
//! Tokens representing Rust punctuation, keywords, and delimiters.
//! The type names in this module can be difficult to keep straight, so we
//! prefer to use the [`Token!`] macro instead. This is a type-macro that
//! expands to the token type of the given token.
//! [`Token!`]: crate::Token
//! # Example
//! The [`ItemStatic`] syntax tree node is defined like this.
//! [`ItemStatic`]: crate::ItemStatic
//! ```
//! # use syn::{Attribute, Expr, Ident, Token, Type, Visibility};
//! #
//! pub struct ItemStatic {
//!     pub attrs: Vec<Attribute>,
//!     pub vis: Visibility,
//!     pub static_token: Token![static],
//!     pub mutability: Option<Token![mut]>,
//!     pub ident: Ident,
//!     pub colon_token: Token![:],
//!     pub ty: Box<Type>,
//!     pub eq_token: Token![=],
//!     pub expr: Box<Expr>,
//!     pub semi_token: Token![;],
//! }
//! ```
//! # Parsing
//! Keywords and punctuation can be parsed through the [`ParseStream::parse`]
//! method. Delimiter tokens are parsed using the [`parenthesized!`],
//! [`bracketed!`] and [`braced!`] macros.
//! [`ParseStream::parse`]: crate::parse::ParseBuffer::parse()
//! [`parenthesized!`]: crate::parenthesized!
//! [`bracketed!`]: crate::bracketed!
//! [`braced!`]: crate::braced!
//! ```
//! use syn::{Attribute, Result};
//! use syn::parse::{Parse, ParseStream};
//! #
//! # enum ItemStatic {}
//! // Parse the ItemStatic struct shown above.
//! impl Parse for ItemStatic {
//!     fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
//!         # use syn::ItemStatic;
//!         # fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<ItemStatic> {
//!         Ok(ItemStatic {
//!             attrs:,
//!             vis: input.parse()?,
//!             static_token: input.parse()?,
//!             mutability: input.parse()?,
//!             ident: input.parse()?,
//!             colon_token: input.parse()?,
//!             ty: input.parse()?,
//!             eq_token: input.parse()?,
//!             expr: input.parse()?,
//!             semi_token: input.parse()?,
//!         })
//!         # }
//!         # unimplemented!()
//!     }
//! }
//! ```
//! # Other operations
//! Every keyword and punctuation token supports the following operations.
//! - [Peeking] — `input.peek(Token![...])`
//! - [Parsing] — `input.parse::<Token![...]>()?`
//! - [Printing] — `quote!( ... #the_token ... )`
//! - Construction from a [`Span`] — `let the_token = Token![...](sp)`
//! - Field access to its span — `let sp = the_token.span`
//! [Peeking]: crate::parse::ParseBuffer::peek()
//! [Parsing]: crate::parse::ParseBuffer::parse()
//! [Printing]:
//! [`Span`]:

use self::private::WithSpan;
#[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
use crate::buffer::Cursor;
#[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
use crate::error::Result;
#[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
use crate::lifetime::Lifetime;
#[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
use crate::lit::{Lit, LitBool, LitByte, LitByteStr, LitChar, LitFloat, LitInt, LitStr};
#[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
use crate::lookahead;
#[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
use crate::parse::{Parse, ParseStream};
use crate::span::IntoSpans;
#[cfg(any(feature = "parsing", feature = "printing"))]
use proc_macro2::Ident;
use proc_macro2::Span;
#[cfg(feature = "printing")]
use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
#[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
use proc_macro2::{Delimiter, Literal, Punct, TokenTree};
#[cfg(feature = "printing")]
use quote::{ToTokens, TokenStreamExt};
#[cfg(feature = "extra-traits")]
use std::cmp;
#[cfg(feature = "extra-traits")]
use std::fmt::{self, Debug};
#[cfg(feature = "extra-traits")]
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};

/// Marker trait for types that represent single tokens.
/// This trait is sealed and cannot be implemented for types outside of Syn.
#[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
pub trait Token: private::Sealed {
    // Not public API.
    fn peek(cursor: Cursor) -> bool;

