
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

"""Contains a set of Chrome-specific size queries."""

import logging
import re

import models

class _Grouper:
  def __init__(self):
    self.groups = []

  def Add(self, name, group):
    logging.debug('Computed %s (%d syms)', name, len(group))
    if group:
      sorted_group = group.Sorted()
    return group.Inverted()

  def Finalize(self, remaining):
    self.groups.sort(key=lambda s:('Other'), -abs(s.pss)))
    if remaining:
      stars = remaining.Filter(lambda s:'*'))
      if stars:
        remaining = stars.Inverted()
        stars = stars.Sorted()
        stars.SetName('** Merged Symbols')

      others_by_path = remaining.GroupedByPath(depth=1).Sorted()
      for subgroup in others_by_path:
        subgroup.SetName('Other //' +

    return models.SymbolGroup(self.groups)

def _CategorizeByChromeComponent(symbols):
  g = _Grouper()

  # Put things that filter out a lot of symbols at the beginning where possible
  # to optimize speed.
  symbols = g.Add('WebRTC', symbols.WhereMatches(r'(?i)webrtc'))
  symbols = g.Add('v8', symbols.Filter(
      lambda s: s.source_path.startswith('v8/')))
  symbols = g.Add('Skia', symbols.Filter(lambda s: 'skia/' in s.source_path))
  symbols = g.Add('net', symbols.Filter(
      lambda s: s.source_path.startswith('net/')))
  symbols = g.Add('media', symbols.Filter(
      lambda s: s.source_path.startswith('media/')))
  symbols = g.Add('gpu', symbols.Filter(
      lambda s: s.source_path.startswith('gpu/')))
  symbols = g.Add('cc', symbols.Filter(
      lambda s: s.source_path.startswith('cc/')))
  symbols = g.Add('base', symbols.Filter(
      lambda s: s.source_path.startswith('base/')))
  symbols = g.Add('viz', symbols.Filter(
      lambda s: s.source_path.startswith('components/viz')))
  symbols = g.Add('ui/gfx', symbols.Filter(
      lambda s: s.source_path.startswith('ui/gfx/')))

  # Next, put non-regex queries, since they're a bit faster.
  symbols = g.Add('ICU', symbols.Filter(lambda s: '/icu/' in s.source_path))
  symbols = g.Add('Prefetch', symbols.Filter(
      lambda s: 'resource_prefetch' in s.source_path))
  symbols = g.Add('Password Manager', symbols.Filter(
      lambda s: 'password_manager' in s.source_path))
  symbols = g.Add('Internals Pages', symbols.Filter(
      lambda s: '_internals' in s.source_path))
  symbols = g.Add('Autofill', symbols.WhereSourcePathMatches(r'(?i)autofill'))
  symbols = g.Add('WebGL', symbols.WhereMatches(r'(?i)webgl'))
  symbols = g.Add('WebBluetooth', symbols.WhereMatches(r'(?i)bluetooth'))
  symbols = g.Add('WebUSB', symbols.WhereMatches(r'(?i)webusb|(\b|_)usb(\b|_)'))
  symbols = g.Add('WebVR', symbols.WhereMatches(
  symbols = g.Add('FileSystem', symbols.WhereSourcePathMatches(
  symbols = g.Add('WebCrypto', symbols.WhereMatches(r'(?i)webcrypto'))
  symbols = g.Add('Printing', symbols.WhereMatches(r'printing'))
  symbols = g.Add('Cast', symbols.WhereSourcePathMatches(
  symbols = g.Add('Media Source', symbols.WhereMatches(

  # XSLT must come before libxml.
  symbols = g.Add('XSLT', symbols.WhereMatches(r'(?i)xslt'))
  symbols = g.Add('libxml', symbols.Filter(
      lambda s: 'libxml' in s.source_path))

  # These have some overlap with above, so need to come afterwards.
  blink_syms = symbols.WhereSourcePathMatches(r'\b(blink|WebKit)\b')
  symbols = blink_syms.Inverted()
  blink_generated = blink_syms.WhereSourceIsGenerated()
  g.Add('Blink (generated)', blink_generated)
  g.Add('Blink (non-generated)', blink_generated.Inverted())

  symbols = g.Add('Codecs', symbols.WhereSourcePathMatches(
  symbols = g.Add('Other Third-Party', symbols.Filter(
      lambda s: 'third_party' in s.source_path))

  return g.Finalize(symbols)

def _CategorizeGenerated(symbols):
  g = _Grouper()

