# Copyright 2020 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
"""Helper classes for common model metadata information."""
import collections
import csv
import os
from typing import List, Optional, Type, Union
from tensorflow_lite_support.metadata import metadata_schema_py_generated as _metadata_fb
from tensorflow_lite_support.metadata import schema_py_generated as _schema_fb
from tensorflow_lite_support.metadata.python.metadata_writers import writer_utils
# Min and max values for UINT8 tensors.
_MIN_UINT8 = 0
_MAX_UINT8 = 255
# Default description for vocabulary files.
_VOCAB_FILE_DESCRIPTION = ("Vocabulary file to convert natural language "
"words to embedding vectors.")
class GeneralMd:
"""A container for common metadata information of a model.
name: name of the model.
version: version of the model.
description: description of what the model does.
author: author of the model.
licenses: licenses of the model.
def __init__(self,
name: Optional[str] = None,
version: Optional[str] = None,
description: Optional[str] = None,
author: Optional[str] = None,
licenses: Optional[str] = None):
self.name = name
self.version = version
self.description = description
self.author = author
self.licenses = licenses
def create_metadata(self) -> _metadata_fb.ModelMetadataT:
"""Creates the model metadata based on the general model information.
A Flatbuffers Python object of the model metadata.
model_metadata = _metadata_fb.ModelMetadataT()
model_metadata.name = self.name
model_metadata.version = self.version
model_metadata.description = self.description
model_metadata.author = self.author
model_metadata.license = self.licenses
return model_metadata
class AssociatedFileMd:
"""A container for common associated file metadata information.
file_path: path to the associated file.
description: description of the associated file.
file_type: file type of the associated file [1].
locale: locale of the associated file [2].
def __init__(
file_path: str,
description: Optional[str] = None,
file_type: Optional[_metadata_fb.AssociatedFileType] = _metadata_fb
locale: Optional[str] = None):
self.file_path = file_path
self.description = description
self.file_type = file_type
self.locale = locale
def create_metadata(self) -> _metadata_fb.AssociatedFileT:
"""Creates the associated file metadata.
A Flatbuffers Python object of the associated file metadata.
file_metadata = _metadata_fb.AssociatedFileT()
file_metadata.name = os.path.basename(self.file_path)
file_metadata.description = self.description
file_metadata.type = self.file_type
file_metadata.locale = self.locale
return file_metadata
class LabelFileMd(AssociatedFileMd):
"""A container for label file metadata information."""
_LABEL_FILE_DESCRIPTION = ("Labels for categories that the model can "
_FILE_TYPE = _metadata_fb.AssociatedFileType.TENSOR_AXIS_LABELS
def __init__(self, file_path: str, locale: Optional[str] = None):
"""Creates a LabelFileMd object.
file_path: file_path of the label file.
locale: locale of the label file [1].
super().__init__(file_path, self._LABEL_FILE_DESCRIPTION, self._FILE_TYPE,
class RegexTokenizerMd:
"""A container for the Regex tokenizer [1] metadata information.
def __init__(self, delim_regex_pattern: str, vocab_file_path: str):
"""Initializes a RegexTokenizerMd object.
delim_regex_pattern: the regular expression to segment strings and create
vocab_file_path: path to the vocabulary file.
self._delim_regex_pattern = delim_regex_pattern
self._vocab_file_path = vocab_file_path
def create_metadata(self) -> _metadata_fb.ProcessUnitT:
"""Creates the Bert tokenizer metadata based on the information.
A Flatbuffers Python object of the Bert tokenizer metadata.
vocab = _metadata_fb.AssociatedFileT()
vocab.name = self._vocab_file_path
vocab.description = _VOCAB_FILE_DESCRIPTION
vocab.type = _metadata_fb.AssociatedFileType.VOCABULARY
# Create the RegexTokenizer.
tokenizer = _metadata_fb.ProcessUnitT()
tokenizer.optionsType = (
tokenizer.options = _metadata_fb.RegexTokenizerOptionsT()
tokenizer.options.delimRegexPattern = self._delim_regex_pattern
tokenizer.options.vocabFile = [vocab]
return tokenizer
class BertTokenizerMd:
"""A container for the Bert tokenizer [1] metadata information.
def __init__(self, vocab_file_path: str):
"""Initializes a BertTokenizerMd object.
vocab_file_path: path to the vocabulary file.
self._vocab_file_path = vocab_file_path
def create_metadata(self) -> _metadata_fb.ProcessUnitT:
"""Creates the Bert tokenizer metadata based on the information.
