This module contains the classes which represent XCB data types.
import sys
from xcbgen.expr import Field, Expression
from xcbgen.align import Alignment, AlignmentLog
if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 3):
from xml.etree.ElementTree import SubElement
from xml.etree.cElementTree import SubElement
import __main__
verbose_align_log = False
true_values = ['true', '1', 'yes']
class Type(object):
Abstract base class for all XCB data types.
Contains default fields, and some abstract methods.
def __init__(self, name):
Default structure initializer. Sets up default fields.
Public fields:
name is a tuple of strings specifying the full type name.
size is the size of the datatype in bytes, or None if variable-sized.
nmemb is 1 for non-list types, None for variable-sized lists, otherwise number of elts.
booleans for identifying subclasses, because I can't figure out isinstance().
self.name = name
self.size = None
self.nmemb = None
self.resolved = False
# Screw isinstance().
self.is_simple = False
self.is_list = False
self.is_expr = False
self.is_container = False
self.is_reply = False
self.is_union = False
self.is_pad = False
self.is_eventstruct = False
self.is_event = False
self.is_switch = False
self.is_case_or_bitcase = False
self.is_bitcase = False
self.is_case = False
self.is_fd = False
self.required_start_align = Alignment()
# the biggest align value of an align-pad contained in this type
self.max_align_pad = 1
def resolve(self, module):
Abstract method for resolving a type.
This should make sure any referenced types are already declared.
raise Exception('abstract resolve method not overridden!')
def out(self, name):
Abstract method for outputting code.
These are declared in the language-specific modules, and
there must be a dictionary containing them declared when this module is imported!
raise Exception('abstract out method not overridden!')
def fixed_size(self):
Abstract method for determining if the data type is fixed-size.
raise Exception('abstract fixed_size method not overridden!')
def make_member_of(self, module, complex_type, field_type, field_name, visible, wire, auto, enum=None, is_fd=False):
Default method for making a data type a member of a structure.
Extend this if the data type needs to add an additional length field or something.
module is the global module object.
complex_type is the structure object.
see Field for the meaning of the other parameters.
new_field = Field(self, field_type, field_name, visible, wire, auto, enum, is_fd)
# We dump the _placeholder_byte if any fields are added.
for (idx, field) in enumerate(complex_type.fields):
if field == _placeholder_byte:
complex_type.fields[idx] = new_field
new_field.parent = complex_type
def make_fd_of(self, module, complex_type, fd_name):
Method for making a fd member of a structure.
new_fd = Field(self, module.get_type_name('INT32'), fd_name, True, False, False, None, True)
# We dump the _placeholder_byte if any fields are added.
for (idx, field) in enumerate(complex_type.fields):
if field == _placeholder_byte:
complex_type.fields[idx] = new_fd
def get_total_size(self):
get the total size of this type if it is fixed-size, otherwise None
if self.fixed_size():
if self.nmemb is None:
return self.size
return self.size * self.nmemb
return None
def get_align_offset(self):
if self.required_start_align is None:
return 0
return self.required_start_align.offset
def is_acceptable_start_align(self, start_align, callstack, log):
return self.get_alignment_after(start_align, callstack, log) is not None
def get_alignment_after(self, start_align, callstack, log):
get the alignment after this type based on the given start_align.
the start_align is checked for compatibility with the
internal start align. If it is not compatible, then None is returned
if self.required_start_align is None or self.required_start_align.is_guaranteed_at(start_align):
return self.unchecked_get_alignment_after(start_align, callstack, log)
if log is not None:
log.fail(start_align, "", self, callstack + [self],
"start_align is incompatible with required_start_align %s"
% (str(self.required_start_align)))
return None
def unchecked_get_alignment_after(self, start_align, callstack, log):
Abstract method for geting the alignment after this type
when the alignment at the start is given, and when this type
has variable size.
raise Exception('abstract unchecked_get_alignment_after method not overridden!')
def type_name_to_str(type_name):
if isinstance(type_name, str):
#already a string
return type_name
return ".".join(type_name)
def __str__(self):
return type(self).__name__ + " \"" + Type.type_name_to_str(self.name) + "\""
class PrimitiveType(Type):
def __init__(self, name, size):
Type.__init__(self, name)
self.size = size
self.nmemb = 1
# compute the required start_alignment based on the size of the type
self.required_start_align = Alignment.for_primitive_type(self.size)
def unchecked_get_alignment_after(self, start_align, callstack, log):
my_callstack = callstack + [self];
after_align = start_align.align_after_fixed_size(self.size)
if log is not None:
if after_align is None:
log.fail(start_align, "", self, my_callstack,
"align after fixed size %d failed" % self.size)
log.ok(start_align, "", self, my_callstack, after_align)
return after_align
def fixed_size(self):
return True
class SimpleType(PrimitiveType):
Derived class which represents a cardinal type like CARD32 or char.
