// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Utility functions for the LorgnetteScannerManager.
#include <string>
#include "chromeos/ash/components/scanning/scanner.h"
namespace lorgnette {
class ScannerInfo;
namespace ash {
// Attempts to parse `scanner_name` to find an IP address and determine the scan
// protocol it corresponds to. If an IP address is found, it is returned in
// `ip_address_out`.
void ParseScannerName(const std::string& scanner_name,
std::string& ip_address_out,
ScanProtocol& protocol_out);
// Attempts to find a legacy network device name in `zeroconf_scanner` that
// matches the connection string in `scanner_out`. If a match is found, updates
// `scanner_out` with the display information from `zeroconf_scanner` and
// marks the matched device name in `zeroconf_scanner` as unusable. Returns
// true if any merging was done.
bool MergeDuplicateScannerRecords(lorgnette::ScannerInfo* scanner_out,
Scanner& zeroconf_scanner);
// Converts the SANE connection info to a "protocol type", such as Mopria, WSD,
// or epson2.
std::string ProtocolTypeForScanner(const lorgnette::ScannerInfo& scanner);
} // namespace ash