A Flatbuffers Python object of the Bert tokenizer metadata.
vocab = _metadata_fb.AssociatedFileT()
vocab.name = self._vocab_file_path
vocab.description = _VOCAB_FILE_DESCRIPTION
vocab.type = _metadata_fb.AssociatedFileType.VOCABULARY
tokenizer = _metadata_fb.ProcessUnitT()
tokenizer.optionsType = _metadata_fb.ProcessUnitOptions.BertTokenizerOptions
tokenizer.options = _metadata_fb.BertTokenizerOptionsT()
tokenizer.options.vocabFile = [vocab]
return tokenizer
class SentencePieceTokenizerMd:
"""A container for the sentence piece tokenizer [1] metadata information.
_SP_MODEL_DESCRIPTION = "The sentence piece model file."
" This file is optional during tokenization, while the sentence piece "
"model is mandatory.")
def __init__(self,
sentence_piece_model_path: str,
vocab_file_path: Optional[str] = None):
"""Initializes a SentencePieceTokenizerMd object.
sentence_piece_model_path: path to the sentence piece model file.
vocab_file_path: path to the vocabulary file.
self._sentence_piece_model_path = sentence_piece_model_path
self._vocab_file_path = vocab_file_path
def create_metadata(self) -> _metadata_fb.ProcessUnitT:
"""Creates the sentence piece tokenizer metadata based on the information.
A Flatbuffers Python object of the sentence piece tokenizer metadata.
tokenizer = _metadata_fb.ProcessUnitT()
tokenizer.optionsType = (
tokenizer.options = _metadata_fb.SentencePieceTokenizerOptionsT()
sp_model = _metadata_fb.AssociatedFileT()
sp_model.name = self._sentence_piece_model_path
sp_model.description = self._SP_MODEL_DESCRIPTION
tokenizer.options.sentencePieceModel = [sp_model]
if self._vocab_file_path:
vocab = _metadata_fb.AssociatedFileT()
vocab.name = self._vocab_file_path
vocab.description = self._SP_VOCAB_FILE_DESCRIPTION
vocab.type = _metadata_fb.AssociatedFileType.VOCABULARY
tokenizer.options.vocabFile = [vocab]
return tokenizer
class ScoreCalibrationMd:
"""A container for score calibration [1] metadata information.
"Contains sigmoid-based score calibration parameters. The main purposes "
"of score calibration is to make scores across classes comparable, so "
"that a common threshold can be used for all output classes.")
_FILE_TYPE = _metadata_fb.AssociatedFileType.TENSOR_AXIS_SCORE_CALIBRATION
def __init__(self,
score_transformation_type: _metadata_fb.ScoreTransformationType,
default_score: float, file_path: str):
"""Creates a ScoreCalibrationMd object.
score_transformation_type: type of the function used for transforming the
uncalibrated score before applying score calibration.
default_score: the default calibrated score to apply if the uncalibrated
score is below min_score or if no parameters were specified for a given
file_path: file_path of the score calibration file [1].
ValueError: if the score_calibration file is malformed.
self._score_transformation_type = score_transformation_type
self._default_score = default_score
self._file_path = file_path
# Sanity check the score calibration file.
with open(self._file_path) as calibration_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(calibration_file, delimiter=",")
for row in csv_reader:
if row and len(row) != 3 and len(row) != 4:
raise ValueError(
f"Expected empty lines or 3 or 4 parameters per line in score"
f" calibration file, but got {len(row)}.")
if row and float(row[0]) < 0:
raise ValueError(
f"Expected scale to be a non-negative value, but got "
def create_metadata(self) -> _metadata_fb.ProcessUnitT:
"""Creates the score calibration metadata based on the information.
A Flatbuffers Python object of the score calibration metadata.
score_calibration = _metadata_fb.ProcessUnitT()
score_calibration.optionsType = (
options = _metadata_fb.ScoreCalibrationOptionsT()
options.scoreTransformation = self._score_transformation_type
options.defaultScore = self._default_score
score_calibration.options = options
return score_calibration
def create_score_calibration_file_md(self) -> AssociatedFileMd:
return AssociatedFileMd(self._file_path,
class TensorMd:
"""A container for common tensor metadata information.
name: name of the tensor.
description: description of what the tensor is.
min_values: per-channel minimum value of the tensor.
max_values: per-channel maximum value of the tensor.
content_type: content_type of the tensor.
associated_files: information of the associated files in the tensor.
tensor_name: name of the corresponding tensor [1] in the TFLite model. It is
used to locate the corresponding tensor and decide the order of the tensor
metadata [2] when populating model metadata.
def __init__(self,
name: Optional[str] = None,
description: Optional[str] = None,
min_values: Optional[List[float]] = None,
max_values: Optional[List[float]] = None,
content_type: _metadata_fb.ContentProperties = _metadata_fb
associated_files: Optional[List[Type[AssociatedFileMd]]] = None,
tensor_name: Optional[str] = None):
self.name = name
self.description = description
self.min_values = min_values
self.max_values = max_values
self.content_type = content_type
self.associated_files = associated_files
self.tensor_name = tensor_name
def create_metadata(self) -> _metadata_fb.TensorMetadataT:
"""Creates the input tensor metadata based on the information.
