
// Windows Template Library - WTL version 10.0
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, WTL Team. All rights reserved.
// This file is a part of the Windows Template Library.
// The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
// Microsoft Public License (
// which can be found in the file MS-PL.txt at the root folder.

#ifndef __ATLMISC_H__
#define __ATLMISC_H__

#pragma once

#ifndef __ATLAPP_H__
	#error atlmisc.h requires atlapp.h to be included first

  #include <atlstr.h>
  #include <atltypes.h>

// Classes in this file:
// CRecentDocumentListBase<T, t_cchItemLen, t_nFirstID, t_nLastID>
// CRecentDocumentList
// CFindFile
// Global functions:
//   AtlGetStockPen()
//   AtlGetStockBrush()
//   AtlGetStockFont()
//   AtlGetStockPalette()
//   AtlCompactPath()

namespace WTL

// CSize scalar operators 

#if !defined(_WTL_NO_SIZE_SCALAR) && defined(__ATLTYPES_H__)

template <class Num>
inline CSize operator *(SIZE s, Num n) 
	return CSize((int)( * n), (int)( * n));

template <class Num>
inline void operator *=(SIZE & s, Num n)
	s = s * n;

template <class Num>
inline CSize operator /(SIZE s, Num n) 
	return CSize((int)( / n), (int)( / n));

template <class Num>
inline void operator /=(SIZE & s, Num n)
	s = s / n;

#endif // !defined(_WTL_NO_SIZE_SCALAR) && defined(__ATLTYPES_H__)

// CRecentDocumentList - MRU List Support

  #define _WTL_MRUEMPTY_TEXT	_T("(empty)")

// forward declaration
inline bool AtlCompactPath(LPTSTR lpstrOut, LPCTSTR lpstrIn, int cchLen);

template <class T, int t_cchItemLen = MAX_PATH, int t_nFirstID = ID_FILE_MRU_FIRST, int t_nLastID = ID_FILE_MRU_LAST>
class CRecentDocumentListBase
// Declarations
	struct _DocEntry
		TCHAR szDocName[t_cchItemLen];
		bool operator ==(const _DocEntry& de) const
		{ return (lstrcmpi(szDocName, de.szDocName) == 0); }

		m_nMaxEntries_Min = 2,
		m_nMaxEntries_Max = t_nLastID - t_nFirstID + 1,
		m_cchMaxItemLen_Min = 6,
		m_cchMaxItemLen_Max = t_cchItemLen,
		m_cchItemNameLen = 11

// Data members
	ATL::CSimpleArray<_DocEntry> m_arrDocs;
	int m_nMaxEntries;   // default is 4
	HMENU m_hMenu;

	TCHAR m_szNoEntries[t_cchItemLen];

	int m_cchMaxItemLen;

// Constructor
	CRecentDocumentListBase() : m_nMaxEntries(4), m_hMenu(NULL), m_cchMaxItemLen(-1)
		// These ASSERTs verify values of the template arguments
		ATLASSERT(t_cchItemLen > m_cchMaxItemLen_Min);
		ATLASSERT(m_nMaxEntries_Max > m_nMaxEntries_Min);

// Attributes
	HMENU GetMenuHandle() const
		return m_hMenu;

	void SetMenuHandle(HMENU hMenu)
		ATLASSERT((hMenu == NULL) || ::IsMenu(hMenu));
		m_hMenu = hMenu;
		if((m_hMenu == NULL) || (::GetMenuString(m_hMenu, t_nFirstID, m_szNoEntries, t_cchItemLen, MF_BYCOMMAND) == 0))
			T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this);
			(void)pT;   // avoid level 4 warning
			ATL::Checked::tcsncpy_s(m_szNoEntries, _countof(m_szNoEntries), pT->GetMRUEmptyText(), _TRUNCATE);

	int GetMaxEntries() const
		return m_nMaxEntries;