    // Not public API.
    fn display() -> &'static str;

mod private {
    use proc_macro2::Span;

    #[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
    pub trait Sealed {}

    /// Support writing `token.span` rather than `token.spans[0]` on tokens that
    /// hold a single span.
    pub struct WithSpan {
        pub span: Span,

#[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
impl private::Sealed for Ident {}

#[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
fn peek_impl(cursor: Cursor, peek: fn(ParseStream) -> bool) -> bool {
    use crate::parse::Unexpected;
    use std::cell::Cell;
    use std::rc::Rc;

    let scope = Span::call_site();
    let unexpected = Rc::new(Cell::new(Unexpected::None));
    let buffer = crate::parse::new_parse_buffer(scope, cursor, unexpected);

macro_rules! impl_token {
    ($display:tt $name:ty) => {
        #[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
        impl Token for $name {
            fn peek(cursor: Cursor) -> bool {
                fn peek(input: ParseStream) -> bool {
                    <$name as Parse>::parse(input).is_ok()
                peek_impl(cursor, peek)

            fn display() -> &'static str {

        #[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
        impl private::Sealed for $name {}

impl_token!("lifetime" Lifetime);
impl_token!("literal" Lit);
impl_token!("string literal" LitStr);
impl_token!("byte string literal" LitByteStr);
impl_token!("byte literal" LitByte);
impl_token!("character literal" LitChar);
impl_token!("integer literal" LitInt);
impl_token!("floating point literal" LitFloat);
impl_token!("boolean literal" LitBool);
impl_token!("group token" proc_macro2::Group);

macro_rules! impl_low_level_token {
    ($display:tt $ty:ident $get:ident) => {
        #[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
        impl Token for $ty {
            fn peek(cursor: Cursor) -> bool {

            fn display() -> &'static str {

        #[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
        impl private::Sealed for $ty {}

impl_low_level_token!("punctuation token" Punct punct);
impl_low_level_token!("literal" Literal literal);
impl_low_level_token!("token" TokenTree token_tree);

// Not public API.
#[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
pub trait CustomToken {
    fn peek(cursor: Cursor) -> bool;
    fn display() -> &'static str;

#[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
impl<T: CustomToken> private::Sealed for T {}

#[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
impl<T: CustomToken> Token for T {
    fn peek(cursor: Cursor) -> bool {
        <Self as CustomToken>::peek(cursor)

    fn display() -> &'static str {
        <Self as CustomToken>::display()

macro_rules! define_keywords {
    ($($token:tt pub struct $name:ident #[$doc:meta])*) => {
            /// Don't try to remember the name of this type &mdash; use the
            /// [`Token!`] macro instead.
            /// [`Token!`]: crate::token
            pub struct $name {
                pub span: Span,

            pub fn $name<S: IntoSpans<[Span; 1]>>(span: S) -> $name {
                $name {
                    span: span.into_spans()[0],

            impl std::default::Default for $name {
                fn default() -> Self {
                    $name {
                        span: Span::call_site(),

            #[cfg(feature = "clone-impls")]
            #[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "clone-impls")))]
            impl Copy for $name {}

            #[cfg(feature = "clone-impls")]
            #[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "clone-impls")))]
            impl Clone for $name {
                fn clone(&self) -> Self {

            #[cfg(feature = "extra-traits")]
            #[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "extra-traits")))]
            impl Debug for $name {
                fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {

            #[cfg(feature = "extra-traits")]
            #[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "extra-traits")))]
            impl cmp::Eq for $name {}

            #[cfg(feature = "extra-traits")]
            #[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "extra-traits")))]
            impl PartialEq for $name {
                fn eq(&self, _other: &$name) -> bool {

            #[cfg(feature = "extra-traits")]
            #[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "extra-traits")))]
            impl Hash for $name {
                fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, _state: &mut H) {}

            #[cfg(feature = "printing")]
            #[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "printing")))]
            impl ToTokens for $name {
                fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
                    printing::keyword($token, self.span, tokens);

