* Copyright 2017 Google LLC.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Defines types that are necessary for Ring-Learning with Errors (rlwe)
// encryption.
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "absl/numeric/int128.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "bits_util.h"
#include "constants.h"
#include "int256.h"
#include "prng/prng.h"
#include "serialization.pb.h"
#include "status_macros.h"
#include "statusor.h"
#include "third_party/shell-encryption/base/shell_encryption_export.h"
#include "third_party/shell-encryption/base/shell_encryption_export_template.h"
namespace rlwe {
namespace internal {
// Struct to capture the "bigger int" type.
template <typename T>
struct BigInt;
// Specialization for uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, and uint128.
template <>
typedef Uint16 value_type;
template <>
typedef Uint32 value_type;
template <>
typedef Uint64 value_type;
template <>
typedef absl::uint128 value_type;
template <>
typedef uint256 value_type;
} // namespace internal
// The parameters necessary for a Montgomery integer. Note that the template
// parameters ensure that T is an unsigned integral of at least 8 bits.
template <typename T>
// Expose Int and its greater type. BigInt is required in order to multiply
// two Int and ensure that no overflow occurs.
// Thread safe.
using Int = T;
using BigInt = typename internal::BigInt<Int>::value_type;
static const size_t bitsize_int = sizeof(Int) * 8;
// Factory function to create MontgomeryIntParams.
static rlwe::StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<const MontgomeryIntParams>> Create(
Int modulus);
// The value R to be used in Montgomery multiplication. R will be selected as
// 2^bitsize(Int) and hence automatically verifies R > modulus.
const BigInt r = static_cast<BigInt>(1) << bitsize_int;
// The modulus over which these modular operations are being performed.
const Int modulus;
// The modulus over which these modular operations are being performed, cast
// as a BigInt.
const BigInt modulus_bigint;
// The number of bits in the modulus.
const unsigned int log_modulus;
// The value of R taken modulo the modulus.
const Int r_mod_modulus;
const Int
r_mod_modulus_barrett; // = (r_mod_modulus << bitsize_int) / modulus, to
// speed up multiplication by r_mod_modulus.
// The values below, inv_modulus and inv_r, satisfy the formula:
// R * inv_r - modulus * inv_modulus = 1
// Note that inv_modulus is not literally the multiplicative inverse of
// modulus modulo R.
const Int inv_modulus;
const Int
inv_r; // needed to translate from Montgomery to normal representation
const Int inv_r_barrett; // = (inv_r << bitsize_int) / modulus, to speed up
// multiplication by inv_r.
// The numerator used in the Barrett reduction.
const BigInt barrett_numerator; // = 2^(sizeof(Int)*8) / modulus
inline const Int Zero() const { return 0; }
inline const Int One() const { return 1; }
inline const Int Two() const { return 2; }
// Functions to perform Barrett reduction. For more details, see
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barrett_reduction.
// This function should remains in the header file to avoid performance
// regressions.
inline Int BarrettReduce(Int input) const {
Int out =
static_cast<Int>((this->barrett_numerator * input) >> bitsize_int);
out = input - (out * this->modulus);
// The steps above produce an integer that is in the range [0, 2N).
// We now reduce to the range [0, N).
return (out >= this->modulus) ? out - this->modulus : out;
// Computes the serialized byte length of an integer.
inline unsigned int SerializedSize() const { return (log_modulus + 7) / 8; }
// Check whether (1 << log_n) fits into the underlying Int type.
static bool DoesLogNFit(Uint64 log_n) { return (log_n < bitsize_int - 1); }
MontgomeryIntParams(Int mod)
: modulus(mod),
r_mod_modulus(static_cast<Int>(this->r % this->modulus_bigint)),
(static_cast<BigInt>(r_mod_modulus) << bitsize_int) / modulus)),
std::get<1>(MontgomeryIntParams::Inverses(modulus_bigint, r)))),
inv_r(std::get<0>(MontgomeryIntParams::Inverses(modulus_bigint, r))),
(static_cast<BigInt>(inv_r) << bitsize_int) / modulus)),
barrett_numerator(this->r / this->modulus_bigint) {}
// Computes the Montgomery inverse coefficients for r and modulus using
// the Extended Euclidean Algorithm.
// modulus must be odd.