	void SetMaxEntries(int nMaxEntries)
		ATLASSERT((nMaxEntries >= m_nMaxEntries_Min) && (nMaxEntries <= m_nMaxEntries_Max));
		if(nMaxEntries < m_nMaxEntries_Min)
			nMaxEntries = m_nMaxEntries_Min;
		else if(nMaxEntries > m_nMaxEntries_Max)
			nMaxEntries = m_nMaxEntries_Max;
		m_nMaxEntries = nMaxEntries;

	int GetMaxItemLength() const
		return m_cchMaxItemLen;

	void SetMaxItemLength(int cchMaxLen)
		ATLASSERT(((cchMaxLen >= m_cchMaxItemLen_Min) && (cchMaxLen <= m_cchMaxItemLen_Max)) || (cchMaxLen == -1));
		if(cchMaxLen != -1)
			if(cchMaxLen < m_cchMaxItemLen_Min)
				cchMaxLen = m_cchMaxItemLen_Min;
			else if(cchMaxLen > m_cchMaxItemLen_Max)
				cchMaxLen = m_cchMaxItemLen_Max;
		m_cchMaxItemLen = cchMaxLen;
		T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this);

// Operations
	BOOL AddToList(LPCTSTR lpstrDocName)
		_DocEntry de;
		errno_t nRet = ATL::Checked::tcsncpy_s(de.szDocName, _countof(de.szDocName), lpstrDocName, _TRUNCATE);
		if((nRet != 0) && (nRet != STRUNCATE))
			return FALSE;

		for(int i = 0; i < m_arrDocs.GetSize(); i++)
			if(lstrcmpi(m_arrDocs[i].szDocName, lpstrDocName) == 0)

		if(m_arrDocs.GetSize() == m_nMaxEntries)

		BOOL bRet = m_arrDocs.Add(de);
			T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this);
			bRet = pT->UpdateMenu();
		return bRet;

	// This function is deprecated because it is not safe. 
	// Use the version below that accepts the buffer length.
	BOOL GetFromList(int /*nItemID*/, LPTSTR /*lpstrDocName*/)
		return FALSE;

	BOOL GetFromList(int nItemID, LPTSTR lpstrDocName, int cchLength)
		int nIndex = m_arrDocs.GetSize() - (nItemID - t_nFirstID) - 1;
		if((nIndex < 0) || (nIndex >= m_arrDocs.GetSize()))
			return FALSE;
		if(lstrlen(m_arrDocs[nIndex].szDocName) >= cchLength)
			return FALSE;
		ATL::Checked::tcscpy_s(lpstrDocName, cchLength, m_arrDocs[nIndex].szDocName);

		return TRUE;

#ifdef __ATLSTR_H__
	BOOL GetFromList(int nItemID, ATL::CString& strDocName)
		int nIndex = m_arrDocs.GetSize() - (nItemID - t_nFirstID) - 1;
		if((nIndex < 0) || (nIndex >= m_arrDocs.GetSize()))
			return FALSE;
		strDocName = m_arrDocs[nIndex].szDocName;
		return TRUE;
#endif // __ATLSTR_H__

	BOOL RemoveFromList(int nItemID)
		int nIndex = m_arrDocs.GetSize() - (nItemID - t_nFirstID) - 1;
		BOOL bRet = m_arrDocs.RemoveAt(nIndex);
			T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this);
			bRet = pT->UpdateMenu();
		return bRet;

	BOOL MoveToTop(int nItemID)
		int nIndex = m_arrDocs.GetSize() - (nItemID - t_nFirstID) - 1;
		if((nIndex < 0) || (nIndex >= m_arrDocs.GetSize()))
			return FALSE;
		_DocEntry de;
		de = m_arrDocs[nIndex];
		BOOL bRet = m_arrDocs.Add(de);
			T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this);
			bRet = pT->UpdateMenu();
		return bRet;

	BOOL ReadFromRegistry(LPCTSTR lpstrRegKey)
		T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this);
		ATL::CRegKey rkParent;
		ATL::CRegKey rk;

