
// We use it instead of direct PPM.DecodeChar call to be sure that
// we reset PPM structures in case of corrupt data. It is important,
// because these structures can be invalid after PPM.DecodeChar returned -1.
inline int Unpack::SafePPMDecodeChar()

void Unpack::Unpack29(bool Solid)

// Return 'false' to quit unpacking the current file or 'true' to continue.
bool Unpack::ReadEndOfBlock()

bool Unpack::ReadVMCode()

bool Unpack::ReadVMCodePPM()

bool Unpack::AddVMCode(uint FirstByte,byte *Code,uint CodeSize)

bool Unpack::UnpReadBuf30()

void Unpack::UnpWriteBuf30()

void Unpack::ExecuteCode(VM_PreparedProgram *Prg)

bool Unpack::ReadTables30()

void Unpack::UnpInitData30(bool Solid)

void Unpack::InitFilters30(bool Solid)