            #[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
            #[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "parsing")))]
            impl Parse for $name {
                fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
                    Ok($name {
                        span: parsing::keyword(input, $token)?,

            #[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
            impl Token for $name {
                fn peek(cursor: Cursor) -> bool {
                    parsing::peek_keyword(cursor, $token)

                fn display() -> &'static str {
                    concat!("`", $token, "`")

            #[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
            impl private::Sealed for $name {}

macro_rules! impl_deref_if_len_is_1 {
    ($name:ident/1) => {
        impl Deref for $name {
            type Target = WithSpan;

            fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
                unsafe { &*(self as *const Self as *const WithSpan) }

        impl DerefMut for $name {
            fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
                unsafe { &mut *(self as *mut Self as *mut WithSpan) }

    ($name:ident/$len:tt) => {};

macro_rules! define_punctuation_structs {
    ($($token:tt pub struct $name:ident/$len:tt #[$doc:meta])*) => {
            /// Don't try to remember the name of this type &mdash; use the
            /// [`Token!`] macro instead.
            /// [`Token!`]: crate::token
            pub struct $name {
                pub spans: [Span; $len],

            pub fn $name<S: IntoSpans<[Span; $len]>>(spans: S) -> $name {
                $name {
                    spans: spans.into_spans(),

            impl std::default::Default for $name {
                fn default() -> Self {
                    $name {
                        spans: [Span::call_site(); $len],

            #[cfg(feature = "clone-impls")]
            #[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "clone-impls")))]
            impl Copy for $name {}

            #[cfg(feature = "clone-impls")]
            #[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "clone-impls")))]
            impl Clone for $name {
                fn clone(&self) -> Self {

            #[cfg(feature = "extra-traits")]
            #[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "extra-traits")))]
            impl Debug for $name {
                fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {

            #[cfg(feature = "extra-traits")]
            #[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "extra-traits")))]
            impl cmp::Eq for $name {}

            #[cfg(feature = "extra-traits")]
            #[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "extra-traits")))]
            impl PartialEq for $name {
                fn eq(&self, _other: &$name) -> bool {

            #[cfg(feature = "extra-traits")]
            #[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "extra-traits")))]
            impl Hash for $name {
                fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, _state: &mut H) {}


macro_rules! define_punctuation {
    ($($token:tt pub struct $name:ident/$len:tt #[$doc:meta])*) => {
            define_punctuation_structs! {
                $token pub struct $name/$len #[$doc]

            #[cfg(feature = "printing")]
            #[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "printing")))]
            impl ToTokens for $name {
                fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
                    printing::punct($token, &self.spans, tokens);

            #[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
            #[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "parsing")))]
            impl Parse for $name {
                fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
                    Ok($name {
                        spans: parsing::punct(input, $token)?,

            #[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
            impl Token for $name {
                fn peek(cursor: Cursor) -> bool {
                    parsing::peek_punct(cursor, $token)

                fn display() -> &'static str {
                    concat!("`", $token, "`")

            #[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
            impl private::Sealed for $name {}

macro_rules! define_delimiters {
    ($($token:tt pub struct $name:ident #[$doc:meta])*) => {
            pub struct $name {
                pub span: Span,

            pub fn $name<S: IntoSpans<[Span; 1]>>(span: S) -> $name {
                $name {
                    span: span.into_spans()[0],

            impl std::default::Default for $name {
                fn default() -> Self {
                    $name {
                        span: Span::call_site(),

            #[cfg(feature = "clone-impls")]
            #[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "clone-impls")))]
            impl Copy for $name {}

            #[cfg(feature = "clone-impls")]
            #[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "clone-impls")))]
            impl Clone for $name {
                fn clone(&self) -> Self {

            #[cfg(feature = "extra-traits")]
            #[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "extra-traits")))]
            impl Debug for $name {
                fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {

            #[cfg(feature = "extra-traits")]
            #[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "extra-traits")))]
            impl cmp::Eq for $name {}

