
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<protocol name="text_input_extension_unstable_v1">

    Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors

    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
    copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
    to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
    the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
    and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
    Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

    The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
    paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the


  <interface name="zcr_text_input_extension_v1" version="14">
    <description summary="extends text_input to support richer operations">
      Allows a text_input to sends more variation of operations to support
      richer features, such as set_preedit_region.

      Warning! The protocol described in this file is experimental and
      backward incompatible changes may be made. Backward compatible changes
      may be added together with the corresponding uinterface version bump.
      Backward incompatible changes are done by bumping the version number in
      the protocol and interface names and resetting the interface version.
      Once the protocol is to be declared stable, the 'z' prefix and the
      version number in the protocol and interface names are removed and the
      interface version number is reset.

    <enum name="error">
      <entry name="extended_text_input_exists" value="0"
             summary="the text_input already has an extended_text_input object associated"/>

    <request name="get_extended_text_input">
      <description summary="get extended_text_input for a text_input">
        Create extended_text_input object.
        See zcr_extended_text_input interface for details.
        If the given text_input object already has a extended_text_input object
        associated, the extended_text_input_exists protocol error is raised.
      <arg name="id" type="new_id" interface="zcr_extended_text_input_v1"/>
      <arg name="text_input" type="object" interface="zwp_text_input_v1"/>


  <interface name="zcr_extended_text_input_v1" version="14">
    <description summary="extension of text_input protocol">
      The zcr_extended_text_input_v1 interface extends the text_input interface
      to support more rich operations on text_input.

    <request name="destroy" type="destructor">
      <description summary="destroy extended_text_input object"/>

    <event name="set_preedit_region">
      <description summary="set preedit from the surrounding text">
        IME requests to update text_input client to set the preedit
        from the surrounding text.

        index is the starting point of the preedit, relative to the current
        cursor position in utf-8 byte-offset.
        length is the length of the preedit region in utf-8 byte length.

        Following the convention we have in text_input::preedit_string,
        text_input::preedit_styling sent just before this will be applied.
      <arg name="index" type="int" />
      <arg name="length" type="uint" />

    <!-- Version 2 -->

    <enum name="input_type" since="2">
      <description summary="Chrome's TextInputType">
        Wayland has its own input-type support, which is
        zwp_text_input::content_purpose. However, it is not rich enough to
        represent all Chrome's input types. This enum is introduced to keep
        all entries so exo can understand it without any information loss.
        See TextInputType's description for details about each entry.
      <entry name="none" value="0" />
      <entry name="text" value="1" />
      <entry name="password" value="2" />
      <entry name="search" value="3" />
      <entry name="email" value="4" />
      <entry name="number" value="5" />
      <entry name="telephone" value="6" />
      <entry name="url" value="7" />
      <entry name="date" value="8" />
      <entry name="date_time" value="9" />
      <entry name="date_time_local" value="10" />
      <entry name="month" value="11" />
      <entry name="time" value="12" />
      <entry name="week" value="13" />
      <entry name="text_area" value="14" />
      <entry name="content_editable" value="15" />
      <entry name="date_time_field" value="16" />
      <entry name="null" value="17" />

    <enum name="input_mode" since="2">
      <description summary="Chrome's TextInputMode">
        Similar to input_type defined above, this keeps Chrome's TextInputMode.
        See TextInputMode's description for details for each entry.
      <entry name="default" value="0" />
      <entry name="none" value="1" />
      <entry name="text" value="2" />
      <entry name="tel" value="3" />
      <entry name="url" value="4" />
      <entry name="email" value="5" />
      <entry name="numeric" value="6" />
      <entry name="decimal" value="7" />
      <entry name="search" value="8" />

    <enum name="input_flags" since="2">
      <description summary="Chrome's TextInputFlags">
        Similar to input_type defined above, this keeps Chrome's TextInputFlags,
        because content_hint is not enough power to represent what Chrome wants.
        See TextInputFlags' description for details for each entry.
      <entry name="none" value="0" />
      <entry name="autocomplete_on" value="1 &lt;&lt; 0" />
      <entry name="autocomplete_off" value="1 &lt;&lt; 1" />
      <entry name="autocorrect_on" value="1 &lt;&lt; 2" />
      <entry name="autocorrect_off" value="1 &lt;&lt; 3" />
      <entry name="spellcheck_on" value="1 &lt;&lt; 4" />
      <entry name="spellcheck_off" value="1 &lt;&lt; 5" />
      <entry name="autocapitalize_none" value="1 &lt;&lt; 6" />
      <entry name="autocapitalize_characters" value="1 &lt;&lt; 7" />
      <entry name="autocapitalize_words" value="1 &lt;&lt; 8" />
      <entry name="autocapitalize_sentences" value="1 &lt;&lt; 9" />
      <entry name="has_been_password" value="1 &lt;&lt; 10" />
      <entry name="vertical" value="1 &lt;&lt; 11" />

