
#include "rar.hpp"

#include "hardlinks.cpp"
#include "win32stm.cpp"

#ifdef _WIN_ALL
#include "win32acl.cpp"
#include "win32lnk.cpp"

#ifdef _UNIX
#include "uowners.cpp"
#include "ulinks.cpp"

// RAR2 service header extra records.
#ifndef SFX_MODULE
void SetExtraInfo20(CommandData *Cmd,Archive &Arc,const std::wstring &Name)

// RAR3 and RAR5 service header extra records.
void SetExtraInfo(CommandData *Cmd,Archive &Arc,const std::wstring &Name)

// Extra data stored directly in file header.
void SetFileHeaderExtra(CommandData *Cmd,Archive &Arc,const std::wstring &Name)

// Calculate the number of path components except \. and \..
static int CalcAllowedDepth(const std::wstring &Name)

// Check if all existing path components are directories and not links.
static bool LinkInPath(std::wstring Path)

bool IsRelativeSymlinkSafe(CommandData *Cmd,const std::wstring &SrcName,std::wstring PrepSrcName,const std::wstring &TargetName)

bool ExtractSymlink(CommandData *Cmd,ComprDataIO &DataIO,Archive &Arc,const std::wstring &LinkName,bool &UpLink)