
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

# Most third_party/foobar dependencies are libraries that do one thing: e.g. a
# particular codec, regular expressions, a SQL database, etc. Wuffs is unusual
# in two respects:
# - The Wuffs project is both a programming language, and a standard library
#   written in that programming language (and then transpiled to C). As of
#   November 2019, Chromium uses only Wuffs-the-library.
# - That standard library speaks many codecs. As of November 2019, compression
#   and images, but in the future, this may grow in scope.
# Third_party/foobar dependencies need to be reviewed before they are added:
# Normally, this review is a one-off process: once third_party/foobar is
# accepted, it doesn't need additional review for e.g. version upgrades.
# Because Wuffs is many things, substantial changes (newer versions or newer
# configurations) deserve additional review just as if they were a new
# third_party dependency. This is especially so for Wuffs-the-language, as
# adding a new programming language to Chromium has a very high bar.
# In summary, non-trivial changes to how Chromium uses third_party/wuffs (i.e.
# this file), both adding new build targets or changing existing build
# targets' configuration or visibility, require consulting ATL_OWNERS,
# as per the "" link above.


static_library("wuffs") {
  defines = [
    # Copy/pasting from "src/release/c/wuffs-*.c":
    # ----
    # Wuffs ships as a "single file C library" or "header file library" as per
    # To use that single file as a "foo.c"-like implementation, instead of a
    # "foo.h"-like header, #define WUFFS_IMPLEMENTATION before #include'ing or
    # compiling it.
    # ----

    # Continuing to copy/paste:
    # ----
    # Defining the WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULE* macros are optional, but it lets users
    # of Wuffs' .c file whitelist which parts of Wuffs to build. That file
    # contains the entire Wuffs standard library, implementing a variety of
    # codecs and file formats. Without this macro definition, an optimizing
    # compiler or linker may very well discard Wuffs code for unused codecs,
    # but listing the Wuffs modules we use makes that process explicit.
    # Preprocessing means that such code simply isn't compiled.
    # ----
    # For Chromium, we're only interested in particular image codes (e.g. GIF)
    # and their dependencies (e.g. BASE, LZW).
    # Do not modify this list without considering the "consult
    # ENG_REVIEW_OWNERS" comment at the top of this file.

  if (use_wuffs_gif_parser) {
    defines += [

  # Do not modify this list without considering the "consult ENG_REVIEW_OWNERS"
  # comment at the top of this file.
  visibility = [ "//skia" ]

  sources = [ "src/release/c/wuffs-v0.3.c" ]
# Do not add build targets, or change their configuration or visibility,
# without considering the "consult ENG_REVIEW_OWNERS" comment at the top of
# this file.