A Flatbuffers Python object of the input metadata.
tensor_metadata = _metadata_fb.TensorMetadataT()
tensor_metadata.name = self.name
tensor_metadata.description = self.description
# Create min and max values
stats = _metadata_fb.StatsT()
stats.max = self.max_values
stats.min = self.min_values
tensor_metadata.stats = stats
# Create content properties
content = _metadata_fb.ContentT()
if self.content_type is _metadata_fb.ContentProperties.FeatureProperties:
content.contentProperties = _metadata_fb.FeaturePropertiesT()
elif self.content_type is _metadata_fb.ContentProperties.ImageProperties:
content.contentProperties = _metadata_fb.ImagePropertiesT()
elif self.content_type is (
content.contentProperties = _metadata_fb.BoundingBoxPropertiesT()
elif self.content_type is _metadata_fb.ContentProperties.AudioProperties:
content.contentProperties = _metadata_fb.AudioPropertiesT()
content.contentPropertiesType = self.content_type
tensor_metadata.content = content
# TODO(b/174091474): check if multiple label files have populated locale.
# Create associated files
if self.associated_files:
tensor_metadata.associatedFiles = [
file.create_metadata() for file in self.associated_files
return tensor_metadata
class InputImageTensorMd(TensorMd):
"""A container for input image tensor metadata information.
norm_mean: the mean value used in tensor normalization [1].
norm_std: the std value used in the tensor normalization [1]. norm_mean and
norm_std must have the same dimension.
color_space_type: the color space type of the input image [2].
# Min and max float values for image pixels.
_MIN_PIXEL = 0.0
_MAX_PIXEL = 255.0
def __init__(
name: Optional[str] = None,
description: Optional[str] = None,
norm_mean: Optional[List[float]] = None,
norm_std: Optional[List[float]] = None,
color_space_type: Optional[
_metadata_fb.ColorSpaceType] = _metadata_fb.ColorSpaceType.UNKNOWN,
tensor_type: Optional[_schema_fb.TensorType] = None):
"""Initializes the instance of InputImageTensorMd.
name: name of the tensor.
description: description of what the tensor is.
norm_mean: the mean value used in tensor normalization [1].
norm_std: the std value used in the tensor normalization [1]. norm_mean
and norm_std must have the same dimension.
color_space_type: the color space type of the input image [2].
tensor_type: data type of the tensor.
ValueError: if norm_mean and norm_std have different dimensions.
if norm_std and norm_mean and len(norm_std) != len(norm_mean):
raise ValueError(
f"norm_mean and norm_std are expected to be the same dim. But got "
f"{len(norm_mean)} and {len(norm_std)}")
if tensor_type is _schema_fb.TensorType.UINT8:
min_values = [_MIN_UINT8]
max_values = [_MAX_UINT8]
elif tensor_type is _schema_fb.TensorType.FLOAT32 and norm_std and norm_mean:
min_values = [
float(self._MIN_PIXEL - mean) / std
for mean, std in zip(norm_mean, norm_std)
max_values = [
float(self._MAX_PIXEL - mean) / std
for mean, std in zip(norm_mean, norm_std)
# Uint8 and Float32 are the two major types currently. And Task library
# doesn't support other types so far.
min_values = None
max_values = None
super().__init__(name, description, min_values, max_values,
self.norm_mean = norm_mean
self.norm_std = norm_std
self.color_space_type = color_space_type
def create_metadata(self) -> _metadata_fb.TensorMetadataT:
"""Creates the input image metadata based on the information.
