Name: ChromiumUpdater
Version: Varies
License: BSD
License File: LICENSE
Security Critical: Yes
Shipped: yes
CPEPrefix: cpe:2.3:a:google:updater:
The ChromiumUpdater package contains the ChromiumUpdater app bundle, which is
used on the macOS platform to perform browser updates. Based on the way that the
browser installs the macOS updater, it needs to be bundled within the browser
product itself.
The updater is built from Chromium source, but placed into third_party and
referenced as a binary because version skew between Chrome and the updater is
necessary. New versions of the updater are automatically imported into CIPD by
the 3pp scripts in this directory, and /DEPS defines which versions of the
updater are pulled from CIPD into the source checkout.
To update the versions of the updater in this directory, wait for the version
you want to become available in CIPD, then update /DEPS to point to it. If the
files change, you may also have to update ./