		LONG lRet = rkParent.Open(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, lpstrRegKey);
		if(lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS)
			return FALSE;
		lRet = rk.Open(rkParent, pT->GetRegKeyName());
		if(lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS)
			return FALSE;

		DWORD dwRet = 0;
		lRet = rk.QueryDWORDValue(pT->GetRegCountName(), dwRet);
		if(lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS)
			return FALSE;


		TCHAR szRetString[t_cchItemLen] = {};
		_DocEntry de;

		for(int nItem = m_nMaxEntries; nItem > 0; nItem--)
			TCHAR szBuff[m_cchItemNameLen] = {};
			_stprintf_s(szBuff, m_cchItemNameLen, pT->GetRegItemName(), nItem);
			ULONG ulCount = t_cchItemLen;
			lRet = rk.QueryStringValue(szBuff, szRetString, &ulCount);
			if(lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS)
				ATL::Checked::tcscpy_s(de.szDocName, _countof(de.szDocName), szRetString);


		return pT->UpdateMenu();

	BOOL WriteToRegistry(LPCTSTR lpstrRegKey)
		T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this);
		(void)pT;   // avoid level 4 warning
		ATL::CRegKey rkParent;
		ATL::CRegKey rk;

		LONG lRet = rkParent.Create(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, lpstrRegKey);
		if(lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS)
			return FALSE;
		lRet = rk.Create(rkParent, pT->GetRegKeyName());
		if(lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS)
			return FALSE;

		lRet = rk.SetDWORDValue(pT->GetRegCountName(), m_nMaxEntries);

		// set new values
		int nItem;
		for(nItem = m_arrDocs.GetSize(); nItem > 0; nItem--)
			TCHAR szBuff[m_cchItemNameLen] = {};
			_stprintf_s(szBuff, m_cchItemNameLen, pT->GetRegItemName(), nItem);
			TCHAR szDocName[t_cchItemLen] = {};
			GetFromList(t_nFirstID + nItem - 1, szDocName, t_cchItemLen);
			lRet = rk.SetStringValue(szBuff, szDocName);

		// delete unused keys
		for(nItem = m_arrDocs.GetSize() + 1; nItem <= m_nMaxEntries_Max; nItem++)
			TCHAR szBuff[m_cchItemNameLen] = {};
			_stprintf_s(szBuff, m_cchItemNameLen, pT->GetRegItemName(), nItem);


		return TRUE;

// Implementation
	BOOL UpdateMenu()
		if(m_hMenu == NULL)
			return FALSE;

		int nItems = ::GetMenuItemCount(m_hMenu);
		int nInsertPoint = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i < nItems; i++)
			CMenuItemInfo mi;
			mi.fMask = MIIM_ID;
			::GetMenuItemInfo(m_hMenu, i, TRUE, &mi);
			if (mi.wID == t_nFirstID)
				nInsertPoint = i;

		ATLASSERT((nInsertPoint < nItems) && "You need a menu item with an ID = t_nFirstID");

		for(int j = t_nFirstID; j < (t_nFirstID + m_nMaxEntries); j++)
			// keep the first one as an insertion point
			if (j != t_nFirstID)
				::DeleteMenu(m_hMenu, j, MF_BYCOMMAND);

		TCHAR szItemText[t_cchItemLen + 6] = {};   // add space for &, 2 digits, and a space
		int nSize = m_arrDocs.GetSize();
		int nItem = 0;
		if(nSize > 0)
			for(nItem = 0; nItem < nSize; nItem++)
				if(m_cchMaxItemLen == -1)
					_stprintf_s(szItemText, t_cchItemLen + 6, _T("&%i %s"), nItem + 1, m_arrDocs[nSize - 1 - nItem].szDocName);
					TCHAR szBuff[t_cchItemLen] = {};
					T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this);
					(void)pT;   // avoid level 4 warning
					bool bRet = pT->CompactDocumentName(szBuff, m_arrDocs[nSize - 1 - nItem].szDocName, m_cchMaxItemLen);
					(void)bRet;   // avoid level 4 warning
					_stprintf_s(szItemText, t_cchItemLen + 6, _T("&%i %s"), nItem + 1, szBuff);

