
# Process for rolling new versions of UnRAR

UnRAR is released on the [official
site](, but Chromium uses a [GitHub
mirror]( for tracking and fuzzing. This
means that at a high level, rolling a new version of UnRAR has the
following steps:
- Update the GitHub repo
- Wait a week for fuzzing on the new version
- Update the chromium repo

# Updating the GitHub repo

You'll need a GitHub account to do this. Create a fork of the [GitHub
repo](, and clone that fork to your
local machine (replacing `$username` with your GitHub username):

git clone$username/unrar.git

You will likely need to configure this repo to use your GitHub
account's name, email, and to sign commits. Follow
steps to create a GPG key for your account, then run the following:

git config "email-for-github@domain"
git config commit.gpgsign true

Then you can download the newest release from the [official
site]( Overwrite the contents of
your repo with the contents of that archive. Then commit the
changes. Commit messages have historically used a format like:

v6.2.12: Extracted from

Pushing your commit to your GitHub fork requires a personal access
token. Follow the steps
to create one, then:

git push

Create a pull request from your GitHub fork and notify a
about the change.

# Updating the Chromium repo

Once the GitHub repo has been updated for about a week, you can bring
the changes into the Chromium repo as well. Let `$url` be the URL with
the current version of UnRAR, and do the following to overwrite the
current source with the new source:
wget -O unrar.tar.gz $url
rm -r third_party/unrar/src/
tar xf unrar.tar.gz
mv unrar/ third_party/unrar/src
rm unrar.tar.gz

Commit these changes and upload a patchset. This will make it possible
to generate the patch file later, and make review easier. Let
`$raw_src_hash` be the resulting git hash.

Now apply the Chromium patch file. This command will apply the hunks
that apply, and create .rej files in //third_party/unrar/src for hunks
that do not:
git apply --reject third_party/unrar/patches/chromium_changes.patch

For each .rej file, identify whether it still applies and manually fix
the conflict, then delete the .rej file. Then regenerate the
`chromium_changes.patch` file with:
git diff $raw_src_hash -- third_party/unrar/src/* > third_party/unrar/patches/chromium_changes.patch

Update README.chromium to mention the new version and GitHub repo hash
and upload a CL. You did it!