Any type which is typedef'ed to cardinal will be one of these.
Public fields added:
xml_type is the original string describing the type in the XML
def __init__(self, name, size, xml_type=None):
PrimitiveType.__init__(self, name, size)
self.is_simple = True
self.xml_type = xml_type
def resolve(self, module):
self.resolved = True
out = __main__.output['simple']
# Cardinal datatype globals. See module __init__ method.
tcard8 = SimpleType(('uint8_t',), 1, 'CARD8')
tcard16 = SimpleType(('uint16_t',), 2, 'CARD16')
tcard32 = SimpleType(('uint32_t',), 4, 'CARD32')
tcard64 = SimpleType(('uint64_t',), 8, 'CARD64')
tint8 = SimpleType(('int8_t',), 1, 'INT8')
tint16 = SimpleType(('int16_t',), 2, 'INT16')
tint32 = SimpleType(('int32_t',), 4, 'INT32')
tint64 = SimpleType(('int64_t',), 8, 'INT64')
tchar = SimpleType(('char',), 1, 'char')
tfloat = SimpleType(('float',), 4, 'float')
tdouble = SimpleType(('double',), 8, 'double')
tbyte = SimpleType(('uint8_t',), 1, 'BYTE')
tbool = SimpleType(('uint8_t',), 1, 'BOOL')
tvoid = SimpleType(('uint8_t',), 1, 'void')
class FileDescriptor(SimpleType):
Derived class which represents a file descriptor.
def __init__(self):
SimpleType.__init__(self, ('int', ), 4, 'fd')
self.is_fd = True
def fixed_size(self):
return True
out = __main__.output['simple']
class Enum(SimpleType):
Derived class which represents an enum. Fixed-size.
Public fields added:
values contains a list of (name, value) tuples. value is empty, or a number.
bits contains a list of (name, bitnum) tuples. items only appear if specified as a bit. bitnum is a number.
def __init__(self, name, elt):
SimpleType.__init__(self, name, 4, 'enum')
self.values = []
self.bits = []
self.doc = None
for item in list(elt):
if item.tag == 'doc':
self.doc = Doc(name, item)
# First check if we're using a default value
if len(list(item)) == 0:
self.values.append((item.get('name'), ''))
# An explicit value or bit was specified.
value = list(item)[0]
if value.tag == 'value':
self.values.append((item.get('name'), value.text))
elif value.tag == 'bit':
self.values.append((item.get('name'), '%u' % (1 << int(value.text, 0))))
self.bits.append((item.get('name'), value.text))
def resolve(self, module):
self.resolved = True
def fixed_size(self):
return True
out = __main__.output['enum']
class ListType(Type):
Derived class which represents a list of some other datatype. Fixed- or variable-sized.
Public fields added:
member is the datatype of the list elements.
parent is the structure type containing the list.
expr is an Expression object containing the length information, for variable-sized lists.
def __init__(self, elt, member, *parent):
Type.__init__(self, member.name)
self.is_list = True
self.member = member
self.parents = list(parent)
lenfield_name = False
if elt.tag == 'list':
elts = list(elt)
self.expr = Expression(elts[0] if len(elts) else elt, self)
is_list_in_parent = self.parents[0].elt.tag in ('request', 'event', 'reply', 'error')
if not len(elts) and is_list_in_parent:
self.expr = Expression(elt,self)
self.expr.op = 'calculate_len'
self.expr = Expression(elts[0] if len(elts) else elt, self)
self.size = member.size if member.fixed_size() else None
self.nmemb = self.expr.nmemb if self.expr.fixed_size() else None
self.required_start_align = self.member.required_start_align
def make_member_of(self, module, complex_type, field_type, field_name, visible, wire, auto, enum=None):
if not self.fixed_size():
# We need a length field.
# Ask our Expression object for it's name, type, and whether it's on the wire.
lenfid = self.expr.lenfield_type
lenfield_name = self.expr.lenfield_name
lenwire = self.expr.lenwire
needlen = True
# See if the length field is already in the structure.
for parent in self.parents:
for field in parent.fields:
if field.field_name == lenfield_name:
needlen = False
# It isn't, so we need to add it to the structure ourself.
if needlen:
type = module.get_type(lenfid)
lenfield_type = module.get_type_name(lenfid)
type.make_member_of(module, complex_type, lenfield_type, lenfield_name, True, lenwire, False, enum)
# Add ourself to the structure by calling our original method.
if self.member.is_fd:
wire = False
Type.make_member_of(self, module, complex_type, field_type, field_name, visible, wire, auto, enum, self.member.is_fd)
def resolve(self, module):
if self.resolved:
self.expr.resolve(module, self.parents)