            #[cfg(feature = "extra-traits")]
            #[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "extra-traits")))]
            impl PartialEq for $name {
                fn eq(&self, _other: &$name) -> bool {

            #[cfg(feature = "extra-traits")]
            #[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "extra-traits")))]
            impl Hash for $name {
                fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, _state: &mut H) {}

            impl $name {
                #[cfg(feature = "printing")]
                pub fn surround<F>(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream, f: F)
                    F: FnOnce(&mut TokenStream),
                    printing::delim($token, self.span, tokens, f);

            #[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
            impl private::Sealed for $name {}

define_punctuation_structs! {
    "_" pub struct Underscore/1 /// `_`

#[cfg(feature = "printing")]
#[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "printing")))]
impl ToTokens for Underscore {
    fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
        tokens.append(Ident::new("_", self.span));

#[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
#[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "parsing")))]
impl Parse for Underscore {
    fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
        input.step(|cursor| {
            if let Some((ident, rest)) = cursor.ident() {
                if ident == "_" {
                    return Ok((Underscore(ident.span()), rest));
            if let Some((punct, rest)) = cursor.punct() {
                if punct.as_char() == '_' {
                    return Ok((Underscore(punct.span()), rest));
            Err(cursor.error("expected `_`"))

#[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
impl Token for Underscore {
    fn peek(cursor: Cursor) -> bool {
        if let Some((ident, _rest)) = cursor.ident() {
            return ident == "_";
        if let Some((punct, _rest)) = cursor.punct() {
            return punct.as_char() == '_';

    fn display() -> &'static str {

#[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
impl private::Sealed for Underscore {}

#[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
impl Token for Paren {
    fn peek(cursor: Cursor) -> bool {
        lookahead::is_delimiter(cursor, Delimiter::Parenthesis)

    fn display() -> &'static str {

#[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
impl Token for Brace {
    fn peek(cursor: Cursor) -> bool {
        lookahead::is_delimiter(cursor, Delimiter::Brace)

    fn display() -> &'static str {
        "curly braces"

#[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
impl Token for Bracket {
    fn peek(cursor: Cursor) -> bool {
        lookahead::is_delimiter(cursor, Delimiter::Bracket)

    fn display() -> &'static str {
        "square brackets"

#[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
impl Token for Group {
    fn peek(cursor: Cursor) -> bool {
        lookahead::is_delimiter(cursor, Delimiter::None)

    fn display() -> &'static str {
        "invisible group"

define_keywords! {
    "abstract"    pub struct Abstract     /// `abstract`
    "as"          pub struct As           /// `as`
    "async"       pub struct Async        /// `async`
    "auto"        pub struct Auto         /// `auto`
    "await"       pub struct Await        /// `await`
    "become"      pub struct Become       /// `become`
    "box"         pub struct Box          /// `box`
    "break"       pub struct Break        /// `break`
    "const"       pub struct Const        /// `const`
    "continue"    pub struct Continue     /// `continue`
    "crate"       pub struct Crate        /// `crate`
    "default"     pub struct Default      /// `default`
    "do"          pub struct Do           /// `do`
    "dyn"         pub struct Dyn          /// `dyn`
    "else"        pub struct Else         /// `else`
    "enum"        pub struct Enum         /// `enum`
    "extern"      pub struct Extern       /// `extern`
    "final"       pub struct Final        /// `final`
    "fn"          pub struct Fn           /// `fn`
    "for"         pub struct For          /// `for`
    "if"          pub struct If           /// `if`
    "impl"        pub struct Impl         /// `impl`
    "in"          pub struct In           /// `in`
    "let"         pub struct Let          /// `let`
    "loop"        pub struct Loop         /// `loop`
    "macro"       pub struct Macro        /// `macro`
    "match"       pub struct Match        /// `match`
    "mod"         pub struct Mod          /// `mod`
    "move"        pub struct Move         /// `move`
    "mut"         pub struct Mut          /// `mut`
    "override"    pub struct Override     /// `override`
    "priv"        pub struct Priv         /// `priv`
    "pub"         pub struct Pub          /// `pub`
    "ref"         pub struct Ref          /// `ref`
    "return"      pub struct Return       /// `return`
    "Self"        pub struct SelfType     /// `Self`
    "self"        pub struct SelfValue    /// `self`
    "static"      pub struct Static       /// `static`
    "struct"      pub struct Struct       /// `struct`
    "super"       pub struct Super        /// `super`
    "trait"       pub struct Trait        /// `trait`
    "try"         pub struct Try          /// `try`
    "type"        pub struct Type         /// `type`
    "typeof"      pub struct Typeof       /// `typeof`
    "union"       pub struct Union        /// `union`
    "unsafe"      pub struct Unsafe       /// `unsafe`
    "unsized"     pub struct Unsized      /// `unsized`
    "use"         pub struct Use          /// `use`
    "virtual"     pub struct Virtual      /// `virtual`
    "where"       pub struct Where        /// `where`
    "while"       pub struct While        /// `while`
    "yield"       pub struct Yield        /// `yield`