// Returns a tuple of (inv_r, inv_modulus) such that:
// r * inv_r - modulus * inv_modulus = 1
static SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT std::tuple<Int, Int> Inverses(BigInt modulus_bigint, BigInt r);
// Stores an integer in Montgomery representation. The goal of this
// class is to provide a static type that differentiates between integers
// in Montgomery representation and standard integers. Once a Montgomery
// integer is created, it has the * and + operators necessary to be treated
// as another integer.
// The underlying integer type T must be unsigned and must not be bool.
// This class is thread safe.
template <typename T>
// Expose Int and its greater type. BigInt is required in order to multiply
// two Int and ensure that no overflow occurs. This should also be used by
// external classes.
using Int = T;
using BigInt = typename internal::BigInt<Int>::value_type;
// Expose the parameter type.
using Params = MontgomeryIntParams<T>;
// Static factory that converts a non-Montgomery representation integer, the
// underlying integer type, into a Montgomery representation integer. Does not
// take ownership of params. i.e., import "a".
static SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT rlwe::StatusOr<MontgomeryInt> ImportInt(Int n, const Params* params);
// Static functions to create a MontgomeryInt of 0 and 1.
static SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT MontgomeryInt ImportZero(const Params* params);
static SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT MontgomeryInt ImportOne(const Params* params);
// Import a random integer using entropy from specified prng. Does not take
// ownership of params or prng.
template <typename Prng = rlwe::SecurePrng>
static SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT rlwe::StatusOr<MontgomeryInt> ImportRandom(Prng* prng,
const Params* params) {
// In order to generate unbiased randomness, we uniformly and randomly
// sample integers in [0, 2^params->log_modulus) until the generated integer
// is less than the modulus (i.e., we perform rejection sampling).
GenerateRandomInt(params->log_modulus, prng));
while (random_int >= params->modulus) {
GenerateRandomInt(params->log_modulus, prng));
return MontgomeryInt(random_int);
static BigInt DivAndTruncate(BigInt dividend, BigInt divisor);
// No default constructor.
MontgomeryInt() = delete;
// Default copy constructor.
MontgomeryInt(const MontgomeryInt& that) = default;
MontgomeryInt& operator=(const MontgomeryInt& that) = default;
// Convert a Montgomery representation integer back to the underlying integer.
// i.e., export "a".
inline Int ExportInt(const Params* params) const {
Int out =
static_cast<Int>((static_cast<BigInt>(params->inv_r_barrett) * n_) >>
out = n_ * params->inv_r - out * params->modulus;
// The steps above produce an integer that is in the range [0, 2N).
// We now reduce to the range [0, N).
out -= (out >= params->modulus) ? params->modulus : 0;
return out;
// Returns the least significant 64 bits of n.
static Uint64 ExportUInt64(Int n) { return static_cast<Uint64>(n); }
// Serialization.
rlwe::StatusOr<std::string> Serialize(const Params* params) const;
static SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT rlwe::StatusOr<std::string> SerializeVector(
const std::vector<MontgomeryInt>& coeffs, const Params* params);
// Deserialization.
static SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT rlwe::StatusOr<MontgomeryInt> Deserialize(absl::string_view payload,
const Params* params);
static SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT rlwe::StatusOr<std::vector<MontgomeryInt>> DeserializeVector(
int num_coeffs, absl::string_view serialized, const Params* params);
// Modular multiplication.
// Perform a multiply followed by a modular reduction. Produces an output
// in the range [0, N).
// Taken from Hacker's Delight chapter on Montgomery multiplication.
MontgomeryInt Mul(const MontgomeryInt& that, const Params* params) const {
MontgomeryInt out(*this);
return out.MulInPlace(that, params);
// This function should remains in the header file to avoid performance
// regressions.
MontgomeryInt& MulInPlace(const MontgomeryInt& that, const Params* params) {
// This function computes the product of the two numbers (a and b), which
// will equal a * R * b * R in Montgomery representation. It then performs
// the reduction, creating a * b * R (mod N).
Int u = static_cast<Int>(n_ * that.n_) * params->inv_modulus;
BigInt t = static_cast<BigInt>(n_) * that.n_ + params->modulus_bigint * u;
Int t_msb = static_cast<Int>(t >> Params::bitsize_int);
// The steps above produce an integer that is in the range [0, 2N).
// We now reduce to the range [0, N).
n_ = (t_msb >= params->modulus) ? t_msb - params->modulus : t_msb;
return *this;
// Modular multiplication by a constant with precomputation.
// MontgomeryInt are stored under the form n * R, where R = 1 << bitsize_int.
