
/* Copyright 2021 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"  // from @com_google_absl
#include "absl/status/status.h"  // from @com_google_absl
#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"  // from @com_google_absl
#include "tensorflow_lite_support/cc/port/statusor.h"
#include "tensorflow_lite_support/cc/task/core/base_task_api.h"
#include "tensorflow_lite_support/cc/task/core/task_api_factory.h"
#include "tensorflow_lite_support/cc/task/core/tflite_engine.h"
#include "tensorflow_lite_support/cc/task/processor/proto/embedding.pb.h"
#include "tensorflow_lite_support/cc/task/text/proto/retrieval.pb.h"

namespace tflite {
namespace task {
namespace text {

// QAInput and QAOutput for UniversalSentenceEncoderQA internally.
namespace internal {
struct QAInput;
struct QAOutput;
}  // namespace internal

// Universal Sentence Encoder (USE) Question Answerer. The model uses USE as the
// backbone and answers a question.
// The API expects an USE QA model with the following input and output tensor
// names:
//                    Metadata tensor name   |   Model tensor name
// Inputs tensors:                           |
//   - Query text         "inp_text"         | "ParseExample/ParseExampleV2:1"
//   - Response context   "res_context"      | "ParseExample/ParseExampleV2:2"
//   - Response text:     "res_text"         | "ParseExample/ParseExampleV2:3"
// Output tensors:
//   - Query encoding     "query_encoding"   | "Final/EncodeQuery/mul"
//   - Response encoding  "response_encoding"| "Final/EncodeResult/mul"
// Tensors will be matched by first checking the metadata tesnor name and then
// the Model tensor name. If no matching tensor name is found, the first three
// input tensors will be used for query text, response context, response text,
// respectively; the first two output tensors will be used for query_encoding
// and response encoding, respectively. Other input or output tensors will be
// ignored by `UniversalSentenceEncoderQA`.

class UniversalSentenceEncoderQA
    : public core::BaseTaskApi<internal::QAOutput, const internal::QAInput&> {
  using BaseTaskApi::BaseTaskApi;
  using FeatureVector = ::tflite::task::processor::FeatureVector;

  // TODO(b/198995952): add support to parameterize.
  static constexpr int kFinalEmbeddingSize = 100;

  static tflite::support::StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<UniversalSentenceEncoderQA>>
      const tflite::task::text::RetrievalOptions& options,
      std::unique_ptr<tflite::OpResolver> resolver =

  // Retrieves output from the input by running TFLite engine.
  // Returns an error, if either query_text or responses is empty.
  tflite::support::StatusOr<RetrievalOutput> Retrieve(
      const RetrievalInput& input);

  // Encodes query from the text.
  // Returns an error, if query text is empty.
  tflite::support::StatusOr<FeatureVector> EncodeQuery(
      absl::string_view query_text);

  // Encodes response from the text and/or context.
  // Returns an error, if both text and context are empty.
  tflite::support::StatusOr<FeatureVector> EncodeResponse(
      absl::string_view response_text, absl::string_view response_context);

  // Calculates similarity between two encoded vectors (require same size).
  static tflite::support::StatusOr<float> Similarity(const FeatureVector& a,
                                                     const FeatureVector& b);

  // Gets top k corresponding to output response scores in descending order.
  // If k == 0, all responses are ranked.
  static std::vector<size_t> Top(const RetrievalOutput& output, size_t k = 0);

  absl::Status Init(std::unique_ptr<RetrievalOptions> options);

  absl::Status Preprocess(const std::vector<TfLiteTensor*>& input_tensors,
                          const internal::QAInput& input) override;

  tflite::support::StatusOr<internal::QAOutput> Postprocess(
      const std::vector<const TfLiteTensor*>& output_tensors,
      const internal::QAInput& input) override;

  internal::QAOutput Run(absl::string_view query_text,
                         absl::string_view response_text,
                         absl::string_view response_context);

  std::unique_ptr<tflite::task::text::RetrievalOptions> options_;

  // The input tensor indices corresponding to the query text tensor, the
  // response context tensor, and the response text tensor, respectively.
  std::vector<int> input_indices_;

  // The output tensor indices corresponding to the query encoding tensor and
  // the response encoding tensor, respectively.
  std::vector<int> output_indices_;

}  // namespace text
}  // namespace task
}  // namespace tflite