define_punctuation! {
    "+"           pub struct Add/1        /// `+`
    "+="          pub struct AddEq/2      /// `+=`
    "&"           pub struct And/1        /// `&`
    "&&"          pub struct AndAnd/2     /// `&&`
    "&="          pub struct AndEq/2      /// `&=`
    "@"           pub struct At/1         /// `@`
    "!"           pub struct Bang/1       /// `!`
    "^"           pub struct Caret/1      /// `^`
    "^="          pub struct CaretEq/2    /// `^=`
    ":"           pub struct Colon/1      /// `:`
    "::"          pub struct Colon2/2     /// `::`
    ","           pub struct Comma/1      /// `,`
    "/"           pub struct Div/1        /// `/`
    "/="          pub struct DivEq/2      /// `/=`
    "$"           pub struct Dollar/1     /// `$`
    "."           pub struct Dot/1        /// `.`
    ".."          pub struct Dot2/2       /// `..`
    "..."         pub struct Dot3/3       /// `...`
    "..="         pub struct DotDotEq/3   /// `..=`
    "="           pub struct Eq/1         /// `=`
    "=="          pub struct EqEq/2       /// `==`
    ">="          pub struct Ge/2         /// `>=`
    ">"           pub struct Gt/1         /// `>`
    "<="          pub struct Le/2         /// `<=`
    "<"           pub struct Lt/1         /// `<`
    "*="          pub struct MulEq/2      /// `*=`
    "!="          pub struct Ne/2         /// `!=`
    "|"           pub struct Or/1         /// `|`
    "|="          pub struct OrEq/2       /// `|=`
    "||"          pub struct OrOr/2       /// `||`
    "#"           pub struct Pound/1      /// `#`
    "?"           pub struct Question/1   /// `?`
    "->"          pub struct RArrow/2     /// `->`
    "<-"          pub struct LArrow/2     /// `<-`
    "%"           pub struct Rem/1        /// `%`
    "%="          pub struct RemEq/2      /// `%=`
    "=>"          pub struct FatArrow/2   /// `=>`
    ";"           pub struct Semi/1       /// `;`
    "<<"          pub struct Shl/2        /// `<<`
    "<<="         pub struct ShlEq/3      /// `<<=`
    ">>"          pub struct Shr/2        /// `>>`
    ">>="         pub struct ShrEq/3      /// `>>=`
    "*"           pub struct Star/1       /// `*`
    "-"           pub struct Sub/1        /// `-`
    "-="          pub struct SubEq/2      /// `-=`
    "~"           pub struct Tilde/1      /// `~`

define_delimiters! {
    "{"           pub struct Brace        /// `{...}`
    "["           pub struct Bracket      /// `[...]`
    "("           pub struct Paren        /// `(...)`
    " "           pub struct Group        /// None-delimited group

