
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <memory>

#include "base/callback_list.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial_params.h"
#include "base/test/scoped_feature_list.h"
#include "base/test/test_mock_time_task_runner.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/scalable_iph/customizable_test_env_browser_test_base.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/scalable_iph/mock_scalable_iph_delegate.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/scalable_iph/logger.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/scalable_iph/scalable_iph.h"
#include "chromeos/services/network_config/public/cpp/fake_cros_network_config.h"
#include "components/feature_engagement/test/mock_tracker.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_context.h"

namespace ash {

class ScalableIphBrowserTestBase : public CustomizableTestEnvBrowserTestBase {
  static constexpr char kTestNotificationId[] = "test_notification_id";
  static constexpr char kTestNotificationTitle[] = "Test Notification Title";
  static constexpr char kTestNotificationBodyText[] =
      "Test Notification Body Text";
  static constexpr char kTestNotificationButtonText[] =
      "Test Notification Button Text";

  static constexpr char kTestBubbleId[] = "test_bubble_id";
  static constexpr char kTestBubbleTitle[] = "Test Bubble Title";
  static constexpr char kTestBubbleText[] = "Test Bubble Text";
  static constexpr char kTestBubbleButtonText[] = "Test Bubble Button Text";
  static constexpr char kTestBubbleIconString[] = "GoogleDocsIcon";

  static constexpr char kTestButtonActionTypeOpenChrome[] = "OpenChrome";
  static constexpr char kTestButtonActionTypeOpenGoogleDocs[] =
  static constexpr char kTestButtonActionEvent[] =
  static constexpr char kTestActionEventName[] =

  ~ScalableIphBrowserTestBase() override;

  // CustomizableTestEnvBrowserTestBase:
  void SetUp() override;
  void SetUpOnMainThread() override;
  void TearDownOnMainThread() override;

  void SetUpMocks();

  // Allow sub-classes to initialize scoped feature list with different values.
  // TODO(b/297565024): Abstract this as we initialize more than just IPH
  //                    configs in this method.
  // `InitializeScopedFeatureList` is the top level function for initializing
  // scoped feature list of this test.
  // - Override `AppendUiParams` if you only want to customize UI params.
  // - Override `AppendTestSpecificFeatures` if you only want to customize other
  //   feature flags in this test.
  virtual void InitializeScopedFeatureList();
  virtual void AppendUiParams(base::FieldTrialParams& params);
  virtual void AppendTestSpecificFeatures(
      std::vector<base::test::FeatureRefAndParams>& enabled_features,
      std::vector<base::test::FeatureRef>& disabled_features) {}
  void AppendVersionNumber(base::FieldTrialParams& params,
                           const base::Feature& feature,
                           const std::string& version_number);
  void AppendVersionNumber(base::FieldTrialParams& params,
                           const base::Feature& feature);
  virtual void AppendVersionNumber(base::FieldTrialParams& params);
  void AppendFakeUiParamsNotification(base::FieldTrialParams& params,
                                      bool has_body_text,
                                      const base::Feature& feature);
  void AppendFakeUiParamsBubble(base::FieldTrialParams& params);
  static std::string FullyQualified(const base::Feature& feature,
                                    const std::string& param_name);

  feature_engagement::test::MockTracker* mock_tracker() {
    return mock_tracker_;
  test::MockScalableIphDelegate* mock_delegate() { return mock_delegate_; }
  scoped_refptr<base::TestMockTimeTaskRunner> task_runner() {
    return task_runner_;
  bool IsMockDelegateCreatedFor(Profile* profile);

  void ShutdownScalableIph();

  void AddOnlineNetwork();

  void EnableTestIphFeatures(
      const std::vector<raw_ptr<const base::Feature, VectorExperimental>>
  void EnableTestIphFeature();
  const base::Feature& TestIphFeature() const;

  // Triggers a conditions check with a fake event. Note that this will make the
  // count of the five min time tick or unlocked event incorrect if you are
  // testing it.
  void TriggerConditionsCheckWithAFakeEvent(
      scalable_iph::ScalableIph::Event event);

  // Returns a user context of primary user.
  ash::UserContext GetPrimaryUserContext();

  // Returns a user context of secondary user. Note that `enable_multi_user_`
  // has to be true to use this method.
  ash::UserContext GetSecondaryUserContext();

  // A sub-class might override this from `InitializeScopedFeatureList`.
  base::test::ScopedFeatureList scoped_feature_list_;

  // Set false in the constructor to disable `ash::features::kScalableIph`.
  bool enable_scalable_iph_ = true;

  // Set false in the constructor to disable `ash::features::kScalableIphDebug`.
  bool enable_scalable_iph_debug_ = true;

  // Set false in the constructor not to use a mock tracker, i.e. Use a real
  // tracker.
  bool enable_mock_tracker_ = true;

  // Set false in the constructor to not enforce scalable IPH set-up.
  // If `enable_scalable_iph_` is set to false, this should also be false.
  bool setup_scalable_iph_ = true;

  // Set true in the constructor to enable multi user in this test case.
  bool enable_multi_user_ = false;

  // Manta service eligibility is set automatically depending on
  // `SessionUserType`. `force_disable_manta_service=true` force-disables the
  // service regardless of `UserSessionType`.
  bool force_disable_manta_service_ = false;

  static void SetTestingFactories(bool enable_mock_tracker,
                                  content::BrowserContext* browser_context);
  static std::unique_ptr<KeyedService> CreateMockTracker(
      content::BrowserContext* browser_context);
  static std::unique_ptr<scalable_iph::ScalableIphDelegate> CreateMockDelegate(
      Profile* profile,
      scalable_iph::Logger* logger);
  static void SetCanUseMantaService(Profile* profile);

  chromeos::network_config::FakeCrosNetworkConfig fake_cros_network_config_;
  scoped_refptr<base::TestMockTimeTaskRunner> task_runner_;
  base::CallbackListSubscription subscription_;
  raw_ptr<feature_engagement::test::MockTracker> mock_tracker_ = nullptr;
  raw_ptr<test::MockScalableIphDelegate> mock_delegate_ = nullptr;

}  // namespace ash