// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/settings/stub_cros_settings_provider.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/dbus/session_manager/fake_session_manager_client.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/install_attributes/stub_install_attributes.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/settings/cros_settings_provider.h"
class Profile;
namespace base {
class Value;
namespace ash {
class CrosSettingsHolder;
class FakeOwnerSettingsService;
class ScopedTestDeviceSettingsService;
// Helps in a variety of ways with setting up CrosSettings for testing.
// This class is overly complex for most use-cases - if possible, prefer to
// use ScopedTestingCrosSettings for new tests.
class ScopedCrosSettingsTestHelper {
// In some cases it is required to pass |create_settings_service| as false:
// If the test already has a device settings service and/or CrosSettings set
// up by another (instantiated or base) class, creating another one causes
// crash.
explicit ScopedCrosSettingsTestHelper(bool create_settings_service = true);
ScopedCrosSettingsTestHelper(const ScopedCrosSettingsTestHelper&) = delete;
ScopedCrosSettingsTestHelper& operator=(const ScopedCrosSettingsTestHelper&) =
// This replaces the DeviceSettingsProvider with a simple stub that stores
// settings in memory unsigned; see StubCrosSettingsProvider for more info.
void ReplaceDeviceSettingsProviderWithStub();
void RestoreRealDeviceSettingsProvider();
bool IsDeviceSettingsProviderStubbed();
// Method to create an owner settings service that uses
// |stub_settings_provider_| as settings write path.
std::unique_ptr<FakeOwnerSettingsService> CreateOwnerSettingsService(
Profile* profile);
// Returns the stubbed CrosSettingsProvider - the one that is swapped into
// |CrosSettings| once |ReplaceDeviceSettingsProviderWithStub()| is called.
// Note that if you want to test the real DeviceSettingsProvider in your test
// (not a stub), you should set the settings using the OwnerSettingsService
// which uses the current user's private key to sign the settings.
StubCrosSettingsProvider* GetStubbedProvider();
// These methods simply call the appropriate method on |GetStubbedProvider()|.
// So if you use them, you need to make sure that a stubbed provider is used
// in your test by calling |ReplaceDeviceSettingsProviderWithStub()|.
void SetTrustedStatus(CrosSettingsProvider::TrustedStatus status);
void SetCurrentUserIsOwner(bool owner);
void Set(const std::string& path, const base::Value& in_value);
// Convenience forms of Set() from CrosSettingsProvider. These methods will
// replace any existing value at that |path|, even if it has a different type.
void SetBoolean(const std::string& path, bool in_value);
void SetInteger(const std::string& path, int in_value);
void SetDouble(const std::string& path, double in_value);
void SetString(const std::string& path, const std::string& in_value);
// This may be called before or after |ReplaceDeviceSettingsProviderWithStub|
// is called. It reads the value for |path| from the original, real,
// DeviceSettingsProvider, and copies it to the stub DeviceSettingsProvider.
void CopyStoredValue(const std::string& path);
// Write the setting from |path| in the stub DeviceSettingsProvider to local
// state so that it can be retrieved later on browser test startup by the
// device settings service.
void StoreCachedDeviceSetting(const std::string& path);
// Get the scoped install attributes to change them as needed for the
// current test.
StubInstallAttributes* InstallAttributes();
std::unique_ptr<ScopedStubInstallAttributes> test_install_attributes_;
std::unique_ptr<CrosSettingsHolder> cros_settings_holder_;
std::unique_ptr<CrosSettingsProvider> real_settings_provider_;
std::unique_ptr<CrosSettingsProvider> stub_settings_provider_;
raw_ptr<StubCrosSettingsProvider> stub_settings_provider_ptr_;
void Initialize(bool create_settings_service);
} // namespace ash