// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/smb_client/discovery/host_locator.h"
#include "net/base/ip_address.h"
namespace ash::smb_client {
// Holds the number of in-flight requests and the callback to call once all the
// HostLocators are finished. Also holds the hosts found from the HostLocators
// that have already returned.
struct RequestInfo {
uint32_t remaining_requests;
FindHostsCallback callback;
HostMap hosts_found;
RequestInfo(uint32_t remaining_requests, FindHostsCallback callback);
RequestInfo(RequestInfo&& other);
RequestInfo(const RequestInfo&) = delete;
RequestInfo& operator=(const RequestInfo&) = delete;
// NetworkScanner discovers SMB hosts in the local network by querying
// registered HostLocators and aggregating their results. RegisterHostLocator is
// used to register HostLocators that are responsible for finding hosts.
// FindHostsInNetwork is called to get a list of discoverable hosts in the
// network. ResolveHost is used to get the IP address of a given host.
class NetworkScanner {
NetworkScanner(const NetworkScanner&) = delete;
NetworkScanner& operator=(const NetworkScanner&) = delete;
// Query the registered HostLocators and return all the hosts found.
// |callback| is called once all the HostLocators have responded with their
// results. If there are no locators, the callback is fired immediately with
// an empty result and success set to false. Once this call has returned, the
// hosts found are cached locally and are resolvable individually through
// ResolveHost().
void FindHostsInNetwork(FindHostsCallback callback);
// Registeres a |locator| to be queried when FindHostsInNetwork() is called.
void RegisterHostLocator(std::unique_ptr<HostLocator> locator);
// Resolves |host| to an address using the cached results of
// FindHostsInNetwork(). FindHostsInNetwork() has to be called beforehand. If
// no address is found, this returns an invalid IPAddress.
net::IPAddress ResolveHost(const std::string& host) const;
// Callback handler for HostLocator::FindHosts().
void OnHostsFound(uint32_t request_id, bool success, const HostMap& host_map);
// Adds |host_map| hosts to current results. The host will not be added if the
// hostname already exists in results, and if the IP address does not match,
// it will be logged.
void AddHostsToResults(uint32_t request_id, const HostMap& host_map);
// Adds a new request to track and saves |callback| to be called when the
// request is finished. Returns the request id.
uint32_t AddNewRequest(FindHostsCallback callback);
// Called after a HostLocator returns with results and decrements the count of
// requests in RequestInfo for |request_id|. Fires the callback for if
// there are no more requests and deletes the corresponding RequestInfo.
void FireCallbackIfFinished(uint32_t request_id);
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<HostLocator>> locators_;
// Used for tracking in-flight requests to HostLocators. The key is the
// request id, and the value is the RequestInfo struct.
std::map<uint32_t, RequestInfo> requests_;
uint32_t next_request_id_ = 0;
// Hosts that are found from FindHostsInNetwork(). This is cached for name
// resolution when calling ResolveHost().
HostMap found_hosts_;
// True if FindHostsInNetwork() has been called and returned results
// regardless if any hosts are found.
bool find_hosts_returned_ = false;
// True if FindHostsInNetwork() has been called and is waiting for
// FindHostsCallback to be invoked. This is to prevent multiple calls of
// FindHostsInNetwork() from concurrently executing. Used only for DCHECKing
// if FindHostsInNetwork() is already running.
bool running_ = false;
base::WeakPtrFactory<NetworkScanner> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash::smb_client