# resolve() could have changed the size (ComplexType starts with size 0)
self.size = self.member.size if self.member.fixed_size() else None
self.required_start_align = self.member.required_start_align
# Find my length field again. We need the actual Field object in the expr.
# This is needed because we might have added it ourself above.
if not self.fixed_size():
for parent in self.parents:
for field in parent.fields:
if field.field_name == self.expr.lenfield_name and field.wire:
self.expr.lenfield = field
self.resolved = True
def fixed_size(self):
return self.member.fixed_size() and self.expr.fixed_size()
def unchecked_get_alignment_after(self, start_align, callstack, log):
my_callstack = callstack[:]
if start_align is None:
log.fail(start_align, "", self, my_callstack, "start_align is None")
return None
if self.expr.fixed_size():
# fixed number of elements
num_elements = self.nmemb
prev_alignment = None
alignment = start_align
while num_elements > 0:
if alignment is None:
if log is not None:
log.fail(start_align, "", self, my_callstack,
("fixed size list with size %d after %d iterations"
+ ", at transition from alignment \"%s\"")
% (self.nmemb,
(self.nmemb - num_elements),
return None
prev_alignment = alignment
alignment = self.member.get_alignment_after(prev_alignment, my_callstack, log)
num_elements -= 1
if log is not None:
log.ok(start_align, "", self, my_callstack, alignment)
return alignment
# variable number of elements
# check whether the number of elements is a multiple
multiple = self.expr.get_multiple()
assert multiple > 0
# iterate until the combined alignment does not change anymore
alignment = start_align
while True:
prev_multiple_alignment = alignment
# apply "multiple" amount of changes sequentially
prev_alignment = alignment
for multiple_count in range(0, multiple):
after_alignment = self.member.get_alignment_after(prev_alignment, my_callstack, log)
if after_alignment is None:
if log is not None:
log.fail(start_align, "", self, my_callstack,
("variable size list "
+ "at transition from alignment \"%s\"")
% (str(prev_alignment)))
return None
prev_alignment = after_alignment
# combine with the cumulatively combined alignment
# (to model the variable number of entries)
alignment = prev_multiple_alignment.combine_with(after_alignment)
if alignment == prev_multiple_alignment:
# does not change anymore by adding more potential elements
# -> finished
if log is not None:
log.ok(start_align, "", self, my_callstack, alignment)
return alignment
class ExprType(PrimitiveType):
Derived class which represents an exprfield. Fixed size.
Public fields added:
expr is an Expression object containing the value of the field.
def __init__(self, elt, member, *parents):
PrimitiveType.__init__(self, member.name, member.size)
self.is_expr = True
self.member = member
self.parents = parents
self.expr = Expression(list(elt)[0], self)
def resolve(self, module):
if self.resolved:
self.resolved = True
class PadType(Type):
Derived class which represents a padding field.
def __init__(self, elt):
Type.__init__(self, tcard8.name)
self.is_pad = True
self.size = 1
self.nmemb = 1
self.align = 1
if elt != None:
self.nmemb = int(elt.get('bytes', "1"), 0)
self.align = int(elt.get('align', "1"), 0)
self.serialize = elt.get('serialize', "false").lower() in true_values
# pads don't require any alignment at their start
self.required_start_align = Alignment(1,0)
def resolve(self, module):
self.resolved = True
def fixed_size(self):
return self.align <= 1
def unchecked_get_alignment_after(self, start_align, callstack, log):
if self.align <= 1:
# fixed size pad
after_align = start_align.align_after_fixed_size(self.get_total_size())
if log is not None:
if after_align is None:
log.fail(start_align, "", self, callstack,
"align after fixed size pad of size %d failed" % self.size)
log.ok(start_align, "", self, callstack, after_align)
return after_align
# align-pad
assert self.align > 1
assert self.size == 1
assert self.nmemb == 1
if (start_align.offset == 0
and self.align <= start_align.align
and start_align.align % self.align == 0):
# the alignment pad is size 0 because the start_align
# is already sufficiently aligned -> return the start_align
after_align = start_align
# the alignment pad has nonzero size -> return the alignment
# that is guaranteed by it, independently of the start_align
after_align = Alignment(self.align, 0)
if log is not None:
log.ok(start_align, "", self, callstack, after_align)
return after_align
class ComplexType(Type):
Derived class which represents a structure. Base type for all structure types.
