// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/printing/oauth2/status_code.h"
#include "chromeos/printing/uri.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace network {
class SharedURLLoaderFactory;
} // namespace network
namespace ash {
namespace printing {
namespace oauth2 {
class ClientIdsDatabase;
// The class AuthorizationZone is responsible for handling sessions with single
// Authorization Server. It creates and maintains OAuth2 sessions.
// How to use:
// * InitAuthorization(...) - the callback returns URL that must be open in an
// internet browser to allow a user to go through an authorization procedure.
// * FinishAuthorization(...) - this must be called when the authorization
// procedure run in the internet browser is completed.
// * GetEndpointAccessToken(...) - the callback returns endpoint access token
// for given IPP Endpoint. You can call this method as the first one and
// then fallback to InitAuthorization(...)/FinishAuthorization(...) when
// it returns the status StatusCode::kAuthorizationNeeded. This method can
// be called repeatedly and will return the same token for the same
// parameters until the method from the next point is called.
// * MarkEndpointAccessTokenAsExpired(...) - call this method to mark the
// endpoint access token as expired. Then the following call to
// GetEndpointAccessToken(...) should obtain a new endpoint access token or
// returns StatusCode::kAuthorizationNeeded when a new authorization
// procedure is needed (i.e. a new call to InitAuthorization(...) and
// FinishAuthorization(...) is required).
class AuthorizationZone {
// `client_ids_database` cannot be nullptr and must outlive created object.
static std::unique_ptr<AuthorizationZone> Create(
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> url_loader_factory,
const GURL& authorization_server_uri,
ClientIdsDatabase* client_ids_database);
AuthorizationZone(const AuthorizationZone&) = delete;
AuthorizationZone& operator=(const AuthorizationZone&) = delete;
virtual ~AuthorizationZone() = default;
// Starts authorization process. If successful, the `callback` is returned
// with StatusCode::kOK and with an authorization URL that must be open in an
// internet browser. Before calling this method the caller should make sure
// that creating a new session is necessary by calling the method
// GetEndpointAccessToken(...) first.
virtual void InitAuthorization(const std::string& scope,
StatusCallback callback) = 0;
// Finalizes authorization process. As an parameter this method takes an URL
// that the internet browser was redirected to at the end of the authorization
// procedure completed by the user. The return code StatusCode::kOK means
// that a new OAuth2 session was created and the caller can now use the method
// GetEndpointAccessToken(...) to get an endpoint access token.
virtual void FinishAuthorization(const GURL& redirect_url,
StatusCallback callback) = 0;
// Obtains an endpoint access token to use with the given IPP Endpoint. If
// succeeded `callback` returns StatusCode::kOK and Endpoint Access Token as
// `data`. StatusCode::kAuthorizationNeeded means that the caller must call
// methods InitAuthorization(...) and FinishAuthorization(...) first to open
// OAuth2 session. The parameter `scope` is used only when an endpoint access
// token for the given IPP endpoint does not exists yet (the parameter has no
// effectes when the endpoint access token already exists).
virtual void GetEndpointAccessToken(const chromeos::Uri& ipp_endpoint,
const std::string& scope,
StatusCallback callback) = 0;
// This method must be called when given `endpoint_access_token` stops
// working. It marks the endpoint access token as expired. The next call to
// GetEndpointAccessToken(...) will start internally a procedure to obtain a
// new endpoint access token.
virtual void MarkEndpointAccessTokenAsExpired(
const chromeos::Uri& ipp_endpoint,
const std::string& endpoint_access_token) = 0;
// This method must be called when the Authorization Zone becomes untrusted.
// The method cancels all existing sessions and calls all pending callbacks
// in the object with status StatusCode::kUntrustedAuthorizationServer.
virtual void MarkAuthorizationZoneAsUntrusted() = 0;
AuthorizationZone() = default;
} // namespace oauth2
} // namespace printing
} // namespace ash