				::InsertMenu(m_hMenu, nInsertPoint + nItem, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_STRING, t_nFirstID + nItem, szItemText);
		else	// empty
			::InsertMenu(m_hMenu, nInsertPoint, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_STRING, t_nFirstID, m_szNoEntries);
			::EnableMenuItem(m_hMenu, t_nFirstID, MF_GRAYED);
		::DeleteMenu(m_hMenu, nInsertPoint + nItem, MF_BYPOSITION);

		return TRUE;

// Overrideables
	// override to provide a different method of compacting document names
	static bool CompactDocumentName(LPTSTR lpstrOut, LPCTSTR lpstrIn, int cchLen)
		return AtlCompactPath(lpstrOut, lpstrIn, cchLen);

	static LPCTSTR GetRegKeyName()
		return _T("Recent Document List");

	static LPCTSTR GetRegCountName()
		return _T("DocumentCount");

	static LPCTSTR GetRegItemName()
		// Note: This string is a format string used with wsprintf().
		// Resulting formatted string must be m_cchItemNameLen or less 
		// characters long, including the terminating null character.
		return _T("Document%i");

	static LPCTSTR GetMRUEmptyText()

class CRecentDocumentList : public CRecentDocumentListBase<CRecentDocumentList>
// nothing here

// CFindFile - file search helper class

class CFindFile
// Data members
	HANDLE m_hFind;
	WIN32_FIND_DATA m_fd;
	LPTSTR m_lpszRoot;
	const TCHAR m_chDirSeparator;
	BOOL m_bFound;

// Constructor/destructor
	CFindFile() : m_hFind(NULL), m_lpszRoot(NULL), m_chDirSeparator(_T('\\')), m_bFound(FALSE)
	{ }


// Attributes
	ULONGLONG GetFileSize() const
		ATLASSERT(m_hFind != NULL);

		ULARGE_INTEGER nFileSize = {};
			nFileSize.LowPart = m_fd.nFileSizeLow;
			nFileSize.HighPart = m_fd.nFileSizeHigh;
			nFileSize.QuadPart = 0;

		return nFileSize.QuadPart;

	BOOL GetFileName(LPTSTR lpstrFileName, int cchLength) const
		ATLASSERT(m_hFind != NULL);
		if(lstrlen(m_fd.cFileName) >= cchLength)
			return FALSE;

			ATL::Checked::tcscpy_s(lpstrFileName, cchLength, m_fd.cFileName);

		return m_bFound;

	BOOL GetFilePath(LPTSTR lpstrFilePath, int cchLength) const
		ATLASSERT(m_hFind != NULL);

		int nLen = lstrlen(m_lpszRoot);
		ATLASSERT(nLen > 0);
		if(nLen == 0)
			return FALSE;

		bool bAddSep = (m_lpszRoot[nLen - 1] != m_chDirSeparator);

		if((lstrlen(m_lpszRoot) + (bAddSep ?  1 : 0)) >= cchLength)
			return FALSE;

		ATL::Checked::tcscpy_s(lpstrFilePath, cchLength, m_lpszRoot);

			TCHAR szSeparator[2] = { m_chDirSeparator, 0 };
			ATL::Checked::tcscat_s(lpstrFilePath, cchLength, szSeparator);

		ATL::Checked::tcscat_s(lpstrFilePath, cchLength, m_fd.cFileName);

		return TRUE;

	BOOL GetFileTitle(LPTSTR lpstrFileTitle, int cchLength) const
		ATLASSERT(m_hFind != NULL);

		TCHAR szBuff[MAX_PATH] = {};
		if(!GetFileName(szBuff, MAX_PATH))
			return FALSE;

		if((lstrlen(szBuff) >= cchLength) || (cchLength < 1))
			return FALSE;

		// find the last dot
		LPTSTR pstrDot  = _tcsrchr(szBuff, _T('.'));
		if(pstrDot != NULL)
			*pstrDot = 0;