// When multiplying by a constant c, one can precompute
// constant = (c * R^(-1) mod modulus)
// constant_barrett = (constant << bitsize_int) / modulus
// and perform modular reduction using Barrett reduction instead of
// Montgomery multiplication.
// The funciton GetConstant() returns a tuple (constant, constant_barrett):
// constant = ExportInt(params),
// and
// constant_barrett = (constant << bitsize_int) / modulus
std::tuple<Int, Int> GetConstant(const Params* params) const;
MontgomeryInt MulConstant(const Int& constant, const Int& constant_barrett,
const Params* params) const {
MontgomeryInt out(*this);
return out.MulConstantInPlace(constant, constant_barrett, params);
// This function should remains in the header file to avoid performance
// regressions.
MontgomeryInt& MulConstantInPlace(const Int& constant,
const Int& constant_barrett,
const Params* params) {
Int out = static_cast<Int>((static_cast<BigInt>(constant_barrett) * n_) >>
n_ = n_ * constant - out * params->modulus;
// The steps above produce an integer that is in the range [0, 2N).
// We now reduce to the range [0, N).
n_ -= (n_ >= params->modulus) ? params->modulus : 0;
return *this;
// Montgomery addition.
MontgomeryInt Add(const MontgomeryInt& that, const Params* params) const {
MontgomeryInt out(*this);
return out.AddInPlace(that, params);
// This function should remains in the header file to avoid performance
// regressions.
MontgomeryInt& AddInPlace(const MontgomeryInt& that, const Params* params) {
// We can use Barrett reduction because n_ <= modulus < Max(Int)/2.
n_ = params->BarrettReduce(n_ + that.n_);
return *this;
// Modular negation.
MontgomeryInt Negate(const Params* params) const {
return MontgomeryInt(params->modulus - n_);
// This function should remains in the header file to avoid performance
// regressions.
MontgomeryInt& NegateInPlace(const Params* params) {
n_ = params->modulus - n_;
return *this;
// Modular subtraction.
MontgomeryInt Sub(const MontgomeryInt& that, const Params* params) const {
MontgomeryInt out(*this);
return out.SubInPlace(that, params);
// This function should remains in the header file to avoid performance
// regressions.
MontgomeryInt& SubInPlace(const MontgomeryInt& that, const Params* params) {
// We can use Barrett reduction because n_ <= modulus < Max(Int)/2.
n_ = params->BarrettReduce(n_ + (params->modulus - that.n_));
return *this;
// Batch operations (and in-place variants) over vectors of MontgomeryInt.
// We define two versions of the batch operations:
// - the first input is a vector and the second is a MontgomeryInt scalar:
// in that case, the scalar will be added/subtracted/multiplied with each
// element of the first input.
// - both inputs are vectors of same length: in that case, the operations
// will be performed component wise.
// These batch operations may fail if the input vectors are not of the same
// size.
// Batch addition of two vectors.
static SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT rlwe::StatusOr<std::vector<MontgomeryInt>> BatchAdd(
const std::vector<MontgomeryInt>& in1,
const std::vector<MontgomeryInt>& in2, const Params* params);
static absl::Status BatchAddInPlace(std::vector<MontgomeryInt>* in1,
const std::vector<MontgomeryInt>& in2,
const Params* params);
// Batch addition of one vector with a scalar.
static SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT rlwe::StatusOr<std::vector<MontgomeryInt>> BatchAdd(
const std::vector<MontgomeryInt>& in1, const MontgomeryInt& in2,
const Params* params);
static absl::Status BatchAddInPlace(std::vector<MontgomeryInt>* in1,
const MontgomeryInt& in2,
const Params* params);
// Batch subtraction of two vectors.
static SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT rlwe::StatusOr<std::vector<MontgomeryInt>> BatchSub(
const std::vector<MontgomeryInt>& in1,
const std::vector<MontgomeryInt>& in2, const Params* params);
static SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT absl::Status BatchSubInPlace(std::vector<MontgomeryInt>* in1,
const std::vector<MontgomeryInt>& in2,
const Params* params);
// Batch subtraction of one vector with a scalar.
static SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT rlwe::StatusOr<std::vector<MontgomeryInt>> BatchSub(
const std::vector<MontgomeryInt>& in1, const MontgomeryInt& in2,
const Params* params);
static SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT absl::Status BatchSubInPlace(std::vector<MontgomeryInt>* in1,
const MontgomeryInt& in2,
const Params* params);
// Batch multiplication of two vectors.
static SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT rlwe::StatusOr<std::vector<MontgomeryInt>> BatchMul(
const std::vector<MontgomeryInt>& in1,
const std::vector<MontgomeryInt>& in2, const Params* params);
static SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT absl::Status BatchMulInPlace(std::vector<MontgomeryInt>* in1,
const std::vector<MontgomeryInt>& in2,
const Params* params);
// Batch multiplication of two vectors, where the second vector is a constant.
static SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT rlwe::StatusOr<std::vector<MontgomeryInt>> BatchMulConstant(
const std::vector<MontgomeryInt>& in1,
const std::vector<Int>& in2_constant,
const std::vector<Int>& in2_constant_barrett, const Params* params);
static SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT absl::Status BatchMulConstantInPlace(
std::vector<MontgomeryInt>* in1, const std::vector<Int>& in2_constant,
const std::vector<Int>& in2_constant_barrett, const Params* params);
// Batch multiplication of a vector with a scalar.
static SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT rlwe::StatusOr<std::vector<MontgomeryInt>> BatchMul(
const std::vector<MontgomeryInt>& in1, const MontgomeryInt& in2,
const Params* params);
static SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT absl::Status BatchMulInPlace(std::vector<MontgomeryInt>* in1,
const MontgomeryInt& in2,
const Params* params);
// Batch multiplication of a vector with a constant scalar.
static SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT rlwe::StatusOr<std::vector<MontgomeryInt>> BatchMulConstant(
const std::vector<MontgomeryInt>& in1, const Int& constant,
const Int& constant_barrett, const Params* params);
static SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT absl::Status BatchMulConstantInPlace(std::vector<MontgomeryInt>* in1,
const Int& constant,
const Int& constant_barrett,
const Params* params);
// Equality.
bool operator==(const MontgomeryInt& that) const { return (n_ == that.n_); }
bool operator!=(const MontgomeryInt& that) const { return !(*this == that); }
// Modular exponentiation.
SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT MontgomeryInt ModExp(Int exponent, const Params* params) const;
// Inverse.
SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT MontgomeryInt MultiplicativeInverse(const Params* params) const;
template <typename Prng = rlwe::SecurePrng>
static SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT rlwe::StatusOr<Int> GenerateRandomInt(int log_modulus, Prng* prng) {
// Generate a random Int. As the modulus is always smaller than max(Int),
// there will be no issues with overflow.
int max_bits_per_step = std::min((int)Params::bitsize_int, (int)64);
auto bits_required = log_modulus;
Int rand = 0;
while (bits_required > 0) {
Int rand_bits = 0;
if (bits_required <= 8) {
// Generate 8 bits of randomness.
RLWE_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(rand_bits, prng->Rand8());
// Extract bits_required bits and add them to rand.
Int needed_bits =
rand_bits & ((static_cast<Int>(1) << bits_required) - 1);
rand = (rand << bits_required) + needed_bits;
} else {
// Generate 64 bits of randomness.
RLWE_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(rand_bits, prng->Rand64());
// Extract min(64, bits in Int, bits_required) bits and add them to rand
int bits_to_extract = std::min(bits_required, max_bits_per_step);
Int needed_bits =
rand_bits & ((static_cast<Int>(1) << bits_to_extract) - 1);
rand = (rand << bits_to_extract) + needed_bits;
bits_required -= bits_to_extract;
return rand;
explicit MontgomeryInt(Int n) : n_(n) {}
Int n_;
// Instantiations of MontgomeryInt and MontgomeryIntParams with specific
// integral types.
extern template struct EXPORT_TEMPLATE_DECLARE(SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT) MontgomeryIntParams<Uint16>;
extern template struct EXPORT_TEMPLATE_DECLARE(SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT) MontgomeryIntParams<Uint32>;
extern template struct EXPORT_TEMPLATE_DECLARE(SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT) MontgomeryIntParams<Uint64>;
extern template struct EXPORT_TEMPLATE_DECLARE(SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT) MontgomeryIntParams<absl::uint128>;
extern template class EXPORT_TEMPLATE_DECLARE(SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT) MontgomeryInt<Uint16>;
extern template class EXPORT_TEMPLATE_DECLARE(SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT) MontgomeryInt<Uint32>;
extern template class EXPORT_TEMPLATE_DECLARE(SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT) MontgomeryInt<Uint64>;
extern template class EXPORT_TEMPLATE_DECLARE(SHELL_ENCRYPTION_EXPORT) MontgomeryInt<absl::uint128>;
} // namespace rlwe