// Copyright 2022 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "tensorflow_lite_support/ios/task/audio/core/audio_record/sources/TFLAudioRecord.h"
#import "tensorflow_lite_support/ios/task/audio/core/sources/TFLFloatBuffer.h"
/** A wrapper class to store input audio used in on-device machine learning. */
@interface TFLAudioTensor : NSObject
/** Audio format specifying the number of channels and sample rate supported. */
@property(nonatomic, readonly) TFLAudioFormat *audioFormat;
* A copy of all the internal buffer elements in order with the most recent elements
* appearing at the end of `buffer.data`.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) TFLFloatBuffer *buffer;
/** Capacity of the `TFLAudioTensor` buffer in number of elements. */
@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSUInteger bufferSize;
* Initializes a new `TFLAudioTensor` with a given `TFLAudioFormat` and sample count.
* @discussion The `TFLAudioTensor` stores data in a ring buffer of size sampleCount *
* TFLAudioFormat.channelCount.
* @param format An audio format of type `TFLAudioFormat`.
* @param sampleCount The number of samples `TFLAudioTensor` can store at any given
* time. The `sampleCount` provided will be used to calculate the buffer size of `TFLAudioTensor`
* (with `bufferSize = format.channelCount * sampleCount`.
* @return A new instance of TFLAudioTensor with the given audio format and sample count.
- (instancetype)initWithAudioFormat:(TFLAudioFormat *)format
sampleCount:(NSUInteger)sampleCount NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
* Convenience method to load the elements currently in the internal buffer of `TFLAudioRecord` into
* `TFLAudioTensor`.
* @discussion You must ensure that the audio formats of `TFLAudioRecord` and the current
* `TFLAudioTensor` match.
* New data from the input buffer is appended to the end of the buffer by shifting out
* any old data from the beginning of the buffer if needed to make space. If the size of the new
* data to be copied is more than the capacity of the buffer, only the most recent data
* of the `TFLAudioTensor`'s buffer size will be copied from the input buffer.
* @param audioRecord An object of `TFLAudioRecord`.
* @param error An optional error parameter populated with the reason for failure, if the internal
* buffer of `TFLAudioRecord` could not be loaded into the `TFLAudioTensor`.
* @return A boolean indicating if the load operation succeded.
- (BOOL)loadAudioRecord:(TFLAudioRecord *)audioRecord
withError:(NSError **)error NS_SWIFT_NAME(load(audioRecord:));
* This function loads the internal buffer of `TFLAudioTensor` with the provided buffer.
* @discussion New data from the input buffer is appended to the end of the buffer by shifting out
* any old data from the beginning of the buffer if needed to make space. If the size of the new
* data to be copied is more than the capacity of the buffer, only the most recent data
* of the `TFLAudioTensor`'s buffer size will be copied from the input buffer.
* @param sourceBuffer A buffer of type `TFLFloatBuffer`. For multi-channel input, the array must
* be interleaved.
* @param offset Starting index in the source buffer from which elements should be copied.
* @param size The number of elements to be copied.
* @param error An optional error parameter populated with the reason for failure, if the internal
* buffer could not be loaded with the source buffer.
* @return A boolean indicating if the load operation succeded.
- (BOOL)loadBuffer:(TFLFloatBuffer *)buffer
error:(NSError **)error NS_SWIFT_NAME(load(buffer:offset:size:));