Public fields added:
fields is an array of Field objects describing the structure fields.
length_expr is an expression that defines the length of the structure.
def __init__(self, name, elt):
Type.__init__(self, name)
self.is_container = True
self.elt = elt
self.fields = []
self.nmemb = 1
self.size = 0
self.lenfield_parent = [self]
self.length_expr = None
# get required_start_alignment
required_start_align_element = elt.find("required_start_align")
if required_start_align_element is None:
# unknown -> mark for autocompute
self.required_start_align = None
self.required_start_align = Alignment(
int(required_start_align_element.get('align', "4"), 0),
int(required_start_align_element.get('offset', "0"), 0))
if verbose_align_log:
print ("Explicit start-align for %s: %s\n" % (self, self.required_start_align))
def resolve(self, module):
if self.resolved:
# Resolve all of our field datatypes.
for child in list(self.elt):
enum = None
if child.tag == 'pad':
field_name = 'pad' + str(module.pads)
fkey = 'CARD8'
type = PadType(child)
module.pads = module.pads + 1
visible = False
elif child.tag == 'field':
field_name = child.get('name')
enum = child.get('enum')
fkey = child.get('type')
type = module.get_type(fkey)
visible = True
elif child.tag == 'exprfield':
field_name = child.get('name')
fkey = child.get('type')
type = ExprType(child, module.get_type(fkey), *self.lenfield_parent)
visible = False
elif child.tag == 'list':
field_name = child.get('name')
fkey = child.get('type')
if fkey == 'fd':
ftype = FileDescriptor()
fkey = 'INT32'
ftype = module.get_type(fkey)
type = ListType(child, ftype, *self.lenfield_parent)
visible = True
elif child.tag == 'switch':
field_name = child.get('name')
# construct the switch type name from the parent type and the field name
field_type = self.name + (field_name,)
type = SwitchType(field_type, child, *self.lenfield_parent)
visible = True
type.make_member_of(module, self, field_type, field_name, visible, True, False)
elif child.tag == 'fd':
fd_name = child.get('name')
type = module.get_type('INT32')
type.make_fd_of(module, self, fd_name)
elif child.tag == 'length':
self.length_expr = Expression(list(child)[0], self)
# Hit this on Reply
# Get the full type name for the field
field_type = module.get_type_name(fkey)
# Add the field to ourself
type.make_member_of(module, self, field_type, field_name, visible, True, False, enum)
# Recursively resolve the type (could be another structure, list)
# Compute the size of the maximally contain align-pad
if type.max_align_pad > self.max_align_pad:
self.max_align_pad = type.max_align_pad
self.calc_size() # Figure out how big we are
self.resolved = True
def calc_size(self):
self.size = 0
for m in self.fields:
if not m.wire:
if m.type.fixed_size():
self.size = self.size + m.type.get_total_size()
self.size = None
def calc_or_check_required_start_align(self):
if self.required_start_align is None:
# no required-start-align configured -> calculate it
log = AlignmentLog()
callstack = []
self.required_start_align = self.calc_minimally_required_start_align(callstack, log)
if self.required_start_align is None:
print ("ERROR: could not calc required_start_align of %s\nDetails:\n%s"
% (str(self), str(log)))
if verbose_align_log:
print ("calc_required_start_align: %s has start-align %s"
% (str(self), str(self.required_start_align)))
print ("Details:\n" + str(log))
if self.required_start_align.offset != 0:
print (("WARNING: %s\n\thas start-align with non-zero offset: %s"
+ "\n\tsuggest to add explicit definition with:"
+ "\n\t\t<required_start_align align=\"%d\" offset=\"%d\" />"
+ "\n\tor to fix the xml so that zero offset is ok\n")
% (str(self), self.required_start_align,
# required-start-align configured -> check it
log = AlignmentLog()
callstack = []
if not self.is_possible_start_align(self.required_start_align, callstack, log):
print ("ERROR: required_start_align %s of %s causes problems\nDetails:\n%s"
% (str(self.required_start_align), str(self), str(log)))
def calc_minimally_required_start_align(self, callstack, log):
# calculate the minimally required start_align that causes no
# align errors
best_log = None
best_failed_align = None
for align in [1,2,4,8]:
for offset in range(0,align):
align_candidate = Alignment(align, offset)
if verbose_align_log:
print ("trying %s for %s" % (str(align_candidate), str(self)))
my_log = AlignmentLog()
if self.is_possible_start_align(align_candidate, callstack, my_log):
if verbose_align_log:
print ("found start-align %s for %s" % (str(align_candidate), str(self)))
return align_candidate
my_ok_count = my_log.ok_count()
if (best_log is None
or my_ok_count > best_log.ok_count()
or (my_ok_count == best_log.ok_count()
and align_candidate.align > best_failed_align.align)
and align_candidate.align != 8):
best_log = my_log
best_failed_align = align_candidate
# none of the candidates applies
# this type has illegal internal aligns for all possible start_aligns
if verbose_align_log:
print ("didn't find start-align for %s" % str(self))
return None
def is_possible_start_align(self, align, callstack, log):
if align is None:
return False
if (self.max_align_pad > align.align
or align.align % self.max_align_pad != 0):
# our align pad implementation depends on known alignment
# at the start of our type
return False
return self.get_alignment_after(align, callstack, log) is not None
def fixed_size(self):
for m in self.fields:
if not m.type.fixed_size():
return False
return True
# default impls of polymorphic methods which assume sequential layout of fields
# (like Struct or CaseOrBitcaseType)
def check_implicit_fixed_size_part_aligns(self):
