
/* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.

   Distributed under MIT license.
   See file LICENSE for detail or copy at

/* Helper functions for woff2 variable length types: 255UInt16 and UIntBase128 */

#include "./variable_length.h"

namespace woff2 {

size_t Size255UShort(uint16_t value) {}

void Write255UShort(std::vector<uint8_t>* out, int value) {}

void Store255UShort(int val, size_t* offset, uint8_t* dst) {}

// Based on section 6.1.1 of MicroType Express draft spec
bool Read255UShort(Buffer* buf, unsigned int* value) {}

bool ReadBase128(Buffer* buf, uint32_t* value) {}

size_t Base128Size(size_t n) {}

void StoreBase128(size_t len, size_t* offset, uint8_t* dst) {}

} // namespace woff2