Name: webpagereplay
Version: 2ee6438f0cb2f657860e3e40b7788f1448e5da3c
License: 2020 The Chromium Authors
License File: LICENSE
Security Critical: no
Shipped: no
License Android Compatible: no
- Web Page Replay (WprGo) is a performance testing tool written in Golang for
recording and replaying web pages.
Local Modifications:
- Make binaries to be in CIPD repository so that 'gclient sync' could download them.
How To Update:
- Run //third_party/catapult/telemetry/bin/update_wpr_go_binary to update new
binaries to GCS.
- Run //third_party/catapult/telemetry/bin/update_wpr_go_cipd to upload new
binaries to CIPD.