/* Copyright 2021 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package tflite.task.text;
import "tensorflow_lite_support/cc/task/core/proto/base_options.proto";
// Options for setting up an NLClassifier.
// Next Id: 8
message NLClassifierOptions {
// Base options for configuring NLClassifier, such as specifying the
// TfLite model file with metadata, accelerator options, etc.
optional tflite.task.core.BaseOptions base_options = 1;
// ****************************************************
// Configure the input/output tensors for NLClassifier:
// - No special configuration is needed if the model has only one input tensor
// and one output tensor.
// - When the model has multiple input or output tensors, use the following
// configurations to specifiy the desired tensors:
// -- tensor names: `input_tensor_name`, `output_score_tensor_name`,
// `output_label_tensor_name`
// -- tensor indices: `input_tensor_index`, `output_score_tensor_index`,
// `output_label_tensor_index`
// Tensor names has higher priorities than tensor indices in locating the
// tensors. It means the tensors will be first located according to tensor
// names. If not found, then the tensors will be located according to tensor
// indices.
// - Failing to match the input text tensor or output score tensor with
// neither tensor names nor tensor indices will trigger a runtime error.
// However, failing to locate the output label tensor will not trigger an
// error because the label tensor is optional.
// ****************************************************
// Name of the input text tensor, if the model has multiple inputs. Only the
// input tensor specified will be used for inference; other input tensors will
// be ignored. Default to "INPUT".
// See the "Configure the input/output tensors for NLClassifier" section above
// for more details.
optional string input_tensor_name = 2 [default = "INPUT"];
// Name of the output score tensor, if the model has multiple outputs. Default
// See the "Configure the input/output tensors for NLClassifier" section above
// for more details.
optional string output_score_tensor_name = 3 [default = "OUTPUT_SCORE"];
// Name of the output label tensor, if the model has multiple outputs. Default
// See the "Configure the input/output tensors for NLClassifier" section above
// for more details.
// By default, label file should be packed with
// the output score tensor through Model Metadata. See the MetadataWriter for
// NLClassifier [1]. NLClassifier reads and parses labels from the label
// file automatically. However, some models may output a specific label tensor
// instead. In this case, NLClassifier reads labels from the output label
// tensor.
// [1]:
// https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/convert/metadata_writer_tutorial#natural_language_classifiers
optional string output_label_tensor_name = 4 [default = "OUTPUT_LABEL"];
// Index of the input text tensor among all input tensors, if the model has
// multiple inputs. Only the input tensor specified will be used for
// inference; other input tensors will be ignored. Default to 0.
// See the "Configure the input/output tensors for NLClassifier" section above
// for more details.
optional int32 input_tensor_index = 5 [default = 0];
// Index of the output score tensor among all output tensors, if the model has
// multiple outputs. Default to 0.
// See the "Configure the input/output tensors for NLClassifier" section above
// for more details.
optional int32 output_score_tensor_index = 6 [default = 0];
// Index of the optional output label tensor among all output tensors, if the
// model has multiple outputs.
// See the comment above `output_label_tensor_name` for more information about
// what the output label tensor is.
// See the "Configure the input/output tensors for NLClassifier" section above
// for more details.
// `output_label_tensor_index` defaults to -1, meaning to disable searching
// the output label tensor as it might be optional.
optional int32 output_label_tensor_index = 7 [default = -1];