  # Don't count other symbols or prebuilts.
  symbols = symbols.Filter(lambda s: s.section_name != models.SECTION_OTHER and
                           not s.source_path.endswith('.class'))
  # JNI is generated into .h files then #included, so the symbols don't actaully
  # appear as "SourceIsGenerated".
  # Note: String literals within symbols like "kBaseRegisteredMethods" are not
  #     being accounted for here because they end up within "** merge strings".
  #     This could be fixed by assigning them all to proper variables rather
  #     than having them be inline.
  symbols = g.Add('RegisterJNI', symbols.WhereFullNameMatches(
  symbols = g.Add('gl_bindings_autogen',

  symbols = symbols.WhereSourceIsGenerated()
  symbols = g.Add(
      'Java Protocol Buffers',
      symbols.Filter(lambda s: '__protoc_java.srcjar' in s.source_path))
  symbols = g.Add('C++ Protocol Buffers', symbols.Filter(lambda s: (
      '/protobuf/' in s.object_path or
      s.object_path.endswith('.pbzero.o') or
  mojo_pattern = re.compile(r'\bmojom?\b')
  symbols = g.Add(
      symbols.Filter(lambda s: (s.full_name.startswith('mojo::') or mojo_pattern
  symbols = g.Add('DevTools', symbols.WhereSourcePathMatches(
  symbols = g.Add('Blink (bindings)', symbols.WherePathMatches(
  symbols = g.Add('Blink (other)', symbols.Filter(lambda s: (
      'WebKit' in s.object_path or 'blink/' in s.object_path)))
  symbols = g.Add('V8 Builtins', symbols.Filter(lambda s: (
  symbols = g.Add('', symbols.Filter(lambda s: (
      'prepopulated_engines' in s.object_path)))
  symbols = g.Add('Metrics-related code', symbols.Filter(lambda s: (
      '/metrics/' in s.object_path)))
  symbols = g.Add('', symbols.Filter(lambda s: (
      'gpu_driver_bug_list' in s.object_path)))
  symbols = g.Add('components/policy', symbols.Filter(lambda s: (
      'components/policy' in s.object_path)))

  return g.Finalize(symbols)

class CannedQueries:
  """A set of pre-written queries."""

  def __init__(self, size_infos):
    self._size_infos = size_infos

  def _SymbolsArg(self, arg, native_only=False, pak_only=False):
    arg = arg if arg is not None else self._size_infos[-1]
    if isinstance(arg, models.BaseSizeInfo):
      if native_only:
        arg = arg.native_symbols
      elif pak_only:
        arg = arg.pak_symbols
        arg = arg.symbols
    return arg

  def CategorizeGenerated(self, symbols=None):
    """Categorizes symbols that come from generated source files."""
    return _CategorizeGenerated(self._SymbolsArg(symbols))

  def CategorizeByChromeComponent(self, symbols=None):
    """Groups symbols by component using predefined queries."""
    return _CategorizeByChromeComponent(self._SymbolsArg(symbols))

  def TemplatesByName(self, symbols=None, depth=0):
    """Lists C++ templates grouped by name."""
    symbols = self._SymbolsArg(symbols, native_only=True)
    # Call Sorted() twice so that subgroups will be sorted.
    # TODO(agrieve): Might be nice to recursively GroupedByName() on these.
    return symbols.WhereIsTemplate().Sorted().GroupedByName(depth).Sorted()

  def StaticInitializers(self, symbols=None):
    """Lists Static Initializers."""
    symbols = self._SymbolsArg(symbols, native_only=True)
    # GCC generates "_GLOBAL__" symbols. Clang generates "startup".
    return symbols.WhereNameMatches('^startup$|^_GLOBAL__')

  def LargeFiles(self, symbols=None, min_size=50 * 1024):
    """Lists source files that are larger than a certain size (default 50kb)."""
    symbols = self._SymbolsArg(symbols)
    return symbols.GroupedByPath(fallback=None).WherePssBiggerThan(

  def PakByPath(self, symbols=None):
    """Groups .pak.* symbols by path."""
    symbols = self._SymbolsArg(symbols, pak_only=True)
    return symbols.WhereIsPak().Sorted().GroupedByPath().Sorted()