
/* Copyright 2022 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.

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#include "absl/status/status.h"  // from @com_google_absl
#include "tensorflow_lite_support/cc/text/tokenizers/bert_tokenizer.h"

namespace tflite::task::text::clu {
// Processes input for BERT modeling.
// Given the current turn and the conversation history as list of utterances
// in the reverse chronological order, starting from the current turn,
// it does the following:
// * tokenizes the utterance of each turn,
// * concatenates all turns to form the input sequence for BERT,
// * truncates (if necessary) the input, and
// * adds CLS/SEP sentinels.
// If truncation is needed, it truncates the utterance based on natural word
// unit. That is, a natural word is either kept or truncated entirely.
// Inputs:
// - tokenizer: the tokenizer. TODO(xysong): Upgrade SentencePiece tokenizer to
//   return subword_indicator in order to be used here.
// - utterances_in_reverse_order: the pairs of utterance in the dialogue in the
//   reverse chronological order, starting from the
//   current turn.
// - max_seq_length: the max sequence length of BERT model.
// - max_history_turns: the max number of history turns that are encoded, in
//   addition to the current turn. So if 'max_history_turns=2', then there are 3
//   turns encoded in total.
// The result is stored in 'out_token_id_and_indicator_list',
// 'out_segment_id_list', 'out_turn_id_list', consisting of five vectors of the
// same length:
// - token_ids: [CLS] token ids of the current turn [SEP] token ids of the
//   previous turn [SEP] token ids of the turn before previous [SEP] ...
// - token_alignments: the span of the corresponding token in their original
//   utterance of the turn that it belongs to.
// - first_subword_indicators: 0 or 1s, the first subword indicator of the
//   corresponding token. 1 means the corresponding token is the first subword
//   of a natural word. 0 means the corresponding token is not the first subword
//   of a natural word. Note that for [CLS], [SEP], the first subword indicator
//   is always 0.
// - segment_ids: 0 or 1s. 0 means the corresponding token belongs to the first
//   sentence segment for BERT. 1 means that the corresponding token belongs to
//   the second sentence segment for BERT. This vector feeds to BERT as the
//   segment_ids (a.k.a. type_ids).
// - turn_ids: the turn index of the corresponding token, like 0 0 0 1 1 1 2
//   2 2. This can be used to determine which turn a token belongs to. [CLS]
//   belongs to turn 0. [SEP] belongs to the turn that it follows.
// An important case is that when truncation is necessary (i.e., if the combined
// length of all turns plus satinels exceeds 'max_seq_len'), the earliest turns
// get truncated first, then later turns, then finally the current turn. This is
// different from normal BERT practice where the longer sequence is always get
// truncated. The reason is that the more recent turns are often more important
// in dialogue.
// In addition, the utterances are truncated first before satinels (CLS/SEP) are
// added. There is always an [SEP] after each turn.
// This function does *not* do padding. The result contains the real tokens of
// the input. Padding is done later in TF graph and TFLite preprocessing. After
// modeling, we will do post-processing to extract slots from those real tokens.
absl::Status BertPreprocessing(
    const tflite::support::text::tokenizer::BertTokenizer* tokenizer,
    const std::vector<absl::string_view>& utterances_in_reverse_order,
    int max_seq_length, int max_history_turns, std::vector<int>* out_token_ids,
    std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>* out_token_alignments,
    std::vector<int>* out_token_first_subword_indicators,
    std::vector<int>* out_segment_id_list, std::vector<int>* out_turn_id_list);

}  // namespace tflite::task::text::clu