
Name: Weston - reference Wayland compositor
Short Name: Weston
Version: 12.0.1
License: MIT
License File: LICENSE
Security Critical: no
Shipped: no

--[ DESCRIPTION ] ------------------
This contains the source to the reference Wayland compositor called Weston.
The LICENSE file is copied from src/COPYING
This code is only for running tests of Chromium for Wayland and is not compiled
into Chrome

--[ UPDATING ] -----------------
Chromium infrastructure has a mirror of the Weston's official gitlab
repository, but the mirror is set up in such a way that it is possible to
maintain branches of Weston with additional patches applied (which
should be submitted into upstream).

Thus, before updating DEPS, one has to request one of the maintainers of
//third_party/weston to create a branch out of a new remote branch
(for example, if the remote has a new tag 10.0.0 that is created out of
10.0 branch, a new 10.0 branch needs to be created) and ask to rebase
patches for that new branch. Once the changes are pushed, change the commit
hash with the hash pointing to the submitted patches inside the DEPS file.
You need to have clang (//third_party/llvm-build/Release+Asserts/bin),
and meson ( in your path.
Then do gclient sync which will align your local Weston folder with the most
recent one as mentioned in the hash. Then run the script
to generate and update necessary config files. To compile weston, pass the
following GN arguments while generating build files, since gn gen is meant
to generate ninja files not gn ones.
use_ozone = true use_bundled_weston = true

Finally, compile-test the Weston target.
Steps to be followed:
gclient sync
python3 third_party/weston/
autoninja out/build_dir weston

To update the weston to the version present upstream, change the commit hash
inside url in the 'src/third_party/weston/src' field with the most recent one in
DEPS file. Then follow the above steps to compile the updated weston.