// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/settings/device_settings_service.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/report/report_controller.h"
namespace ash {
// Checks that preconditions are met, including device ownership and device
// settings trusted status.
// Then initializes |ReportController|.
class ReportControllerInitializer : public DeviceSettingsService::Observer {
// State machine for preconditions this class will be in.
enum class State {
kWaitingForOwnership = 0, // Wait for ownership to be taken.
kWaitingForStartupDelay = 1, // Wait to read first chrome run time &
// startup delay to be completed.
kWaitingForOobeCompleted = 2, // Wait for oobe completed conditions.
kWaitingForDeviceSettingsTrusted = 3, // Wait for policies to be trusted.
kWaitingForLastPowerwashTime = 4, // Wait to read last powerwash time if
// file exists in preserved files.
kReportControllerInitialized = 5, // Nothing left to do.
kMaxValue = kReportControllerInitialized,
// Enum class mapping CrosSettingsProvider::TrustedStatus to an enum class.
// Used for enumerating TrustedStatus UMA histograms.
enum class TrustedStatus {
kTrusted = 0,
kTemporarilyUntrusted = 1,
kPermanentlyUntrusted = 2,
kMaxValue = kPermanentlyUntrusted,
// Enum class mapping report::MarketSegment to an enum class.
// Used for enumerating MarketSegment UMA histograms.
enum class MarketSegment {
kUnspecified = 0,
kUnknown = 1,
kConsumer = 2,
kEnterpriseEnrolledButUnknown = 3,
kEnterprise = 4,
kEducation = 5,
kEnterpriseDemo = 6,
kMaxValue = kEnterpriseDemo,
// Trigger checks for preconditions before construction of |ReportController|.
ReportControllerInitializer(const ReportControllerInitializer&) = delete;
ReportControllerInitializer& operator=(const ReportControllerInitializer&) =
~ReportControllerInitializer() override;
// Grant friend access for comprehensive testing of private/protected members.
friend class ReportControllerInitializerValidateSegment;
void SetState(State state);
// Method is used for testing:
report::MarketSegment GetMarketSegmentForTesting(
const policy::DeviceMode& device_mode,
const policy::MarketSegment& device_market_segment);
// DeviceSettingsService::Observer:
void OwnershipStatusChanged() override;
// Handler after reading first run chrome time in ThreadPool task.
// This is done to avoid blocking the main browser thread.
void OnFirstRunSentinelCreationTimeRead(base::Time first_chrome_run_time);
// Determine start up delay before reporting should start.
base::TimeDelta DetermineStartUpDelay(base::Time chrome_first_run_ts);
// Wrapper method for the PostTaskAndReplyWithResult, which is used to spawn
// a worker thread to check oobe completed file time delta.
void CheckOobeCompleted(
base::RepeatingCallback<base::TimeDelta()> check_oobe_completed_callback);
// Retry method every kOobeReadFailedRetryDelay minute until confirming
// 1 minute has passed since /home/chronos/.oobe_completed file was written.
// Maximum retry count is kNumberOfRetriesBeforeFail.
void OnOobeFileWritten(
base::RepeatingCallback<base::TimeDelta()> check_oobe_completed_callback,
base::TimeDelta time_since_oobe_file_written);
// Determines whether the CrosSettings is trusted.
// If it is trusted, ReportController is initialized.
void CheckTrustedStatus();
// Handler after reading last powerwash time file in ThreadPool task.
// This is done to avoid blocking the main browser thread.
void OnLastPowerwashTimeRead(base::Time last_powerwash_time);
// Store the current state this class is in.
State state_ = State::kWaitingForOwnership;
// Number of retry attempts at reading the oobe completed file.
int retry_oobe_completed_count_ = 0;
// Class maintains ownership of |report_controller_| after it is initialized.
std::unique_ptr<report::ReportController> report_controller_;
// Sanity check to check methods are called in same sequence.
// Scoped observation to automatically manage the observer registration
// and unregistration with DeviceSettingsService.
base::WeakPtrFactory<ReportControllerInitializer> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash