
#ifndef _RAR_UNPACK_
#define _RAR_UNPACK_

// Maximum allowed number of compressed bits processed in quick mode.

// Maximum number of filters per entire data block. Must be at least
// twice more than MAX_PACK_FILTERS to store filters from two data blocks.

// Maximum number of filters per entire data block for RAR3 unpack.
// Must be at least twice more than v3_MAX_PACK_FILTERS to store filters
// from two data blocks.

// Limit maximum number of channels in RAR3 delta filter to some reasonable
// value to prevent too slow processing of corrupt archives with invalid
// channels number. Must be equal or larger than v3_MAX_FILTER_CHANNELS.
// No need to provide it for RAR5, which uses only 5 bits to store channels.

// Maximum size of single filter block. We restrict it to limit memory
// allocation. Must be equal or larger than MAX_ANALYZE_SIZE.

// Write data in 4 MB or smaller blocks. Must not exceed PACK_MAX_READ,
// so we keep the number of buffered filters in unpacker reasonable.

// Decode compressed bit fields to alphabet numbers.
struct DecodeTable:PackDef

struct UnpackBlockHeader

struct UnpackBlockTables

#ifdef RAR_SMP
enum UNP_DEC_TYPE {};

struct UnpackDecodedItem

struct UnpackThreadData

struct UnpackFilter

struct UnpackFilter30

struct AudioVariables // For RAR 2.0 archives only.

// We can use the fragmented dictionary in case heap does not have the single
// large enough memory block. It is slower than normal dictionary.
class FragmentedWindow

class Unpack:PackDef