# find places where the implementation of the C-binding would
# create code that makes the compiler add implicit alignment.
# make these places explicit, so we have
# consistent behaviour for all bindings
size = 0
for field in self.fields:
if not field.wire:
if not field.type.fixed_size():
# end of fixed-size part
required_field_align = field.type.required_start_align
if required_field_align is None:
raise Exception(
"field \"%s\" in \"%s\" has not required_start_align"
% (field.field_name, self.name)
mis_align = (size + required_field_align.offset) % required_field_align.align
if mis_align != 0:
# implicit align pad is required
padsize = required_field_align.align - mis_align
raise Exception(
"C-compiler would insert implicit alignpad of size %d before field \"%s\" in \"%s\""
% (padsize, field.field_name, self.name)
def unchecked_get_alignment_after(self, start_align, callstack, log):
# default impl assumes sequential layout of fields
# (like Struct or CaseOrBitcaseType)
my_align = start_align
if my_align is None:
return None
for field in self.fields:
if not field.wire:
my_callstack = callstack[:]
my_callstack.extend([self, field])
prev_align = my_align
my_align = field.type.get_alignment_after(my_align, my_callstack, log)
if my_align is None:
if log is not None:
log.fail(prev_align, field.field_name, self, my_callstack,
"alignment is incompatible with this field")
return None
if log is not None:
log.ok(prev_align, field.field_name, self, my_callstack, my_align)
if log is not None:
my_callstack = callstack[:]
log.ok(start_align, "", self, my_callstack, my_align)
return my_align
class SwitchType(ComplexType):
Derived class which represents a List of Items.
Public fields added:
bitcases is an array of Bitcase objects describing the list items
def __init__(self, name, elt, *parents):
ComplexType.__init__(self, name, elt)
self.parents = parents
# FIXME: switch cannot store lenfields, so it should just delegate the parents
self.lenfield_parent = list(parents) + [self]
# self.fields contains all possible fields collected from the Bitcase objects,
# whereas self.items contains the Bitcase objects themselves
self.bitcases = []
self.is_switch = True
elts = list(elt)
self.expr = Expression(elts[0] if len(elts) else elt, self)
def resolve(self, module):
if self.resolved:
parents = list(self.parents) + [self]
# Resolve all of our field datatypes.
for index, child in enumerate(list(self.elt)):
if child.tag == 'bitcase' or child.tag == 'case':
field_name = child.get('name')
if field_name is None:
field_type = self.name + ('%s%d' % ( child.tag, index ),)
field_type = self.name + (field_name,)
# use self.parent to indicate anchestor,
# as switch does not contain named fields itself
if child.tag == 'bitcase':
type = BitcaseType(index, field_type, child, *parents)
type = CaseType(index, field_type, child, *parents)
# construct the switch type name from the parent type and the field name
if field_name is None:
type.has_name = False
# Get the full type name for the field
field_type = type.name
visible = True
# add the field to ourself
type.make_member_of(module, self, field_type, field_name, visible, True, False)
# recursively resolve the type (could be another structure, list)
inserted = False
for new_field in type.fields:
# We dump the _placeholder_byte if any fields are added.
for (idx, field) in enumerate(self.fields):
if field == _placeholder_byte:
self.fields[idx] = new_field
inserted = True
if False == inserted:
self.calc_size() # Figure out how big we are
self.resolved = True
def make_member_of(self, module, complex_type, field_type, field_name, visible, wire, auto, enum=None):
if not self.fixed_size():
# We need a length field.
# Ask our Expression object for it's name, type, and whether it's on the wire.
lenfid = self.expr.lenfield_type
lenfield_name = self.expr.lenfield_name
lenwire = self.expr.lenwire
needlen = True
# See if the length field is already in the structure.
for parent in self.parents:
for field in parent.fields:
if field.field_name == lenfield_name:
needlen = False
# It isn't, so we need to add it to the structure ourself.
if needlen:
type = module.get_type(lenfid)
lenfield_type = module.get_type_name(lenfid)
type.make_member_of(module, complex_type, lenfield_type, lenfield_name, True, lenwire, False, enum)
