
/* Copyright 2022 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "absl/status/status.h"  // from @com_google_absl
#include "absl/status/statusor.h"  // from @com_google_absl
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"  // from @com_google_absl
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"  // from @com_google_absl
#include "tensorflow_lite_support/cc/task/text/clu_lib/constants.h"

namespace tflite::task::text::clu {

// Takes care of adding IOB and Domain prefixes and parsing them later
class SlotRepr {
  // I-tag for the slot
  std::string ITag() const { return absl::StrCat(kSlotITagPrefix, FullName()); }

  // B-tag for the slot
  std::string BTag() const { return absl::StrCat(kSlotBTagPrefix, FullName()); }

  // The domain name
  const std::string& Domain() const { return domain_; }

  // The slot name
  const std::string& Name() const { return name_; }

  // The domain and slot name
  std::string FullName() const;

  bool operator==(const SlotRepr& other) const;

  // I-tag for the given slot name
  static std::string ITag(absl::string_view name) {
    return absl::StrCat(kSlotITagPrefix, name);

  // B-tag for the given slot name
  static std::string BTag(absl::string_view name) {
    return absl::StrCat(kSlotBTagPrefix, name);

  static bool IsI(const absl::string_view repr);

  static bool IsB(const absl::string_view repr);

  static bool IsO(const absl::string_view repr);

  // Factory function given the BIO string representation
  static absl::StatusOr<SlotRepr> CreateFromIob(const absl::string_view);

  // Factory
  static SlotRepr Create(absl::string_view name, absl::string_view domain = "",
                         const bool share_across_domains = true);

  // Splits the full_name into domain and slot name.
  static absl::StatusOr<std::tuple<absl::string_view, absl::string_view>>
  SplitDomainAndName(const absl::string_view full_name);

  std::string domain_;
  std::string name_;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SlotRepr& slot_repr);

// A non-proto message version of SlotMention, with some additional fields.
// TODO(amiraf, pengwang): Consider using a proto instead.
struct SlotMentionStruct {
  SlotRepr repr;
  int start;
  int exclusive_end;
  float confidence;

// A span over character or tokens.
struct Span {
  int start;
  int exclusive_end;

  Span(const int start_arg, const int exclusive_end_arg)
      : start(start_arg), exclusive_end(exclusive_end_arg) {}

  explicit Span(const std::pair<int, int>& start_end)
      : start(start_end.first), exclusive_end(start_end.second) {}

  inline int Middle() const { return (start + exclusive_end) / 2; }

// Produces chunks/spans for the slots from the IOB tags with confidence. The
// result is ordered by `start` in ascending order.
absl::StatusOr<std::vector<SlotMentionStruct>> DecodeSlotChunks(
    const absl::Span<const absl::string_view> tag_names,
    const absl::Span<const float> tag_probs,
    const absl::Span<const std::pair<int, int>> token_alignments);

// Resolve inconsistent IOB tags.
// Three cases: (1) O I-y (2) B-x I-y (3) I-x I-y. In either case, change the
// second to 'B-y'.
absl::Status ResolveInconsistentIobTagSeq(std::vector<std::string>* tag_names);

}  // namespace tflite::task::text::clu