

mod progress;

use self::progress::Progress;
use anyhow::Result;
use flate2::read::GzDecoder;
use rayon::iter::{IntoParallelRefIterator, ParallelIterator};
use rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder;
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::env;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::fs;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use tar::Archive;
use walkdir::{DirEntry, WalkDir};

const REVISION: &str = "5069856495870486134dd2ca0b0e2516308c5c2a";

static EXCLUDE_FILES: &[&str] = &[
    // TODO: `unsafe static`, `safe fn`

    // TODO: unsafe attributes: `#[unsafe(path::to)]`

    // TODO: non-lifetime binders: `where for<'a, T> &'a Struct<T>: Trait`

    // TODO: return type notation: `where T: Trait<method(): Send>`

    // TODO: lazy type alias syntax with where-clause in trailing position

    // TODO: gen blocks and functions

    // TODO: `!` as a pattern

    // TODO: async trait bounds: `impl async Fn()`

    // TODO: mutable by-reference bindings (mut ref)

    // TODO: postfix match

    // TODO: delegation

    // TODO: for await

    // TODO: const trait bound: `T: const Trait`

    // TODO: `|| .. .method()`

    // Several of the above

    // Compile-fail expr parameter in const generic position: f::<1 + 2>()

    // Compile-fail variadics in not the last position of a function parameter list

    // Need at least one trait in impl Trait, no such type as impl 'static

    // Negative polarity trait bound: `where T: !Copy`

    // Lifetime bound inside for<>: `T: ~const ?for<'a: 'b> Trait<'a>`

    // Const impl that is not a trait impl: `impl ~const T {}`

    // Lifetimes and types out of order in angle bracketed path arguments

    // Deprecated anonymous parameter syntax in traits

    // Deprecated where-clause location

    // Deprecated trait object syntax with parenthesized generic arguments and no dyn keyword

    // Invalid unparenthesized range pattern inside slice pattern: `[1..]`

    // Various extensions to Rust syntax made up by rust-analyzer

    // Placeholder syntax for "throw expressions"

    // Edition 2015 code using identifiers that are now keywords
    // TODO: some of these we should probably parse

    // Excessive nesting

    // Testing tools on invalid syntax

    // Generated file containing a top-level expression, used with `include!`

    // Clippy lint lists represented as expressions

    // Not actually test cases

static EXCLUDE_DIRS: &[&str] = &[
    // Inputs that intentionally do not parse

    // Inputs that lex but do not necessarily parse

    // Inputs that used to crash rust-analyzer, but aren't necessarily supposed to parse

    // Inputs that crash rustc, making no claim about whether they are valid Rust

// Directories in which a .stderr implies the corresponding .rs is not expected
// to work.
static UI_TEST_DIRS: &[&str] = &["tests/ui", "tests/rustdoc-ui"];

pub fn for_each_rust_file(for_each: impl Fn(&Path) + Sync + Send) {
    let mut rs_files = BTreeSet::new();

    let repo_dir = Path::new("tests/rust");
    for entry in WalkDir::new(repo_dir)
        let entry = entry.unwrap();
        if !entry.file_type().is_dir() {

    for ui_test_dir in UI_TEST_DIRS {
        for entry in WalkDir::new(repo_dir.join(ui_test_dir)) {
            let mut path = entry.unwrap().into_path();
            if path.extension() == Some(OsStr::new("stderr")) {
                loop {
                    path = path.with_extension("");
                    if path.extension().is_none() {


pub fn base_dir_filter(entry: &DirEntry) -> bool {
    let path = entry.path();

    let mut path_string = path.to_string_lossy();
    if cfg!(windows) {
        path_string = path_string.replace('\\', "/").into();
    let path_string = if path_string == "tests/rust" {
        return true;
    } else if let Some(path) = path_string.strip_prefix("tests/rust/") {
    } else {
        panic!("unexpected path in Rust dist: {}", path_string);

    if path.is_dir() {
        return !EXCLUDE_DIRS.contains(&path_string);

    if path.extension() != Some(OsStr::new("rs")) {
        return false;


pub fn edition(path: &Path) -> &'static str {
    if path.ends_with("") {
    } else {

pub fn abort_after() -> usize {
    match env::var("ABORT_AFTER_FAILURE") {
        Ok(s) => s.parse().expect("failed to parse ABORT_AFTER_FAILURE"),
        Err(_) => usize::MAX,

pub fn rayon_init() {
    let stack_size = match env::var("RUST_MIN_STACK") {
        Ok(s) => s.parse().expect("failed to parse RUST_MIN_STACK"),
        Err(_) => 1024 * 1024 * if cfg!(debug_assertions) { 40 } else { 20 },

pub fn clone_rust() {
    let needs_clone = match fs::read_to_string("tests/rust/COMMIT") {
        Err(_) => true,
        Ok(contents) => contents.trim() != REVISION,
    if needs_clone {

    let mut missing = String::new();
    let test_src = Path::new("tests/rust");

    let mut exclude_files_set = BTreeSet::new();
    for exclude in EXCLUDE_FILES {
        if !exclude_files_set.insert(exclude) {
            panic!("duplicate path in EXCLUDE_FILES: {}", exclude);
        for dir in EXCLUDE_DIRS {
            if Path::new(exclude).starts_with(dir) {
                panic!("excluded file {} is inside an excluded dir", exclude);
        if !test_src.join(exclude).is_file() {
            missing += "\ntests/rust/";
            missing += exclude;

    let mut exclude_dirs_set = BTreeSet::new();
    for exclude in EXCLUDE_DIRS {
        if !exclude_dirs_set.insert(exclude) {
            panic!("duplicate path in EXCLUDE_DIRS: {}", exclude);
        if !test_src.join(exclude).is_dir() {
            missing += "\ntests/rust/";
            missing += exclude;
            missing += "/";

    if !missing.is_empty() {
        panic!("excluded test file does not exist:{}\n", missing);

fn download_and_unpack() -> Result<()> {
    let url = format!(
    let response = reqwest::blocking::get(url)?.error_for_status()?;
    let progress = Progress::new(response);
    let decoder = GzDecoder::new(progress);
    let mut archive = Archive::new(decoder);
    let prefix = format!("rust-{}", REVISION);

    let tests_rust = Path::new("tests/rust");
    if tests_rust.exists() {

    for entry in archive.entries()? {
        let mut entry = entry?;
        let path = entry.path()?;
        if path == Path::new("pax_global_header") {
        let relative = path.strip_prefix(&prefix)?;
        let out = tests_rust.join(relative);

    fs::write("tests/rust/COMMIT", REVISION)?;