# Add ourself to the structure by calling our original method.
Type.make_member_of(self, module, complex_type, field_type, field_name, visible, wire, auto, enum)
# size for switch can only be calculated at runtime
def calc_size(self):
# note: switch is _always_ of variable size, but we indicate here wether
# it contains elements that are variable-sized themselves
def fixed_size(self):
return False
# for m in self.fields:
# if not m.type.fixed_size():
# return False
# return True
def check_implicit_fixed_size_part_aligns(self):
# this is done for the CaseType or BitCaseType
def unchecked_get_alignment_after(self, start_align, callstack, log):
# we assume that BitCases can appear in any combination,
# and that at most one Case can appear
# (assuming that Cases are mutually exclusive)
# get all Cases (we assume that at least one case is selected if there are cases)
case_fields = []
for field in self.bitcases:
if field.type.is_case:
if not case_fields:
# there are no case-fields -> check without case-fields
case_fields = [None]
my_callstack = callstack[:]
total_align = None
first = True
for case_field in case_fields:
my2_callstack = my_callstack[:]
if case_field is not None:
case_align = self.get_align_for_selected_case_field(
case_field, start_align, my2_callstack, log)
if case_align is None:
if log is not None:
if case_field is None:
log.fail(start_align, "", self, my2_callstack,
"alignment without cases (only bitcases) failed")
log.fail(start_align, "", self, my2_callstack + [case_field],
"alignment for selected case %s failed"
% case_field.field_name)
return None
if first:
total_align = case_align
total_align = total_align.combine_with(case_align)
if log is not None:
if case_field is None:
"without cases (only arbitrary bitcases)",
self, my2_callstack, case_align)
"case %s and arbitrary bitcases" % case_field.field_name,
self, my2_callstack, case_align)
if log is not None:
log.ok(start_align, "", self, my_callstack, total_align)
return total_align
# aux function for unchecked_get_alignment_after
def get_align_for_selected_case_field(self, case_field, start_align, callstack, log):
if verbose_align_log:
print ("get_align_for_selected_case_field: %s, case_field = %s" % (str(self), str(case_field)))
total_align = start_align
for field in self.bitcases:
my_callstack = callstack[:]
if not field.wire:
if field is case_field:
# assume that this field is active -> no combine_with to emulate optional
after_field_align = field.type.get_alignment_after(total_align, my_callstack, log)
if log is not None:
if after_field_align is None:
log.fail(total_align, field.field_name, field.type, my_callstack,
"invalid aligment for this case branch")
log.ok(total_align, field.field_name, field.type, my_callstack,
total_align = after_field_align
elif field.type.is_bitcase:
after_field_align = field.type.get_alignment_after(total_align, my_callstack, log)
# we assume that this field is optional, therefore combine
# alignment after the field with the alignment before the field.
if after_field_align is None:
if log is not None:
log.fail(total_align, field.field_name, field.type, my_callstack,
"invalid aligment for this bitcase branch")
total_align = None
if log is not None:
log.ok(total_align, field.field_name, field.type, my_callstack,
# combine with the align before the field because
# the field is optional
total_align = total_align.combine_with(after_field_align)
# ignore other fields as they are irrelevant for alignment
if total_align is None:
return total_align
class Struct(ComplexType):
Derived class representing a struct data type.
out = __main__.output['struct']
class Union(ComplexType):
Derived class representing a union data type.
def __init__(self, name, elt):
ComplexType.__init__(self, name, elt)
self.is_union = True
out = __main__.output['union']
def calc_size(self):
self.size = 0
for m in self.fields:
if not m.wire:
if m.type.fixed_size():
self.size = max(self.size, m.type.get_total_size())
self.size = None
def check_implicit_fixed_size_part_aligns(self):
# a union does not have implicit aligns because all fields start
# at the start of the union
def unchecked_get_alignment_after(self, start_align, callstack, log):
my_callstack = callstack[:]
after_align = None
if self.fixed_size():
#check proper alignment for all members
start_align_ok = all(
[field.type.is_acceptable_start_align(start_align, my_callstack + [field], log)
for field in self.fields])
if start_align_ok:
#compute the after align from the start_align
after_align = start_align.align_after_fixed_size(self.get_total_size())
after_align = None
if log is not None and after_align is not None:
log.ok(start_align, "fixed sized union", self, my_callstack, after_align)
if start_align is None:
if log is not None:
log.fail(start_align, "", self, my_callstack,
"missing start_align for union")
return None
after_align = reduce(
lambda x, y: None if x is None or y is None else x.combine_with(y),
[field.type.get_alignment_after(start_align, my_callstack + [field], log)
for field in self.fields])
if log is not None and after_align is not None:
log.ok(start_align, "var sized union", self, my_callstack, after_align)
if after_align is None and log is not None:
log.fail(start_align, "", self, my_callstack, "start_align is not ok for all members")
return after_align
class CaseOrBitcaseType(ComplexType):
Derived class representing a case or bitcase.