    <enum name="learning_mode" since="2">
      <description summary="Whether IME is allowed to learn" />
      <entry name="disabled" value="0" />
      <entry name="enabled" value="1" />

    <request name="deprecated_set_input_type" since="2">
      <description summary="Sets input type, mode and flags together">
        Deprecated. Use the new set_input_type.
      <arg name="input_type" type="uint" enum="input_type" />
      <arg name="input_mode" type="uint" enum="input_mode" />
      <arg name="input_flags" type="uint" />
      <arg name="learning_mode" type="uint" enum="learning_mode" />

    <!-- Version 3 -->

    <event name="clear_grammar_fragments" since="3">
      <description summary="clear grammar fragments in a range">
        IME requests to clear all the grammar markers within the given range
        defined by start and end.

        start and end are relative to the beginning of the input field in
        utf-8 byte length.
      <arg name="start" type="uint" />
      <arg name="end" type="uint" />

    <event name="add_grammar_fragment" since="3">
      <description summary="add grammar fragment">
        IME requests to add a new grammar fragment.

        A grammar fragment describes a range of text (start, end) that has
        grammar error and also gives the correct replacement text. It is
        expected that the renderer will render markers (e.g. squigles or dashed
        underlines) under the text to notify users that there is a grammar
        error. It is also expected that the renderer will maintain and update
        the position of fragment when users edit other parts of the text, e.g.
        if users type something before the grammar fragment, the marker should
        move accordingly.

        start and end are relative to the beginning of the input field in
        utf-8 byte length. suggestion is the correct replacement text, encoded
        in utf-8 and suggested by ML model.
      <arg name="start" type="uint" />
      <arg name="end" type="uint" />
      <arg name="suggestion" type="string" />

    <request name="set_grammar_fragment_at_cursor" since="3">
      <description summary="add grammar fragment">
        Informs the IME of the grammar fragment containing the current cursor.
        If not existing, both start and end are set to 0. This is called
        whenever the cursor position or surrounding text have changed.

        start and end are relative to the beginning of the input field in
        utf-8 byte length. suggestion is the correct replacement text encoded
        in utf-8 and suggested by ML model.
      <arg name="start" type="uint" />
      <arg name="end" type="uint" />
      <arg name="suggestion" type="string" />

    <!-- Version 4 -->

    <event name="set_autocorrect_range" since="4">
      <description summary="set autocorrect range">
        IME requests to update text_input client to set the autocorrect range.
        There is only one autocorrect range, so this replaces any existing
        autocorrect ranges.

        start and end are relative to the beginning of the input field in utf-8
        byte length.

        If start and end are the same, then the autocorrect range is cleared.
      <arg name="start" type="uint" />
      <arg name="end" type="uint" />

    <request name="set_autocorrect_info" since="4">
      <description summary="set autocorrect range">
        Informs the IME the range and bounds of the current autocorrect change.
        This is called whenever the range or bounds have changed.

        start and end are relative to the beginning of the input field in utf-8
        byte length.

        x, y, width, and height are the bounds of the autocorrect text, relative
        to the window.

        This request only changes a pending state that will be effective on the
        next 'set_surrounding_text' request.
      <arg name="start" type="uint" />
      <arg name="end" type="uint" />
      <arg name="x" type="uint" />
      <arg name="y" type="uint" />
      <arg name="width" type="uint" />
      <arg name="height" type="uint" />

    <!-- Version 5 -->

    <event name="set_virtual_keyboard_occluded_bounds" since="5">
      <description summary="Sets the virtual keyboard's occluded bounds.">
        This event tells the client about the part of the virtual keyboard's
        bounds that occludes the text input's window, in screen DIP coordinates.
        In order for the text input to make proper use of this information, it
        needs to know its window's screen DIP bounds via another interface such
        as the aura-shell.

        The occluded bounds may be smaller than the keyboard's visual bounds.

        When the virtual keyboard is hidden or floating, empty bounds are sent,
        i.e. with zero width and height.
      <arg name="x" type="int"/>
      <arg name="y" type="int"/>
      <arg name="width" type="int"/>
      <arg name="height" type="int"/>

    <!-- Version 6 -->

    <request name="finalize_virtual_keyboard_changes" since="6">
      <description summary="Finalizes the requested virtual keyboard changes.">
        This request notifies the server that the client has finished making
        requested changes to the virtual keyboard, and the server should update
        the client with the latest virtual keyboard state. This avoids spurious
        intermediate requests from causing the virtual keyboard to change state

        Clients that connect to the server at this or higher versions must send
        this request after it finishes sending the applicable requests. The
        server is free to decide how it handles or honors this request.

