to_f64() as _

    /// Returns the default value of the axis.
    pub fn default_value(&self) -> f32 {
        self.record.default_value().to_f64() as _

    /// Returns the maximum value of the axis.
    pub fn max_value(&self) -> f32 {
        self.record.max_value().to_f64() as _

    /// Returns a normalized coordinate for the given user coordinate.
    /// The value will be clamped to the range specified by the minimum
    /// and maximum values.
    /// This does not apply any axis variation remapping.
    pub fn normalize(&self, coord: f32) -> NormalizedCoord {
            .normalize(Fixed::from_f64(coord as _))

/// Collection of axes in a variable font.
/// Converts user ([fvar](
/// locations to normalized locations. See [`Self::location`].
/// See the [`Axis`] type for more detail.
pub struct AxisCollection<'a> {
    fvar: Option<Fvar<'a>>,
    avar: Option<Avar<'a>>,

impl<'a> AxisCollection<'a> {
    /// Creates a new axis collection from the given font.
    pub fn new(font: &impl TableProvider<'a>) -> Self {
        let fvar = font.fvar().ok();
        let avar = font.avar().ok();
        Self { fvar, avar }

    /// Returns the number of variation axes in the font.
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
            .map(|fvar| fvar.axis_count() as usize)

    /// Returns true if the collection is empty.
    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        self.len() == 0

    /// Returns the axis at the given index.
    pub fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<Axis> {
        let record = *self.fvar.as_ref()?.axes().ok()?.get(index)?;
        Some(Axis { index, record })

    /// Returns the axis with the given tag.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust
    /// # use skrifa::prelude::*;
    /// # fn wrapper(font: &FontRef) {
    /// let opsz = Tag::new(b"opsz");
    /// assert_eq!(font.axes().get_by_tag(opsz).unwrap().tag(), opsz);
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub fn get_by_tag(&self, tag: Tag) -> Option<Axis> {
        self.iter().find(|axis| axis.tag() == tag)

    /// Given an iterator of variation settings in user space, computes an
    /// ordered sequence of normalized coordinates.
    /// * Setting selectors that don't match an axis are ignored.
    /// * Setting values are clamped to the range of their associated axis
    ///     before normalization.
    /// * If more than one setting for an axis is provided, the last one is
    ///     used.
    /// * Omitted settings are set to 0.0, representing the default position
    ///     in variation space.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust
    /// # use skrifa::prelude::*;
    /// # fn wrapper(font: &FontRef) {
    /// let location = font.axes().location([("wght", 250.0), ("wdth", 75.0)]);
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub fn location<I>(&self, settings: I) -> Location
        I: IntoIterator,
        I::Item: Into<VariationSetting>,
        let mut location = Location::new(self.len());
        self.location_to_slice(settings, location.coords_mut());

    /// Given an iterator of variation settings in user space, computes an
    /// ordered sequence of normalized coordinates and stores them in the
    /// target slice.
    /// * Setting selectors that don't match an axis are ignored.
    /// * Setting values are clamped to the range of their associated axis
    ///     before normalization.
    /// * If more than one setting for an axis is provided, the last one is
    ///     used.
    /// * If no setting for an axis is provided, the associated coordinate is
    ///     set to the normalized value 0.0, representing the default position
    ///     in variation space.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust
    /// # use skrifa::prelude::*;
    /// # fn wrapper(font: &FontRef) {
    /// let axes = font.axes();
    /// let mut location = vec![NormalizedCoord::default(); axes.len()];
    /// axes.location_to_slice([("wght", 250.0), ("wdth", 75.0)], &mut location);
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub fn location_to_slice<I>(&self, settings: I, location: &mut [NormalizedCoord])
        I: IntoIterator,
        I::Item: Into<VariationSetting>,
        for coord in location.iter_mut() {
            *coord = NormalizedCoord::default();
        let avar_mappings = self.avar.as_ref().map(|avar| avar.axis_segment_maps());
        for setting in settings.into_iter() {
            let setting = setting.into();
            // To permit non-linear interpolation, iterate over all axes to ensure we match
            // multiple axes with the same tag:
            // We accept quadratic behavior here to avoid dynamic allocation and with the assumption
            // that fonts contain a relatively small number of axes.
            for (i, axis) in self
                .filter(|v| v.1.tag() == setting.selector)
                if let Some(target_coord) = location.get_mut(i) {
                    let coord = axis.record.normalize(Fixed::from_f64(setting.value as f64));
                    *target_coord = avar_mappings
                        .and_then(|mappings| mappings.get(i).transpose().ok())
                        .map(|mapping| mapping.apply(coord))