def __init__(self, index, name, elt, *parent):
elts = list(elt)
self.expr = []
for sub_elt in elts:
if sub_elt.tag == 'enumref':
self.expr.append(Expression(sub_elt, self))
ComplexType.__init__(self, name, elt)
self.has_name = True
self.index = 1
self.lenfield_parent = list(parent) + [self]
self.parents = list(parent)
self.is_case_or_bitcase = True
def make_member_of(self, module, switch_type, field_type, field_name, visible, wire, auto, enum=None):
register BitcaseType with the corresponding SwitchType
module is the global module object.
complex_type is the structure object.
see Field for the meaning of the other parameters.
new_field = Field(self, field_type, field_name, visible, wire, auto, enum)
# We dump the _placeholder_byte if any bitcases are added.
for (idx, field) in enumerate(switch_type.bitcases):
if field == _placeholder_byte:
switch_type.bitcases[idx] = new_field
def resolve(self, module):
if self.resolved:
for e in self.expr:
e.resolve(module, self.parents+[self])
# Resolve the bitcase expression
ComplexType.resolve(self, module)
#calculate alignment
class BitcaseType(CaseOrBitcaseType):
Derived class representing a bitcase.
def __init__(self, index, name, elt, *parent):
CaseOrBitcaseType.__init__(self, index, name, elt, *parent)
self.is_bitcase = True
class CaseType(CaseOrBitcaseType):
Derived class representing a case.
def __init__(self, index, name, elt, *parent):
CaseOrBitcaseType.__init__(self, index, name, elt, *parent)
self.is_case = True
class Reply(ComplexType):
Derived class representing a reply. Only found as a field of Request.
def __init__(self, name, elt):
ComplexType.__init__(self, name, elt)
self.is_reply = True
self.doc = None
if self.required_start_align is None:
self.required_start_align = Alignment(4,0)
for child in list(elt):
if child.tag == 'doc':
self.doc = Doc(name, child)
def resolve(self, module):
if self.resolved:
# Reset pads count
module.pads = 0
# Add the automatic protocol fields
self.fields.append(Field(tcard8, tcard8.name, 'response_type', False, True, True))
self.fields.append(Field(tcard16, tcard16.name, 'sequence', False, True, True))
self.fields.append(Field(tcard32, tcard32.name, 'length', False, True, True))
ComplexType.resolve(self, module)
class Request(ComplexType):
Derived class representing a request.
Public fields added:
reply contains the reply datatype or None for void requests.
opcode contains the request number.
def __init__(self, name, elt):
ComplexType.__init__(self, name, elt)
self.reply = None
self.doc = None
self.opcode = elt.get('opcode')
if self.required_start_align is None:
self.required_start_align = Alignment(4,0)
for child in list(elt):
if child.tag == 'reply':
self.reply = Reply(name, child)
if child.tag == 'doc':
self.doc = Doc(name, child)
def resolve(self, module):
if self.resolved:
# Add the automatic protocol fields
if module.namespace.is_ext:
self.fields.append(Field(tcard8, tcard8.name, 'major_opcode', False, True, True))
self.fields.append(Field(tcard8, tcard8.name, 'minor_opcode', False, True, True))
self.fields.append(Field(tcard16, tcard16.name, 'length', False, True, True))
ComplexType.resolve(self, module)
self.fields.append(Field(tcard8, tcard8.name, 'major_opcode', False, True, True))
self.fields.append(Field(tcard16, tcard16.name, 'length', False, True, True))
ComplexType.resolve(self, module)
if self.reply:
out = __main__.output['request']
class EventStructAllowedRule:
def __init__(self, parent, elt):
self.elt = elt
self.extension = elt.get('extension')
self.ge_events = elt.get('xge') == "true"
self.min_opcode = int( elt.get('opcode-min') )
self.max_opcode = int( elt.get('opcode-max') )
def resolve(self, parent, module):
# get the namespace of the specified extension
extension_namespace = module.get_namespace( self.extension )
if extension_namespace is None:
raise Exception( "EventStructAllowedRule.resolve: cannot find extension \"" + self.extension + "\"" )
# find and add the selected events
for opcode in range(self.min_opcode, self.max_opcode):
name_and_event = extension_namespace.get_event_by_opcode( opcode, self.ge_events )
if name_and_event is None:
# could not find event -> error handling
if self.ge_events:
raise Exception("EventStructAllowedRule.resolve: cannot find xge-event with opcode " + str(opcode) + " in extension " + self.extension )
raise Exception("EventStructAllowedRule.resolve: cannot find oldstyle-event with opcode " + str(opcode) + " in extension " + self.extension )
( name, event ) = name_and_event
# add event to EventStruct
parent.add_event( module, self.extension, opcode, name, event )
class EventStruct(Union):
Derived class representing an event-use-as-struct data type.
