// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/ash/scanning/zeroconf_scanner_detector_utils.h"
#include <string>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/strcat.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/scanning/zeroconf_scanner_detector.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace ash {
namespace {
// Sets the values of |scheme| and |protocol| based on |service_type|.
void SetSchemeAndProtocol(const std::string& service_type,
std::string& scheme_out,
ScanProtocol& protocol_out) {
if (service_type == ZeroconfScannerDetector::kEsclsServiceType) {
scheme_out = "https";
protocol_out = ScanProtocol::kEscls;
} else if (service_type == ZeroconfScannerDetector::kEsclServiceType) {
scheme_out = "http";
protocol_out = ScanProtocol::kEscl;
} else if (service_type ==
ZeroconfScannerDetector::kGenericScannerServiceType) {
protocol_out = ScanProtocol::kLegacyNetwork;
} else {
<< "Zeroconf scanner with unknown service type: " << service_type;
// Creates a device name compatible with the given backend. Returns the
// name on success and an empty string on failure.
std::string CreateDeviceName(const std::string& name,
const std::string& scheme,
const std::optional<std::string>& rs,
const net::IPAddress& ip_address,
int port,
const std::string& backend_prefix) {
std::string path;
if (!rs.has_value()) {
path = "eSCL/";
} else if (!rs->empty()) {
// Some scanners report rs=/eSCL instead of rs=eSCL. This causes problems
// without our URL construction, so trim any leading slashes here. We also
// trim trailing slashes in case any scanners report rs=eSCL/, since we
// append a slash after.
base::TrimString(rs.value(), "/", &path);
path += "/";
// Replace colons in the instance name to prevent them from breaking
// sane-airscan's device name parsing logic.
std::string sanitized_name;
base::ReplaceChars(name, ":", "-", &sanitized_name);
const std::string ip_address_str =
? base::StringPrintf("[%s]", ip_address.ToString().c_str())
: ip_address.ToString();
GURL url(base::StringPrintf("%s://%s:%d/%s", scheme.c_str(),
ip_address_str.c_str(), port, path.c_str()));
if (!url.is_valid()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot create device name with invalid URL: "
<< url.possibly_invalid_spec();
return "";
return base::StringPrintf("%s:%s:%s", backend_prefix.c_str(),
sanitized_name.c_str(), url.spec().c_str());
} // namespace
std::optional<Scanner> CreateSaneScanner(const std::string& name,
const std::string& service_type,
const std::string& manufacturer,
const std::string& model,
const std::string& uuid,
const std::optional<std::string>& rs,
const std::vector<std::string>& pdl,
const net::IPAddress& ip_address,
int port,
bool usable) {
std::string scheme;
ScanProtocol protocol = ScanProtocol::kUnknown;
SetSchemeAndProtocol(service_type, scheme, protocol);
std::string device_name = "";
// If the name contains "EPSON" and is a generic service type, use the
// "epsonds:net" backend.
if (service_type == ZeroconfScannerDetector::kGenericScannerServiceType &&
base::StartsWith(name, "EPSON")) {
device_name = base::StringPrintf("%s:%s", "epsonds:net",
} else if (service_type !=
ZeroconfScannerDetector::kGenericScannerServiceType) {
device_name =
CreateDeviceName(name, scheme, rs, ip_address, port, "airscan:escl");
if (device_name.empty()) {
return std::nullopt;
Scanner scanner;
scanner.display_name = name;
scanner.manufacturer = manufacturer;
scanner.model = model;
scanner.uuid = uuid;
scanner.pdl = pdl;
ScannerDeviceName(device_name, usable));
return scanner;
} // namespace ash