/* Copyright 2022 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
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namespace tflite::task::text::clu {
// Whether to do lower case before Bert Tokenization.
inline constexpr bool kUseLowerCase = true;
// Tokens used in BERT model.
inline constexpr char kClsToken[] = "[CLS]";
inline constexpr char kSepToken[] = "[SEP]";
inline constexpr char kUnkToken[] = "[UNK]";
// The padding symbol for BERT WordpieceTokenizer.
inline constexpr char kWordpiecePadToken[] = "[PAD]";
// IOB tags
inline constexpr char kSlotOTag[] = "O";
inline constexpr char kSlotBTagPrefix[] = "B-";
inline constexpr char kSlotITagPrefix[] = "I-";
inline constexpr char kNamespaceDelim[] = "~~";
// CLU features
struct CLUFeature {
static constexpr char kDialogId[] = "dialog_id";
static constexpr char kTurnIndex[] = "turn_index";
static constexpr char kUtteranceSeq[] = "utterance_seq";
static constexpr char kUtteranceTokenIdSeq[] = "utterance_token_id_seq";
static constexpr char kUtteranceFirstSubwordSeq[] =
static constexpr char kUtteranceSegmentIdSeq[] = "utterance_segment_id_seq";
static constexpr char kUtteranceTurnIdSeq[] = "utterance_turn_id_seq";
static constexpr char kUtteranceCharSeq[] = "utterance_char_seq";
static constexpr char kUtteranceEngineeredSeq[] = "utterance_engineered_seq";
static constexpr char kSeqLength[] = "seq_length";
static constexpr char kWord[] = "word";
static constexpr char kRawUtterance[] = "raw_utterance";
static constexpr char kTokenAlignmentSeq[] = "token_alignment_seq";
static constexpr char kSlotTagSeq[] = "slot_tag_seq";
static constexpr char kIntents[] = "intents";
static constexpr char kDomain[] = "domain";
static constexpr char kPosTagSeq[] = "pos_tag_seq";
// Indicator features denoting whether the domain/intent/slot annotations are
// present in the example.
static constexpr char kHasDomain[] = "has_domain";
static constexpr char kHasIntents[] = "has_intents";
static constexpr char kHasSlots[] = "has_slots";
// Annotated Span features
static constexpr char kAnnotatedSpanSeq[] = "annotated_span_seq";
static constexpr char kAnnotatedSpanScoreSeq[] = "annotated_span_score_seq";
static constexpr char kAnnotatedSpanTimeDurationSeq[] =
static constexpr char kAnnotatedSpanTimeOfDaySeq[] =
static constexpr char kAnnotatedSpanDayOfWeekSeq[] =
static constexpr char kAnnotatedSpanAppTypeSeq[] =
static constexpr char kAnnotatedSpanAppLocaleSeq[] =
static constexpr char kAnnotatedSpanAppCategorySeq[] =
// End of Annotated Span features
static constexpr char kNumHistoryTurns[] = "num_history_turns";
static constexpr char kHistorySeq[] = "history_seq_";
static constexpr char kHistorySeqLength[] = "history_seq_length_";
static constexpr char kSurfaceType[] = "surface_type";
} // namespace tflite::task::text::clu