A Flatbuffers Python object of the input image metadata.
tensor_metadata = super().create_metadata()
tensor_metadata.content.contentProperties.colorSpace = self.color_space_type
# Create normalization parameters
if self.norm_mean and self.norm_std:
normalization = _metadata_fb.ProcessUnitT()
normalization.optionsType = (
normalization.options = _metadata_fb.NormalizationOptionsT()
normalization.options.mean = self.norm_mean
normalization.options.std = self.norm_std
tensor_metadata.processUnits = [normalization]
return tensor_metadata
class InputTextTensorMd(TensorMd):
"""A container for the input text tensor metadata information.
tokenizer_md: information of the tokenizer in the input text tensor, if any.
def __init__(self,
name: Optional[str] = None,
description: Optional[str] = None,
tokenizer_md: Optional[RegexTokenizerMd] = None):
"""Initializes the instance of InputTextTensorMd.
name: name of the tensor.
description: description of what the tensor is.
tokenizer_md: information of the tokenizer in the input text tensor, if
any. Only `RegexTokenizer` [1] is currenly supported. If the tokenizer
is `BertTokenizer` [2] or `SentencePieceTokenizer` [3], refer to
super().__init__(name, description)
self.tokenizer_md = tokenizer_md
def create_metadata(self) -> _metadata_fb.TensorMetadataT:
"""Creates the input text metadata based on the information.
A Flatbuffers Python object of the input text metadata.
ValueError: if the type of tokenizer_md is unsupported.
if not isinstance(self.tokenizer_md, (type(None), RegexTokenizerMd)):
raise ValueError(
f"The type of tokenizer_options, {type(self.tokenizer_md)}, is "
tensor_metadata = super().create_metadata()
if self.tokenizer_md:
tensor_metadata.processUnits = [self.tokenizer_md.create_metadata()]
return tensor_metadata
class InputAudioTensorMd(TensorMd):
"""A container for the input audio tensor metadata information.
sample_rate: the sample rate in Hz when the audio was captured.
channels: the channel count of the audio.
def __init__(self,
name: Optional[str] = None,
description: Optional[str] = None,
sample_rate: int = 0,
channels: int = 0):
"""Initializes the instance of InputAudioTensorMd.
name: name of the tensor.
description: description of what the tensor is.
sample_rate: the sample rate in Hz when the audio was captured.
channels: the channel count of the audio.
self.sample_rate = sample_rate
self.channels = channels
def create_metadata(self) -> _metadata_fb.TensorMetadataT:
"""Creates the input audio metadata based on the information.
A Flatbuffers Python object of the input audio metadata.
ValueError: if any value of sample_rate, channels is negative.
# 0 is the default value in Flatbuffers.
if self.sample_rate < 0:
raise ValueError(
f"sample_rate should be non-negative, but got {self.sample_rate}.")
if self.channels < 0:
raise ValueError(
f"channels should be non-negative, but got {self.channels}.")
tensor_metadata = super().create_metadata()
properties = tensor_metadata.content.contentProperties
properties.sampleRate = self.sample_rate
properties.channels = self.channels
return tensor_metadata
class ClassificationTensorMd(TensorMd):
"""A container for the classification tensor metadata information.
label_files: information of the label files [1] in the classification
score_calibration_md: information of the score calibration operation [2] in
the classification tensor.
# Min and max float values for classification results.
_MIN_FLOAT = 0.0
_MAX_FLOAT = 1.0
def __init__(self,
name: Optional[str] = None,
description: Optional[str] = None,
label_files: Optional[List[LabelFileMd]] = None,
tensor_type: Optional[_schema_fb.TensorType] = None,
score_calibration_md: Optional[ScoreCalibrationMd] = None,
tensor_name: Optional[str] = None):
"""Initializes the instance of ClassificationTensorMd.
name: name of the tensor.
description: description of what the tensor is.
label_files: information of the label files [1] in the classification
tensor_type: data type of the tensor.
score_calibration_md: information of the score calibration files operation
[2] in the classification tensor.
tensor_name: name of the corresponding tensor [3] in the TFLite model. It
is used to locate the corresponding classification tensor and decide the
order of the tensor metadata [4] when populating model metadata.
self.score_calibration_md = score_calibration_md
if tensor_type is _schema_fb.TensorType.UINT8:
min_values = [_MIN_UINT8]
max_values = [_MAX_UINT8]
elif tensor_type is _schema_fb.TensorType.FLOAT32:
min_values = [self._MIN_FLOAT]
max_values = [self._MAX_FLOAT]
# Uint8 and Float32 are the two major types currently. And Task library
# doesn't support other types so far.
min_values = None
max_values = None
associated_files = label_files or []
if self.score_calibration_md:
super().__init__(name, description, min_values, max_values,
associated_files, tensor_name)
def create_metadata(self) -> _metadata_fb.TensorMetadataT:
"""Creates the classification tensor metadata based on the information."""
tensor_metadata = super().create_metadata()
if self.score_calibration_md:
tensor_metadata.processUnits = [
return tensor_metadata
class CategoryTensorMd(TensorMd):
"""A container for the category tensor metadata information."""
def __init__(self,
name: Optional[str] = None,
description: Optional[str] = None,
label_files: Optional[List[LabelFileMd]] = None):
"""Initializes a CategoryTensorMd object.
name: name of the tensor.
description: description of what the tensor is.
label_files: information of the label files [1] in the category tensor.
