
Name: libutf
Short Name: libutf
Version: ee5074db68f498a5c802dc9f1645f396c219938a
Revision: ee5074db68f498a5c802dc9f1645f396c219938a
Date: 2021-01-05
License: MIT License
License File: LICENSE
Security Critical: Yes
Shipped: yes
CPEPrefix: unknown

This is a C89 UTF-8 library, with an API compatible with that of Plan 9's libutf.

- Add dynamically configured files via awk (patches/0001-adding-awk-built-files.patch)
- Refactor utftab out of chartorune.c to continue linking it for all platforms.
  This is a workaround for third_party/libphonenumber containing its own subset of UTF (patches/0001-utftab-refactor.patch)
- Add CJK ideographs to the range set for isalpharune. See crbug/1184370 for details (patches/0001-adding-CJK-ideograph-to-isalpha.patch)
- Add Korean characters to the isalpharune ranges (patches/0001-adding-korean-characters-to-ranges.patch)
 (patched for korean characters)

Update Process:
1) Clone the libutf github repo at the desired commit into src/
2) Generate the static files by running make in the src/ directory
3) Apply each patch listed above residing in patches/ using `git apply patches/$PATCHFILE`