    /// Given an iterator of variation settings in user space, returns a
    /// new iterator yielding those settings that are valid for this axis
    /// collection.
    /// * Setting selectors that don't match an axis are dropped.
    /// * If more than one setting for an axis is provided, the last one is
    ///     retained.
    /// * Setting values are clamped to the range of their associated axis.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust
    /// # use skrifa::prelude::*;
    /// # fn wrapper(font: &FontRef) {
    /// // Assuming a font contains a single "wght" (weight) axis with range
    /// // 100-900:
    /// let axes = font.axes();
    /// let filtered: Vec<_> = axes
    ///     .filter([("wght", 400.0), ("opsz", 100.0), ("wght", 1200.0)])
    ///     .collect();
    /// // The first "wght" and "opsz" settings are dropped and the final
    /// // "wght" axis is clamped to the maximum value of 900.
    /// assert_eq!(&filtered, &[("wght", 900.0).into()]);
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub fn filter<I>(&self, settings: I) -> impl Iterator<Item = VariationSetting> + Clone
        I: IntoIterator,
        I::Item: Into<VariationSetting>,
        #[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
        struct Entry {
            tag: Tag,
            min: f32,
            max: f32,
            value: f32,
            present: bool,
        let mut results = SmallVec::<_, 8>::with_len(self.len(), Entry::default());
        for (axis, result) in self.iter().zip(results.as_mut_slice()) {
            result.tag = axis.tag();
            result.min = axis.min_value();
            result.max = axis.max_value();
            result.value = axis.default_value();
        for setting in settings {
            let setting = setting.into();
            for entry in results.as_mut_slice() {
                if entry.tag == setting.selector {
                    entry.value = setting.value.max(entry.min).min(entry.max);
                    entry.present = true;
            .filter(|entry| entry.present)
            .map(|entry| VariationSetting::new(entry.tag, entry.value))

    /// Returns an iterator over the axes in the collection.
    pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Axis> + 'a + Clone {
        let copy = self.clone();
        (0..self.len()).filter_map(move |i| copy.get(i))

/// Named instance of a variation.
/// A set of fixed axis positions selected by the type designer and assigned a
/// name.
/// See <>
pub struct NamedInstance<'a> {
    axes: AxisCollection<'a>,
    record: fvar::InstanceRecord<'a>,

impl<'a> NamedInstance<'a> {
    /// Returns the string identifier for the subfamily name of the instance.
    pub fn subfamily_name_id(&self) -> StringId {

    /// Returns the string identifier for the PostScript name of the instance.
    pub fn postscript_name_id(&self) -> Option<StringId> {

    /// Returns an iterator over the ordered sequence of user space coordinates
    /// that define the instance, one coordinate per axis.
    pub fn user_coords(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = f32> + 'a + Clone {
            .map(|coord| coord.get().to_f64() as _)

    /// Computes a location in normalized variation space for this instance.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust
    /// # use skrifa::prelude::*;
    /// # fn wrapper(font: &FontRef) {
    /// let location = font.named_instances().get(0).unwrap().location();
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub fn location(&self) -> Location {
        let mut location = Location::new(self.axes.len());

    /// Computes a location in normalized variation space for this instance and
    /// stores the result in the given slice.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust
    /// # use skrifa::prelude::*;
    /// # fn wrapper(font: &FontRef) {
    /// let instance = font.named_instances().get(0).unwrap();
    /// let mut location = vec![NormalizedCoord::default(); instance.user_coords().count()];
    /// instance.location_to_slice(&mut location);
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub fn location_to_slice(&self, location: &mut [NormalizedCoord]) {
        let settings = self
            .map(|axis| axis.tag())
        self.axes.location_to_slice(settings, location);

