#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import argparse
import datetime
import json
import os
import sys
import urllib.request
# TODO(crbug.com/1268555): This is compared lexically. Remove it before M1000.
MIN_VERSION = '119.0.5999.0'
def fetch():
Queries the VersionHistory API to determine the version of the updater that
was serving on Monday.
# TODO(crbug.com/1293206): Once this script is python3 only, use
# datetime.timezone.utc to make it consistent regardless of local timezone.
datum = datetime.datetime.now()
datum = (datum - datetime.timedelta(days=datum.weekday())).replace(
hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
datum = datum.isoformat() + 'Z'
return json.load(
'filter=starttime%%3C%s,endtime%%3E%s' %
(datum, datum)))['releases'][0]['version']
def print_latest():
print(max(fetch(), MIN_VERSION))
def get_url():
'url': [
'%s_win_arm64_updater.zip' % os.environ['_3PP_VERSION']
'name': ['updater.zip']
def main():
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
sub = ap.add_subparsers()
sub.add_parser('latest').set_defaults(func=lambda _opts: print_latest())
sub.add_parser('get_url').set_defaults(func=lambda _opts: get_url())
opts = ap.parse_args()
return opts.func(opts)
if __name__ == '__main__':