        As of version 6, the applicable requests are:
          - zwp_text_input_v1.show_input_panel
          - zwp_text_input_v1.hide_input_panel

    <!-- Version 7 -->

    <enum name="focus_reason_type" since="7">
      <description summary="Chrome's TextInputClient::FocusReason">
        This represents the reasons why the text input gets focused.
      <entry name="none" value="0" />
      <entry name="mouse" value="1" />
      <entry name="touch" value="2" />
      <entry name="pen" value="3" />
      <entry name="other" value="4" />

    <request name="set_focus_reason" since="7">
      <description summary="Specifies the reason of the following focus event">
        Updates the reason why the following focus event is triggered.
        This should be called just before text_input::activate,
        and is in effect when it is called together (i.e. it is not in effect
        until text_input::activate is called).

        `reason` is an extended parameter providing the mode for the next
        `text_input::active request`.
      <arg name="reason" type="uint" enum="focus_reason_type" />

    <!-- Version 8 -->

    <enum name="inline_composition_support" since="8">
      <description summary="Whether inline composition is supported">
        Inline composition is an IME feature for certain languages (e.g. CJK)
        which displays the uncommitted composition inside the input field as it
        is being typed.
      <entry name="unsupported" value="0" />
      <entry name="supported" value="1" />

    <request name="set_input_type" since="8">
      <description summary="Sets input type, mode and flags together">
        Used in place of zwp_text_input::set_content_type.

        Instead of hint and purpose, this API uses concepts that more closely
        align with those used by Chrome.
      <arg name="input_type" type="uint" enum="input_type" />
      <arg name="input_mode" type="uint" enum="input_mode" />
      <arg name="input_flags" type="uint" />
      <arg name="learning_mode" type="uint" enum="learning_mode" />
      <arg name="inline_composition_support" type="uint" enum="inline_composition_support" />

    <!-- Version 9 -->

    <enum name="surrounding_text_support" since="9">
      <description summary="Whether surrounding text is supported" />
      <entry name="unsupported" value="0" />
      <entry name="supported" value="1" />

    <request name="set_surrounding_text_support" since="9">
      <description summary="Sets whether surrounding text is supported">
        Some clients are not able to provide surrounding text or selection.
        When the server receives this request with the unsupproted enum, it
        will disable functionality relying on surrounding text and avoid
        sending events that depend on it like delete_surrounding_text,
        set_preedit_region and cursor_position.

        This request will take effect on the next 'set_content_type' or
        'set_input_type' request.

        By default, the server will assume surrounding text is supported.
      <arg name="support" type="uint" enum="surrounding_text_support" />

    <!-- Version 10 -->

    <request name="set_surrounding_text_offset_utf16" since="10">
      <description summary="Sets surrounding text's offset">
        This updates UTF-16 offset of the immediately following

        The value will be invalidated when the next set_surrounding_text
        comes (i.e., if two consecutive set_surrounding_text is called,
        the second set_surrounding_text's offset should be reset to 0).

        Note: unlike other APIs, this is in "UTF-16" unit for Chrome's purpose,
        because there's no way to convert UTF-8 offset to UTF-16 without
        the original text, while sending whole text would cause performance
      <arg name="offset_utf16" type="uint"/>

    <!-- Version 11 -->

    <enum name="confirm_preedit_selection_behavior" since="11">
      <description summary="How the selection range is affected by confirm_preedit"></description>
      <entry name="after_preedit" value="0" summary="The cursor is moved to the end of the committed preedit text, if any."/>
      <entry name="unchanged" value="1" summary="The selection range is not affected at all."/>

    <event name="confirm_preedit" since="11">
      <description summary="Commits the current preedit">
        Commits the current preedit and modify the selection range according to selection_behavior.
        Has no effect if there's no preedit text.
      <arg name="selection_behavior" type="uint" enum="confirm_preedit_selection_behavior" />

    <!-- Version 12 -->

    <request name="set_large_surrounding_text" since="12">
      <description summary="sets the large surrounding text">
        Almost as same as text_input::set_surrounding_text. However, this takes handle
        instead of string in order to avoid the limit of the size.

        |size| is the size of surrounding text in Utf-8, i.e. bytes to be read from fd.
      <arg name="text" type="fd"/>
      <arg name="size" type="uint"/>
      <arg name="cursor" type="uint"/>
      <arg name="anchor" type="uint"/>

    <!-- Version 13 -->

    <event name="insert_image" since="13">
      <description summary="Inserts image">
        This inserts a given image into current editing field. The value of src
        should be a valid http(s) URL pointing to some image.

        Note: this only works for richly-editable editing field in web apps.
        Internally it sends a PasteFromImage editing command to blink engine.
        If the current editing field is not richly-editable, this event will be
      <arg name="src" type="string" />

    <!-- Version 14 -->

    <event name="insert_image_with_large_url" since="14">
      <description summary="Inserts image of large data URL">
        Almost as same as text_input::insert_image. However, this takes
        mime type, charset and file descriptor for actual data instead of
        string in order to avoid the limit of the size.

        |size| is the image data size in number of bytes to be read from fd.
      <arg name="mime_type" type="string"/>
      <arg name="charset" type="string"/>
      <arg name="raw_fd" type="fd"/>
      <arg name="size" type="uint"/>