		ATL::Checked::tcscpy_s(lpstrFileTitle, cchLength, szBuff);

		return TRUE;

	BOOL GetFileURL(LPTSTR lpstrFileURL, int cchLength) const
		ATLASSERT(m_hFind != NULL);

		LPCTSTR lpstrFileURLPrefix = _T("file://");
		const int cchPrefix = lstrlen(lpstrFileURLPrefix);
		if(cchPrefix >= cchLength)
			return FALSE;

		ATL::Checked::tcscpy_s(lpstrFileURL, cchLength, lpstrFileURLPrefix);

		return GetFilePath(&lpstrFileURL[cchPrefix], cchLength - cchPrefix);

	BOOL GetRoot(LPTSTR lpstrRoot, int cchLength) const
		ATLASSERT(m_hFind != NULL);
		if(lstrlen(m_lpszRoot) >= cchLength)
			return FALSE;

		ATL::Checked::tcscpy_s(lpstrRoot, cchLength, m_lpszRoot);

		return TRUE;

#ifdef __ATLSTR_H__
	ATL::CString GetFileName() const
		ATLASSERT(m_hFind != NULL);

		ATL::CString ret;

			ret = m_fd.cFileName;
		return ret;

	ATL::CString GetFilePath() const
		ATLASSERT(m_hFind != NULL);

		ATL::CString strResult = m_lpszRoot;
		int nLen = strResult.GetLength();
		ATLASSERT(nLen > 0);
		if(nLen == 0)
			return strResult;

		if(strResult[nLen - 1] != m_chDirSeparator)
			strResult += m_chDirSeparator;
		strResult += GetFileName();
		return strResult;

	ATL::CString GetFileTitle() const
		ATLASSERT(m_hFind != NULL);

		ATL::CString strResult;
		GetFileTitle(strResult.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), MAX_PATH);

		return strResult;

	ATL::CString GetFileURL() const
		ATLASSERT(m_hFind != NULL);

		ATL::CString strResult("file://");
		strResult += GetFilePath();
		return strResult;

	ATL::CString GetRoot() const
		ATLASSERT(m_hFind != NULL);

		ATL::CString str = m_lpszRoot;
		return str;
#endif // __ATLSTR_H__

	BOOL GetLastWriteTime(FILETIME* pTimeStamp) const
		ATLASSERT(m_hFind != NULL);
		ATLASSERT(pTimeStamp != NULL);

		if(m_bFound && (pTimeStamp != NULL))
			*pTimeStamp = m_fd.ftLastWriteTime;
			return TRUE;

		return FALSE;

	BOOL GetLastAccessTime(FILETIME* pTimeStamp) const
		ATLASSERT(m_hFind != NULL);
		ATLASSERT(pTimeStamp != NULL);

		if(m_bFound && (pTimeStamp != NULL))
			*pTimeStamp = m_fd.ftLastAccessTime;
			return TRUE;

		return FALSE;

	BOOL GetCreationTime(FILETIME* pTimeStamp) const
		ATLASSERT(m_hFind != NULL);

		if(m_bFound && (pTimeStamp != NULL))
			*pTimeStamp = m_fd.ftCreationTime;
			return TRUE;

		return FALSE;

	BOOL MatchesMask(DWORD dwMask) const
		ATLASSERT(m_hFind != NULL);

			return ((m_fd.dwFileAttributes & dwMask) != 0);

		return FALSE;

	BOOL IsDots() const
		ATLASSERT(m_hFind != NULL);

		// return TRUE if the file name is "." or ".." and
		// the file is a directory

		BOOL bResult = FALSE;
		if(m_bFound && IsDirectory())
			if((m_fd.cFileName[0] == _T('.')) && ((m_fd.cFileName[1] == _T('\0')) || ((m_fd.cFileName[1] == _T('.')) && (m_fd.cFileName[2] == _T('\0')))))
				bResult = TRUE;

		return bResult;

	BOOL IsReadOnly() const
		return MatchesMask(FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY);

