* Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// Implementation of transcription for serialization.
// Input is a sequence of integers, each containing a j-bit chunk of
// a message. Output encodes the same message in a vector of Ints storing
// the message broken into k-bit chunks. Performs this transcription for the
// first input_bit_length bits encoded in input.
#include <vector>
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "statusor.h"
namespace rlwe {
// Takes as template arguments the input and output integer types. It must hold
// that the input_vector is large enough to contain the input_bit_length bits.
template <typename InputInt, typename OutputInt>
rlwe::StatusOr<std::vector<OutputInt>> TranscribeBits(
const std::vector<InputInt>& input_vector, int input_bit_length,
int input_bits_per_int, int output_bits_per_int) {
// Check that the templating is consistent, i.e., that we do not try to
// extract/save more bits than available in each type.
const int bit_size_input_type = sizeof(InputInt) * 8;
const int bit_size_output_type = sizeof(OutputInt) * 8;
if (input_bits_per_int > bit_size_input_type) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError(
absl::StrCat("The input type only contains ", bit_size_input_type,
" bits, hence we cannot extract ", input_bits_per_int,
" bits out of each integer."));
if (output_bits_per_int > bit_size_output_type) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError(
absl::StrCat("The output type only contains ", bit_size_output_type,
" bits, hence we cannot save ", output_bits_per_int,
" bits in each integer."));
if (input_bit_length < 0) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError(absl::StrCat(
"The input bit length, ", input_bit_length, ", cannot be negative."));
if (input_bit_length == 0) {
if (input_vector.empty()) {
return std::vector<OutputInt>();
} else {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError(
"Cannot transcribe an empty output vector with a non-empty input "
// Compute the number of input chunks
const int input_chunks =
(input_bit_length + input_bits_per_int - 1) / input_bits_per_int;
// Check that the input_vector is of size at least input_chunks.
if (input_vector.size() < input_chunks) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError(
absl::StrCat("The input vector of size ", input_vector.size(),
" is too small to contain ", input_bit_length, " bits."));
// Initialize the output string.
const int output_chunks =
(input_bit_length + (output_bits_per_int - 1)) / output_bits_per_int;
std::vector<OutputInt> output(output_chunks, 0);
// Keep track of how many bits remain in input
int remaining_bits_in_input = input_bit_length;
// Iterate over the input elements and process each one completely before
// moving to the next one. One or several output elements will be filled with
// the entire input chunk considered.
OutputInt* output_ptr = output.data();
int size_output_chunk =
std::min(remaining_bits_in_input, output_bits_per_int);
int number_output_bits_needed = size_output_chunk;
// Loop over all the input chunks.
for (int i = 0; i < input_chunks; i++) {
// Number of bits in "input"
int number_bits_in_input =
std::min(input_bits_per_int, remaining_bits_in_input);
// Load input and put the bits in the most significant bits of in.
InputInt input = input_vector[i]
<< (sizeof(InputInt) * 8 - number_bits_in_input);
// Use all the bits in "in" before loading the next input
while (number_bits_in_input > 0) {
// If no bit is needed in output, go to the next element, and set the
// number of bits needed to the minimum of output_bits_per_int and number
// of remaining bits in case the last output cannot be filled completely.
if (number_output_bits_needed == 0) {
size_output_chunk =
std::min(remaining_bits_in_input, output_bits_per_int);
number_output_bits_needed = size_output_chunk;
// Compute the number of bits we can process
int number_bits_to_process =
std::min(number_bits_in_input, number_output_bits_needed);
// Keep only number_bits_to_process bits in the most significant bits of
// "input" (so shift left by the difference).
InputInt bits_left = input
<< (number_bits_in_input - number_bits_to_process);
// Move these bits to the least significant bits of an OutputInt (hence,
// shift right by the size of an InputInt minus the number of bits that
// are being processed.
OutputInt mask = static_cast<OutputInt>(
bits_left >> (sizeof(InputInt) * 8 - number_bits_to_process));
// Xor the mask at the right place (hence shift left by the number of
// output bits already processed).
*output_ptr |= (mask << (size_output_chunk - number_output_bits_needed));
// Update the number of output bits needed and in "input".
number_bits_in_input -= number_bits_to_process;
number_output_bits_needed -= number_bits_to_process;
// At most input_bits_per_int bits just got read, so we update the number of
// remaining bits in input. This may end up to be negative, but only when we
// are exiting the loop.
remaining_bits_in_input -= input_bits_per_int;
return output;
} // namespace rlwe