/* Copyright 2022 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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syntax = "proto2";
package tflite.task.text;
import "tensorflow_lite_support/cc/task/core/proto/class.proto";
// The input to CLU (Conversational Language Understanding).
message CluRequest {
// The utterances of dialogue conversation turns in the chronological order.
// The last utterance is the current turn.
repeated string utterances = 1;
// The output of CLU.
// Example input request:
// ```
// utterances: "I would like to make a restaurant reservation at morning 11:15."
// utterances: "Which restaurant do you want to go to?"
// utterances: "Can I get a reservation for two people at Andes Cafe? Where is
// their address?"
// ```
// Example output:
// ```
// domains { display_name: "Restaurants" score: 0.91 }
// intents { display_name: "request(street_address)" score: 0.79 }
// categorical_slots {
// slot: "party_size"
// prediction: { display_name="2" score: 0.78 }
// }
// mentioned_slots {
// slot: "restaurant_name"
// mention: { value: "Andes Cafe" confidence: 0.91 start: 42 end: 52 }
// }
// ```
message CluResponse {
// The list of predicted domains.
repeated tflite.task.core.Class domains = 1;
// The list of predicted intents.
repeated tflite.task.core.Class intents = 2;
// The list of predicted categorical slots.
repeated CategoricalSlot categorical_slots = 3;
// The list of predicted mentioned slots.
repeated MentionedSlot mentioned_slots = 4;
// Represents a categorical slot whose values are within a finite set.
message CategoricalSlot {
// The name of the slot.
optional string slot = 1;
// The predicted class.
optional tflite.task.core.Class prediction = 2;
// A single mention.
message Mention {
// The text value of the mention.
optional string value = 2;
// The score for this mention e.g. (but not necessarily) a probability in
// [0,1].
optional float score = 3;
// Start of the bytes of this mention.
optional uint32 start = 4;
// Exclusive end of the bytes of this mention.
optional uint32 end = 5;
// Represents a mentioned slot whose values are open text extracted from
// the input text.
message MentionedSlot {
// The name of the slot.
optional string slot = 1;
// The predicted mention.
optional Mention mention = 2;