macro_rules! export_token_macro {
    ($($await_rule:tt)*) => {
        /// A type-macro that expands to the name of the Rust type representation of a
        /// given token.
        /// See the [token module] documentation for details and examples.
        /// [token module]: crate::token
        // Unfortunate duplication due to a rustdoc bug.
        macro_rules! Token {
            [abstract]    => { $crate::token::Abstract };
            [as]          => { $crate::token::As };
            [async]       => { $crate::token::Async };
            [auto]        => { $crate::token::Auto };
            $($await_rule => { $crate::token::Await };)*
            [become]      => { $crate::token::Become };
            [box]         => { $crate::token::Box };
            [break]       => { $crate::token::Break };
            [const]       => { $crate::token::Const };
            [continue]    => { $crate::token::Continue };
            [crate]       => { $crate::token::Crate };
            [default]     => { $crate::token::Default };
            [do]          => { $crate::token::Do };
            [dyn]         => { $crate::token::Dyn };
            [else]        => { $crate::token::Else };
            [enum]        => { $crate::token::Enum };
            [extern]      => { $crate::token::Extern };
            [final]       => { $crate::token::Final };
            [fn]          => { $crate::token::Fn };
            [for]         => { $crate::token::For };
            [if]          => { $crate::token::If };
            [impl]        => { $crate::token::Impl };
            [in]          => { $crate::token::In };
            [let]         => { $crate::token::Let };
            [loop]        => { $crate::token::Loop };
            [macro]       => { $crate::token::Macro };
            [match]       => { $crate::token::Match };
            [mod]         => { $crate::token::Mod };
            [move]        => { $crate::token::Move };
            [mut]         => { $crate::token::Mut };
            [override]    => { $crate::token::Override };
            [priv]        => { $crate::token::Priv };
            [pub]         => { $crate::token::Pub };
            [ref]         => { $crate::token::Ref };
            [return]      => { $crate::token::Return };
            [Self]        => { $crate::token::SelfType };
            [self]        => { $crate::token::SelfValue };
            [static]      => { $crate::token::Static };
            [struct]      => { $crate::token::Struct };
            [super]       => { $crate::token::Super };
            [trait]       => { $crate::token::Trait };
            [try]         => { $crate::token::Try };
            [type]        => { $crate::token::Type };
            [typeof]      => { $crate::token::Typeof };
            [union]       => { $crate::token::Union };
            [unsafe]      => { $crate::token::Unsafe };
            [unsized]     => { $crate::token::Unsized };
            [use]         => { $crate::token::Use };
            [virtual]     => { $crate::token::Virtual };
            [where]       => { $crate::token::Where };
            [while]       => { $crate::token::While };
            [yield]       => { $crate::token::Yield };
            [+]           => { $crate::token::Add };
            [+=]          => { $crate::token::AddEq };
            [&]           => { $crate::token::And };
            [&&]          => { $crate::token::AndAnd };
            [&=]          => { $crate::token::AndEq };
            [@]           => { $crate::token::At };
            [!]           => { $crate::token::Bang };
            [^]           => { $crate::token::Caret };
            [^=]          => { $crate::token::CaretEq };
            [:]           => { $crate::token::Colon };
            [::]          => { $crate::token::Colon2 };
            [,]           => { $crate::token::Comma };
            [/]           => { $crate::token::Div };
            [/=]          => { $crate::token::DivEq };
            [$]           => { $crate::token::Dollar };
            [.]           => { $crate::token::Dot };
            [..]          => { $crate::token::Dot2 };
            [...]         => { $crate::token::Dot3 };
            [..=]         => { $crate::token::DotDotEq };
            [=]           => { $crate::token::Eq };
            [==]          => { $crate::token::EqEq };
            [>=]          => { $crate::token::Ge };
            [>]           => { $crate::token::Gt };
            [<=]          => { $crate::token::Le };
            [<]           => { $crate::token::Lt };
            [*=]          => { $crate::token::MulEq };
            [!=]          => { $crate::token::Ne };
            [|]           => { $crate::token::Or };
            [|=]          => { $crate::token::OrEq };
            [||]          => { $crate::token::OrOr };
            [#]           => { $crate::token::Pound };
            [?]           => { $crate::token::Question };
            [->]          => { $crate::token::RArrow };
            [<-]          => { $crate::token::LArrow };
            [%]           => { $crate::token::Rem };
            [%=]          => { $crate::token::RemEq };
            [=>]          => { $crate::token::FatArrow };
            [;]           => { $crate::token::Semi };
            [<<]          => { $crate::token::Shl };
            [<<=]         => { $crate::token::ShlEq };
            [>>]          => { $crate::token::Shr };
            [>>=]         => { $crate::token::ShrEq };
            [*]           => { $crate::token::Star };
            [-]           => { $crate::token::Sub };
            [-=]          => { $crate::token::SubEq };
            [~]           => { $crate::token::Tilde };
            [_]           => { $crate::token::Underscore };