/// Collection of named instances in a variable font.
/// See the [`NamedInstance`] type for more detail.
pub struct NamedInstanceCollection<'a> {
    axes: AxisCollection<'a>,

impl<'a> NamedInstanceCollection<'a> {
    /// Creates a new instance collection from the given font.
    pub fn new(font: &impl TableProvider<'a>) -> Self {
        Self {
            axes: AxisCollection::new(font),

    /// Returns the number of instances in the collection.
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
            .map(|fvar| fvar.instance_count() as usize)

    /// Returns true if the collection is empty.
    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        self.len() == 0

    /// Returns the instance at the given index.
    pub fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<NamedInstance<'a>> {
        let record = self.axes.fvar.as_ref()?.instances().ok()?.get(index).ok()?;
        Some(NamedInstance {
            axes: self.axes.clone(),

    /// Returns an iterator over the instances in the collection.
    pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = NamedInstance<'a>> + 'a + Clone {
        let copy = self.clone();
        (0..self.len()).filter_map(move |i| copy.get(i))

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::MetadataProvider as _;
    use font_test_data::VAZIRMATN_VAR;
    use read_fonts::FontRef;
    use std::str::FromStr;

    fn axis() {
        let font = FontRef::from_index(VAZIRMATN_VAR, 0).unwrap();
        let axis = font.axes().get(0).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(axis.index(), 0);
        assert_eq!(axis.tag(), Tag::new(b"wght"));
        assert_eq!(axis.min_value(), 100.0);
        assert_eq!(axis.default_value(), 400.0);
        assert_eq!(axis.max_value(), 900.0);
        assert_eq!(axis.name_id(), StringId::new(257));

    fn named_instances() {
        let font = FontRef::from_index(VAZIRMATN_VAR, 0).unwrap();
        let named_instances = font.named_instances();
        let thin = named_instances.get(0).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(thin.subfamily_name_id(), StringId::new(258));
        assert_eq!(thin.location().coords(), &[NormalizedCoord::from_f32(-1.0)]);
        let regular = named_instances.get(3).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(regular.subfamily_name_id(), StringId::new(261));
        let bold = named_instances.get(6).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(bold.subfamily_name_id(), StringId::new(264));

    fn location() {
        let font = FontRef::from_index(VAZIRMATN_VAR, 0).unwrap();
        let axes = font.axes();
        let axis = axes.get_by_tag(Tag::from_str("wght").unwrap()).unwrap();
            axes.location([("wght", -1000.0)]).coords(),
            axes.location([("wght", 100.0)]).coords(),
            axes.location([("wght", 200.0)]).coords(),
            axes.location([("wght", 400.0)]).coords(),
        // avar table maps 0.8 to 0.83875
                axis.default_value() + (axis.max_value() - axis.default_value()) * 0.8,
            axes.location([("wght", 900.0)]).coords(),
            axes.location([("wght", 1251.5)]).coords(),

    fn filter() {
        let font = FontRef::from_index(VAZIRMATN_VAR, 0).unwrap();
        // This font contains one wght axis with the range 100-900 and default
        // value of 400.
        let axes = font.axes();
        // Drop axes that are not present in the font
        let drop_missing: Vec<_> = axes.filter(&[("slnt", 25.0), ("wdth", 50.0)]).collect();
        assert_eq!(&drop_missing, &[]);
        // Clamp an out of range value
        let clamp: Vec<_> = axes.filter(&[("wght", 50.0)]).collect();
        assert_eq!(&clamp, &[("wght", 100.0).into()]);
        // Combination of the above two: drop the missing axis and clamp out of range value
        let drop_missing_and_clamp: Vec<_> =
            axes.filter(&[("slnt", 25.0), ("wght", 1000.0)]).collect();
        assert_eq!(&drop_missing_and_clamp, &[("wght", 900.0).into()]);
        // Ensure we take the later value in the case of duplicates
        let drop_duplicate_and_missing: Vec<_> = axes
            .filter(&[("wght", 400.0), ("opsz", 100.0), ("wght", 120.5)])
        assert_eq!(&drop_duplicate_and_missing, &[("wght", 120.5).into()]);