/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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limitations under the License.
// Functions to write audio in WAV format.
// This file is forked from `tensorflow/core/lib/wav/wav_io.cc`.
#include "tensorflow_lite_support/cc/task/audio/utils/wav_io.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstdint>
#include <fstream>
#include <limits>
#include "absl/status/status.h" // from @com_google_absl
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h" // from @com_google_absl
#include "absl/strings/str_format.h" // from @com_google_absl
#include "tensorflow_lite_support/cc/port/status_macros.h"
namespace tflite {
namespace task {
namespace audio {
namespace {
constexpr char kRiffChunkId[] = "RIFF";
constexpr char kRiffType[] = "WAVE";
constexpr char kFormatChunkId[] = "fmt ";
constexpr char kDataChunkId[] = "data";
inline float Int16SampleToFloat(int16_t data) {
constexpr float kMultiplier = 1.0f / (1 << 15);
return data * kMultiplier;
} // namespace
std::string ReadFile(const std::string filepath) {
std::ifstream fs(filepath);
if (!fs.is_open()) {
return "";
std::string contents((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(fs)),
return contents;
// Handles moving the data index forward, validating the arguments, and avoiding
// overflow or underflow.
absl::Status IncrementOffset(uint32_t old_offset, size_t increment,
size_t max_size, uint32_t* new_offset) {
if (old_offset < 0) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError(
absl::StrFormat("Negative offsets are not allowed: %d", old_offset));
if (old_offset > max_size) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError(absl::StrFormat(
"Initial offset is outside data range: %d", old_offset));
*new_offset = old_offset + increment;
if (*new_offset > max_size) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError(
"Data too short when trying to read string");
// See above for the check that the input offset is positive. If it's negative
// here then it means that there's been an overflow in the arithmetic.
if (*new_offset < 0) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError(
absl::StrFormat("Offset too large, overflowed: %d", *new_offset));
return absl::OkStatus();
absl::Status ExpectText(const std::string& data,
const std::string& expected_text, uint32_t* offset) {
uint32_t new_offset;
IncrementOffset(*offset, expected_text.size(), data.size(), &new_offset));
const std::string found_text(data.begin() + *offset,
data.begin() + new_offset);
if (found_text != expected_text) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError(absl::StrCat(
"Header mismatch: Expected", expected_text, " but found ", found_text));
*offset = new_offset;
return absl::OkStatus();
absl::Status ReadString(const std::string& data, size_t expected_length,
std::string* value, uint32_t* offset) {
uint32_t new_offset;
IncrementOffset(*offset, expected_length, data.size(), &new_offset));
*value = std::string(data.begin() + *offset, data.begin() + new_offset);
*offset = new_offset;
return absl::OkStatus();
absl::Status DecodeLin16WaveAsFloatVector(const std::string& wav_string,
std::vector<float>* float_values,
uint32_t* offset,
uint32_t* sample_count,
uint16_t* channel_count,
uint32_t* sample_rate) {
TFLITE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ExpectText(wav_string, kRiffChunkId, offset));
uint32_t total_file_size;
TFLITE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ReadValue<uint32_t>(wav_string, &total_file_size, offset));
TFLITE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ExpectText(wav_string, kRiffType, offset));
TFLITE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ExpectText(wav_string, kFormatChunkId, offset));
uint32_t format_chunk_size;
TFLITE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ReadValue<uint32_t>(wav_string, &format_chunk_size, offset));
if ((format_chunk_size != 16) && (format_chunk_size != 18)) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError(absl::StrFormat(
"Bad format chunk size for WAV: Expected 16 or 18, but got %" PRIu32,
uint16_t audio_format;
TFLITE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ReadValue<uint16_t>(wav_string, &audio_format, offset));
if (audio_format != 1) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError(absl::StrFormat(
"Bad audio format for WAV: Expected 1 (PCM), but got %" PRIu16,
TFLITE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ReadValue<uint16_t>(wav_string, channel_count, offset));
if (*channel_count < 1) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError(absl::StrFormat(
"Bad number of channels for WAV: Expected at least 1, but got %" PRIu16,
TFLITE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ReadValue<uint32_t>(wav_string, sample_rate, offset));
uint32_t bytes_per_second;
TFLITE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ReadValue<uint32_t>(wav_string, &bytes_per_second, offset));
uint16_t bytes_per_sample;
TFLITE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ReadValue<uint16_t>(wav_string, &bytes_per_sample, offset));
// Confusingly, bits per sample is defined as holding the number of bits for
// one channel, unlike the definition of sample used elsewhere in the WAV
// spec. For example, bytes per sample is the memory needed for all channels
// for one point in time.
uint16_t bits_per_sample;
TFLITE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ReadValue<uint16_t>(wav_string, &bits_per_sample, offset));
if (bits_per_sample != 16) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError(
absl::StrFormat("Can only read 16-bit WAV files, but received %" PRIu16,
const uint32_t expected_bytes_per_sample =
((bits_per_sample * *channel_count) + 7) / 8;
if (bytes_per_sample != expected_bytes_per_sample) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError(
absl::StrFormat("Bad bytes per sample in WAV header: Expected %" PRIu32
" but got %" PRIu16,
expected_bytes_per_sample, bytes_per_sample));
const uint32_t expected_bytes_per_second = bytes_per_sample * *sample_rate;
if (bytes_per_second != expected_bytes_per_second) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError(
absl::StrFormat("Bad bytes per second in WAV header: Expected %" PRIu32
" but got %" PRIu32 " (sample_rate=%" PRIu32
", bytes_per_sample=%" PRIu16 ")",
expected_bytes_per_second, bytes_per_second,
*sample_rate, bytes_per_sample));
if (format_chunk_size == 18) {
// Skip over this unused section.
*offset += 2;
bool was_data_found = false;
while (*offset < wav_string.size()) {
std::string chunk_id;
TFLITE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ReadString(wav_string, 4, &chunk_id, offset));
uint32_t chunk_size;
TFLITE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ReadValue<uint32_t>(wav_string, &chunk_size, offset));
if (chunk_size > std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max()) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError(absl::StrFormat(
"WAV data chunk '%s' is too large: %" PRIu32
" bytes, but the limit is %d",
chunk_id.c_str(), chunk_size, std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max()));
if (chunk_id == kDataChunkId) {
if (was_data_found) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError(
"More than one data chunk found in WAV");
was_data_found = true;
*sample_count = chunk_size / bytes_per_sample;
const uint32_t data_count = *sample_count * *channel_count;
uint32_t unused_new_offset = 0;
// Validate that the data exists before allocating space for it
// (prevent easy OOM errors).
TFLITE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(IncrementOffset(*offset, sizeof(int16_t) * data_count,
wav_string.size(), &unused_new_offset));
for (int i = 0; i < data_count; ++i) {
int16_t single_channel_value = 0;
ReadValue<int16_t>(wav_string, &single_channel_value, offset));
(*float_values)[i] = Int16SampleToFloat(single_channel_value);
} else {
*offset += chunk_size;
if (!was_data_found) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError("No data chunk found in WAV");
return absl::OkStatus();
} // namespace audio
} // namespace task
} // namespace tflite