	BOOL IsDirectory() const

	BOOL IsCompressed() const

	BOOL IsSystem() const
		return MatchesMask(FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM);

	BOOL IsHidden() const
		return MatchesMask(FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN);

	BOOL IsTemporary() const

	BOOL IsNormal() const
		return MatchesMask(FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL);

	BOOL IsArchived() const
		return MatchesMask(FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE);

// Operations
	BOOL FindFile(LPCTSTR pstrName = NULL, bool bAutoLongPath = false)

		if(pstrName == NULL)
			pstrName = _T("*.*");

		if(bAutoLongPath && (lstrlen(pstrName) >= MAX_PATH))
			LPCTSTR lpstrPrefix = _T("\\\\?\\");
			int cchLongPath = lstrlen(lpstrPrefix) + lstrlen(pstrName) + 1;
			LPTSTR lpstrLongPath = buff.Allocate(cchLongPath);
			if(lpstrLongPath != NULL)
				ATL::Checked::tcscpy_s(lpstrLongPath, cchLongPath, lpstrPrefix);
				ATL::Checked::tcscat_s(lpstrLongPath, cchLongPath, pstrName);
				m_hFind = ::FindFirstFile(lpstrLongPath, &m_fd);
			m_hFind = ::FindFirstFile(pstrName, &m_fd);

			return FALSE;

		int cchRoot = ::GetFullPathName(pstrName, 0, NULL, NULL);
		if(cchRoot > 0)
			ATLTRY(m_lpszRoot = new TCHAR[cchRoot]);
		if(m_lpszRoot == NULL)
			return FALSE;

		bool bFullPath = (::GetFullPathName(pstrName, cchRoot, m_lpszRoot, NULL) != 0);

		// passed name isn't a valid path but was found by the API
			return FALSE;
			// find the last separator
			LPTSTR pstrSep  = _tcsrchr(m_lpszRoot, m_chDirSeparator);
			if(pstrSep != NULL)
				*pstrSep = _T('\0');

		m_bFound = TRUE;

		return TRUE;

	BOOL FindNextFile()
		ATLASSERT(m_hFind != NULL);

		if(m_hFind == NULL)
			return FALSE;

			return FALSE;

		m_bFound = ::FindNextFile(m_hFind, &m_fd);

		return m_bFound;

	void Close()
		m_bFound = FALSE;

		delete [] m_lpszRoot;
		m_lpszRoot = NULL;

		if((m_hFind != NULL) && (m_hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE))
			m_hFind = NULL;

// Global functions for stock GDI objects

inline HPEN AtlGetStockPen(int nPen)
	ATLASSERT((nPen == WHITE_PEN) || (nPen == BLACK_PEN) || (nPen == NULL_PEN) || (nPen == DC_PEN));
	return (HPEN)::GetStockObject(nPen);

inline HBRUSH AtlGetStockBrush(int nBrush)
	ATLASSERT(((nBrush >= WHITE_BRUSH) && (nBrush <= HOLLOW_BRUSH)) || (nBrush == DC_BRUSH));
	return (HBRUSH)::GetStockObject(nBrush);

inline HFONT AtlGetStockFont(int nFont)
	return (HFONT)::GetStockObject(nFont);

inline HPALETTE AtlGetStockPalette(int nPalette)
	ATLASSERT(nPalette == DEFAULT_PALETTE); // the only one supported
	return (HPALETTE)::GetStockObject(nPalette);

// Global function for compacting a path by replacing parts with ellipsis

// helper for multi-byte character sets
inline bool _IsDBCSTrailByte(LPCTSTR lpstr, int nChar)
#ifndef _UNICODE
	int i = nChar;
	for( ; i > 0; i--)
		if(!::IsDBCSLeadByte(lpstr[i - 1]))
	return ((nChar > 0) && (((nChar - i) & 1) != 0));
#else // _UNICODE
	(void)lpstr;   // avoid level 4 warning
	(void)nChar;   // avoid level 4 warning
	return false;
#endif // _UNICODE

inline bool AtlCompactPath(LPTSTR lpstrOut, LPCTSTR lpstrIn, int cchLen)
	ATLASSERT(lpstrOut != NULL);
	ATLASSERT(lpstrIn != NULL);
	ATLASSERT(cchLen > 0);