# In category tensors, label files are in the type of TENSOR_VALUE_LABELS.
value_label_files = label_files
if value_label_files:
for file in value_label_files:
file.file_type = _metadata_fb.AssociatedFileType.TENSOR_VALUE_LABELS
name=name, description=description, associated_files=value_label_files)
class BertInputTensorsMd:
"""A container for the input tensor metadata information of Bert models."""
_IDS_NAME = "ids"
_IDS_DESCRIPTION = "Tokenized ids of the input text."
_MASK_NAME = "mask"
_MASK_DESCRIPTION = ("Mask with 1 for real tokens and 0 for padding "
_SEGMENT_IDS_NAME = "segment_ids"
"0 for the first sequence, 1 for the second sequence if exists.")
def __init__(self,
model_buffer: bytearray,
ids_name: str,
mask_name: str,
segment_name: str,
ids_md: Optional[TensorMd] = None,
mask_md: Optional[TensorMd] = None,
segment_ids_md: Optional[TensorMd] = None,
tokenizer_md: Union[None, BertTokenizerMd,
SentencePieceTokenizerMd] = None):
"""Initializes a BertInputTensorsMd object.
`ids_name`, `mask_name`, and `segment_name` correspond to the `Tensor.name`
in the TFLite schema, which help to determine the tensor order when
populating metadata.
model_buffer: valid buffer of the model file.
ids_name: name of the ids tensor, which represents the tokenized ids of
the input text.
mask_name: name of the mask tensor, which represents the mask with 1 for
real tokens and 0 for padding tokens.
segment_name: name of the segment ids tensor, where `0` stands for the
first sequence, and `1` stands for the second sequence if exists.
ids_md: input ids tensor informaton.
mask_md: input mask tensor informaton.
segment_ids_md: input segment tensor informaton.
tokenizer_md: information of the tokenizer used to process the input
string, if any. Supported tokenziers are: `BertTokenizer` [1] and
`SentencePieceTokenizer` [2]. If the tokenizer is `RegexTokenizer`
[3], refer to `nl_classifier.MetadataWriter`.
self._input_names = [ids_name, mask_name, segment_name]
# Get the input tensor names in order from the model. Later, we need to
# order the input metadata according to this tensor order.
self._ordered_input_names = writer_utils.get_input_tensor_names(
# Verify that self._ordered_input_names (read from the model) and
# self._input_name (collected from users) are aligned.
if collections.Counter(self._ordered_input_names) != collections.Counter(
raise ValueError(
f"The input tensor names ({self._ordered_input_names}) do not match "
f"the tensor names read from the model ({self._input_names}).")
if ids_md is None:
ids_md = TensorMd(name=self._IDS_NAME, description=self._IDS_DESCRIPTION)
if mask_md is None:
mask_md = TensorMd(
name=self._MASK_NAME, description=self._MASK_DESCRIPTION)
if segment_ids_md is None:
segment_ids_md = TensorMd(
# The order of self._input_md matches the order of self._input_names.
self._input_md = [ids_md, mask_md, segment_ids_md]
if not isinstance(tokenizer_md,
(type(None), BertTokenizerMd, SentencePieceTokenizerMd)):
raise ValueError(
f"The type of tokenizer_options, {type(tokenizer_md)}, is unsupported"
self._tokenizer_md = tokenizer_md
def create_input_tesnor_metadata(self) -> List[_metadata_fb.TensorMetadataT]:
"""Creates the input metadata for the three input tesnors."""
# The order of the three input tensors may vary with each model conversion.
# We need to order the input metadata according to the tensor order in the
# model.
ordered_metadata = []
name_md_dict = dict(zip(self._input_names, self._input_md))
for name in self._ordered_input_names:
return ordered_metadata
def create_input_process_unit_metadata(
self) -> List[_metadata_fb.ProcessUnitT]:
"""Creates the input process unit metadata."""
if self._tokenizer_md:
return [self._tokenizer_md.create_metadata()]
return []
def get_tokenizer_associated_files(self) -> List[str]:
"""Gets the associated files that are packed in the tokenizer."""
if self._tokenizer_md:
return writer_utils.get_tokenizer_associated_files(
return []