// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace printing {
class PrintedDocument;
struct PrinterStatus;
struct CupsJob;
} // namespace printing
namespace ash {
class CupsPrintJob;
// Updates the state of a print job based on `printer_status` and `job`.
// Returns true if `print_job` has been modified.
bool UpdatePrintJob(const ::printing::PrinterStatus& printer_status,
const ::printing::CupsJob& job,
CupsPrintJob* print_job);
// Determines the correct total_page_count for a print job given the number of
// pages in the document and copies being made.
int CalculatePrintJobTotalPages(const ::printing::PrintedDocument* document);
} // namespace ash