// Old rustc does not permit `await` appearing anywhere in the source file.
// We put the Token![await] rule in a place that is not lexed by old rustc.
include!(""); // export_token_macro! {[await]}
export_token_macro! {}

// Not public API.
#[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
pub mod parsing {
    use crate::buffer::Cursor;
    use crate::error::{Error, Result};
    use crate::parse::ParseStream;
    use crate::span::FromSpans;
    use proc_macro2::{Spacing, Span};

    pub fn keyword(input: ParseStream, token: &str) -> Result<Span> {
        input.step(|cursor| {
            if let Some((ident, rest)) = cursor.ident() {
                if ident == token {
                    return Ok((ident.span(), rest));
            Err(cursor.error(format!("expected `{}`", token)))

    pub fn peek_keyword(cursor: Cursor, token: &str) -> bool {
        if let Some((ident, _rest)) = cursor.ident() {
            ident == token
        } else {

    pub fn punct<S: FromSpans>(input: ParseStream, token: &str) -> Result<S> {
        let mut spans = [input.span(); 3];
        punct_helper(input, token, &mut spans)?;

    fn punct_helper(input: ParseStream, token: &str, spans: &mut [Span; 3]) -> Result<()> {
        input.step(|cursor| {
            let mut cursor = *cursor;
            assert!(token.len() <= spans.len());

            for (i, ch) in token.chars().enumerate() {
                match cursor.punct() {
                    Some((punct, rest)) => {
                        spans[i] = punct.span();
                        if punct.as_char() != ch {
                        } else if i == token.len() - 1 {
                            return Ok(((), rest));
                        } else if punct.spacing() != Spacing::Joint {
                        cursor = rest;
                    None => break,

            Err(Error::new(spans[0], format!("expected `{}`", token)))

    pub fn peek_punct(mut cursor: Cursor, token: &str) -> bool {
        for (i, ch) in token.chars().enumerate() {
            match cursor.punct() {
                Some((punct, rest)) => {
                    if punct.as_char() != ch {
                    } else if i == token.len() - 1 {
                        return true;
                    } else if punct.spacing() != Spacing::Joint {
                    cursor = rest;
                None => break,

// Not public API.
#[cfg(feature = "printing")]
pub mod printing {
    use proc_macro2::{Delimiter, Group, Ident, Punct, Spacing, Span, TokenStream};
    use quote::TokenStreamExt;

    pub fn punct(s: &str, spans: &[Span], tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
        assert_eq!(s.len(), spans.len());

        let mut chars = s.chars();
        let mut spans = spans.iter();
        let ch = chars.next_back().unwrap();
        let span = spans.next_back().unwrap();
        for (ch, span) in {
            let mut op = Punct::new(ch, Spacing::Joint);

        let mut op = Punct::new(ch, Spacing::Alone);

    pub fn keyword(s: &str, span: Span, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
        tokens.append(Ident::new(s, span));

    pub fn delim<F>(s: &str, span: Span, tokens: &mut TokenStream, f: F)
        F: FnOnce(&mut TokenStream),
        let delim = match s {
            "(" => Delimiter::Parenthesis,
            "[" => Delimiter::Bracket,
            "{" => Delimiter::Brace,
            " " => Delimiter::None,
            _ => panic!("unknown delimiter: {}", s),
        let mut inner = TokenStream::new();
        f(&mut inner);
        let mut g = Group::new(delim, inner);