	LPCTSTR szEllipsis = _T("...");
	const int cchEndEllipsis = 3;
	const int cchMidEllipsis = 4;

	if(lstrlen(lpstrIn) < cchLen)
		ATL::Checked::tcscpy_s(lpstrOut, cchLen, lpstrIn);
		return true;

	lpstrOut[0] = 0;

	// check if the separator is a slash or a backslash
	TCHAR chSlash = _T('\\');
	for(LPTSTR lpstr = (LPTSTR)lpstrIn; *lpstr != 0; lpstr = ::CharNext(lpstr))
		if((*lpstr == _T('/')) || (*lpstr == _T('\\')))
			chSlash = *lpstr;

	// find the filename portion of the path
	LPCTSTR lpstrFileName = lpstrIn;
	for(LPCTSTR pPath = lpstrIn; *pPath; pPath = ::CharNext(pPath))
		if(((pPath[0] == _T('\\')) || (pPath[0] == _T(':')) || (pPath[0] == _T('/')))
				&& pPath[1] && (pPath[1] != _T('\\')) && (pPath[1] != _T('/')))
			lpstrFileName = pPath + 1;
	int cchFileName = lstrlen(lpstrFileName);

	// handle just the filename without a path
	if((lpstrFileName == lpstrIn) && (cchLen > cchEndEllipsis))
		bool bRet = (ATL::Checked::tcsncpy_s(lpstrOut, cchLen, lpstrIn, cchLen - cchEndEllipsis - 1) == 0);
#ifndef _UNICODE
			if(_IsDBCSTrailByte(lpstrIn, cchLen - cchEndEllipsis))
				lpstrOut[cchLen - cchEndEllipsis - 1] = 0;
#endif // _UNICODE
			ATL::Checked::tcscat_s(lpstrOut, cchLen, szEllipsis);
		return bRet;

	// handle just ellipsis
	if((cchLen < (cchMidEllipsis + cchEndEllipsis)))
		for(int i = 0; i < cchLen - 1; i++)
			lpstrOut[i] = ((i + 1) == cchMidEllipsis) ? chSlash : _T('.');
		lpstrOut[cchLen - 1] = 0;
		return true;

	// calc how much we have to copy
	int cchToCopy = cchLen - (cchMidEllipsis + cchFileName) - 1;

	if(cchToCopy < 0)
		cchToCopy = 0;

#ifndef _UNICODE
	if((cchToCopy > 0) && _IsDBCSTrailByte(lpstrIn, cchToCopy))
#endif // _UNICODE

	bool bRet = (ATL::Checked::tcsncpy_s(lpstrOut, cchLen, lpstrIn, cchToCopy) == 0);
		return false;

	// add ellipsis
	ATL::Checked::tcscat_s(lpstrOut, cchLen, szEllipsis);
	TCHAR szSlash[2] = { chSlash, 0 };
	ATL::Checked::tcscat_s(lpstrOut, cchLen, szSlash);

	// add filename (and ellipsis, if needed)
	if(cchLen > (cchMidEllipsis + cchFileName))
		ATL::Checked::tcscat_s(lpstrOut, cchLen, lpstrFileName);
		cchToCopy = cchLen - cchMidEllipsis - cchEndEllipsis - 1;
#ifndef _UNICODE
		if((cchToCopy > 0) && _IsDBCSTrailByte(lpstrFileName, cchToCopy))
#endif // _UNICODE
		bRet = (ATL::Checked::tcsncpy_s(&lpstrOut[cchMidEllipsis], cchLen - cchMidEllipsis, lpstrFileName, cchToCopy) == 0);
			ATL::Checked::tcscat_s(lpstrOut, cchLen, szEllipsis);

	return bRet;

} // namespace WTL

#endif // __ATLMISC_H__