def __init__(self, name, elt):
Union.__init__(self, name, elt)
self.is_eventstruct = True
self.events = []
self.allowedRules = []
self.contains_ge_events = False
for item in list(elt):
if item.tag == 'allowed':
allowedRule = EventStructAllowedRule(self, item)
self.allowedRules.append( allowedRule )
if allowedRule.ge_events:
self.contains_ge_events = True
out = __main__.output['eventstruct']
def resolve(self, module):
if self.resolved:
for allowedRule in self.allowedRules:
allowedRule.resolve(self, module)
self.resolved = True
# add event. called by resolve
def add_event(self, module, extension, opcode, name, event_type ):
self.events.append( (extension, opcode, name, event_type) )
# Add the field to ourself
event_type.make_member_of(module, self, name, name[-1], True, True, False)
# Recursively resolve the event (could be another structure, list)
def fixed_size(self):
is_fixed_size = True
for extension, opcode, name, event in self.events:
if not event.fixed_size():
is_fixed_size = False
return is_fixed_size
class Event(ComplexType):
Derived class representing an event data type.
Public fields added:
opcodes is a dictionary of name -> opcode number, for eventcopies.
def __init__(self, name, elt):
ComplexType.__init__(self, name, elt)
if self.required_start_align is None:
self.required_start_align = Alignment(4,0)
self.opcodes = {}
self.has_seq = not bool(elt.get('no-sequence-number'))
self.is_ge_event = bool(elt.get('xge'))
self.is_event = True
self.doc = None
for item in list(elt):
if item.tag == 'doc':
self.doc = Doc(name, item)
def add_opcode(self, opcode, name, main):
self.opcodes[name] = opcode
if main:
self.name = name
def get_name_for_opcode(self, opcode):
for name, my_opcode in self.opcodes.items():
if int(my_opcode) == opcode:
return name
return None
def resolve(self, module):
def add_event_header():
self.fields.append(Field(tcard8, tcard8.name, 'response_type', False, True, True))
if self.has_seq:
self.fields.append(Field(tcard16, tcard16.name, 'sequence', False, True, True))
def add_ge_event_header():
self.fields.append(Field(tcard8, tcard8.name, 'response_type', False, True, True))
self.fields.append(Field(tcard8, tcard8.name, 'extension', False, True, True))
self.fields.append(Field(tcard16, tcard16.name, 'sequence', False, True, True))
self.fields.append(Field(tcard32, tcard32.name, 'length', False, True, True))
self.fields.append(Field(tcard16, tcard16.name, 'event_type', False, True, True))
if self.resolved:
# Add the automatic protocol fields
if self.is_ge_event:
ComplexType.resolve(self, module)
out = __main__.output['event']
class Error(ComplexType):
Derived class representing an error data type.
Public fields added:
opcodes is a dictionary of name -> opcode number, for errorcopies.
def __init__(self, name, elt):
ComplexType.__init__(self, name, elt)
self.opcodes = {}
if self.required_start_align is None:
self.required_start_align = Alignment(4,0)
# All errors are basically the same, but they still got different XML
# for historic reasons. This 'invents' the missing parts.
if len(self.elt) < 1:
SubElement(self.elt, "field", type="CARD32", name="bad_value")
if len(self.elt) < 2:
SubElement(self.elt, "field", type="CARD16", name="minor_opcode")
if len(self.elt) < 3:
SubElement(self.elt, "field", type="CARD8", name="major_opcode")
def add_opcode(self, opcode, name, main):
self.opcodes[name] = opcode
if main:
self.name = name
def resolve(self, module):
if self.resolved:
# Add the automatic protocol fields
self.fields.append(Field(tcard8, tcard8.name, 'response_type', False, True, True))
self.fields.append(Field(tcard8, tcard8.name, 'error_code', False, True, True))
self.fields.append(Field(tcard16, tcard16.name, 'sequence', False, True, True))
ComplexType.resolve(self, module)
out = __main__.output['error']
class Doc(object):
Class representing a <doc> tag.
def __init__(self, name, elt):
self.name = name
self.description = None
self.fields = {}
self.errors = {}
self.see = {}
self.example = None
for child in list(elt):
text = child.text if child.text else ''
if child.tag == 'description':
self.description = text.strip()
if child.tag == 'brief':
self.brief = text.strip()
if child.tag == 'field':
self.fields[child.get('name')] = text.strip()
if child.tag == 'error':
self.errors[child.get('type')] = text.strip()
if child.tag == 'see':
self.see[child.get('name')] = child.get('type')
if child.tag == 'example':
self.example = text.strip()
_placeholder_byte = Field(PadType(None), tcard8.name, 'pad0', False, True, False)