
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

"""Utilities to extract string literals from object files.

  Runs readelf to extract and return .rodata section spec of an ELF file.

  Reads raw data from a file, given a list of ranges in the file.

  Reads the ELF file to find the string contents of a list of string literals.

  BulkForkAndCall() target: Given {path: [string addresses]} and
  [raw_string_data for each string_section]:
  - Reads {path: [src_strings]}.
  - For each path, searches for src_strings in at most 1 raw_string_data over
    each string_section. If found, translates to string_range and annotates it
    to the string_section.
  - Returns [{path: [string_ranges]} for each string_section].

  BulkForkAndCall() target: Given {path: [strings]} and
  [raw_string_data for each string_section]:
  - For each path, searches for src_strings in at most 1 raw_string_data over
    each string_section. If found, translates to string_range and annotates it
    to the string_section.
  - Returns [{path: [string_ranges]} for each string_section].

  Converts string literal bytes to printable form, useful for assigning
  full_name of string literal symbols. If any non-printable character is found
  then returns models.STRING_LITERAL_NAME. Otherwise the returned string is
  quoted, and may be truncated (with "[...]" appended).

import ast
import collections
import itertools
import logging
import os
import string
import subprocess

import ar
import models
import parallel
import path_util


_PRINTABLE_TABLE = [False] * 256
for ch in string.printable:
  _PRINTABLE_TABLE[ord(ch)] = True

def LookupElfRodataInfo(elf_path):
  """Returns (address, offset, size) for the .rodata section."""
  args = [path_util.GetReadElfPath(), '-S', '--wide', elf_path]
  output = subprocess.check_output(args).decode('ascii')
  lines = output.splitlines()
  for line in lines:
    # [Nr] Name           Type        Addr     Off     Size   ES Flg Lk Inf Al
    # [07] .rodata        PROGBITS    025e7000 237c000 5ec4f6 00   A  0   0 256
    if '.rodata ' in line:
      fields = line[line.index(models.SECTION_RODATA):].split()
      return int(fields[2], 16), int(fields[3], 16), int(fields[4], 16)
  raise AssertionError('No .rodata for command: ' + repr(args))

def ReadFileChunks(path, section_ranges):
  """Returns a list of raw data from |path|, specified by |section_ranges|.

    section_ranges: List of (offset, size).
  ret = []
  if not section_ranges:
    return ret
  with open(path, 'rb') as f:
    for offset, size in section_ranges:
  return ret

def _ExtractArchivePath(path):
  # E.g. foo/bar.a(baz.o)
  if path.endswith(')'):
    start_idx = path.index('(')
    return path[:start_idx]
  return None

def _LookupStringSectionPositions(target, output_directory):
  """Returns a dict of object_path -> [(offset, size)...] of .rodata sections.

    target: An archive path string (e.g., "foo.a") or a list of object paths.
  is_archive = isinstance(target, str)
  args = [path_util.GetReadElfPath(), '-S', '--wide']
  if is_archive:
    # Assign path for when len(target) == 1, (no File: line exists).
    path = target[0]

  output = subprocess.check_output(args, cwd=output_directory).decode('ascii')
  lines = output.splitlines()
  section_positions_by_path = {}
  cur_offsets = []
  for line in lines:
    # File: base/third_party/libevent/libevent.a(buffer.o)
    # [Nr] Name              Type        Addr     Off    Size   ES Flg Lk Inf Al
    # [11] .rodata.str1.1    PROGBITS    00000000 0000b4 000004 01 AMS  0   0  1
    # [11] .rodata.str4.4    PROGBITS    00000000 0000b4 000004 01 AMS  0   0  4
    # [11] .rodata.str8.8    PROGBITS    00000000 0000b4 000004 01 AMS  0   0  8
    # [80] .rodata..L.str    PROGBITS    00000000 000530 000002 00   A  0   0  1
    # The various string sections differ by alignment.
    # The presence of a wchar_t literal (L"asdf") seems to make a str4 section.
    # When multiple sections exist, nm gives us no indication as to which
    # section each string corresponds to.
    if line.startswith('File: '):
      if cur_offsets:
        section_positions_by_path[path] = cur_offsets
        cur_offsets = []
      path = line[6:]
    elif '.rodata.' in line:
      progbits_idx = line.find('PROGBITS ')
      if progbits_idx != -1:
        fields = line[progbits_idx:].split()
        position = (int(fields[2], 16), int(fields[3], 16))
        # The heuristics in _IterStringLiterals rely on str1 coming first.
        if fields[-1] == '1':
          cur_offsets.insert(0, position)
  if cur_offsets:
    section_positions_by_path[path] = cur_offsets
  return section_positions_by_path

def _ReadStringSections(target, output_directory, positions_by_path):
  """Returns a dict of object_path -> [string...] of .rodata chunks.

    target: An archive path string (e.g., "foo.a") or a list of object paths.
    positions_by_path: A dict of object_path -> [(offset, size)...]
  is_archive = isinstance(target, str)
  string_sections_by_path = {}
  if is_archive:
    for subpath, chunk in ar.IterArchiveChunks(
        os.path.join(output_directory, target)):
      path = '{}({})'.format(target, subpath)
      positions = positions_by_path.get(path)
      # No positions if file has no string literals.
      if positions:
        string_sections_by_path[path] = (
            [chunk[offset:offset + size] for offset, size in positions])
    for path in target:
      positions = positions_by_path.get(path)
      # We already log a warning about this in _IterStringLiterals().
      if positions:
        string_sections_by_path[path] = ReadFileChunks(
            os.path.join(output_directory, path), positions)
  return string_sections_by_path

def _IterStringLiterals(path, addresses, obj_sections):
  """Yields all string literals (including \0) for the given object path.

    path: Object file path.
    addresses: List of string offsets encoded as hex strings.
    obj_sections: List of contents of .rodata.str sections read from the given
        object file.

  next_offsets = sorted(int(a, 16) for a in addresses)
  if not obj_sections:
    # Happens when there is an address for a symbol which is not actually a
    # string literal, or when string_sections_by_path is missing an entry.
    logging.warning('Object has %d strings but no string sections: %s',
                    len(addresses), path)
  for section_data in obj_sections:
    cur_offsets = next_offsets
    # Always assume first element is 0. I'm not entirely sure why this is
    # necessary, but strings get missed without it.
    next_offsets = [0]
    prev_offset = 0
    # TODO(agrieve): Switch to using nm --print-size in order to capture the
    #     address+size of each string rather than just the address.
    for offset in cur_offsets[1:]:
      if offset >= len(section_data):
        # Remaining offsets are for next section.
      # Figure out which offsets apply to this section via heuristic of them
      # all ending with a null character.
      if offset == prev_offset or section_data[offset - 1] != 0:
      yield section_data[prev_offset:offset]
      prev_offset = offset

    if prev_offset < len(section_data):
      yield section_data[prev_offset:]

def _AnnotateStringData(string_data, path_value_gen):
  """Annotates each |string_data| section data with paths and ranges.

    string_data: [raw_string_data for each string_section] from an ELF file.
    path_value_gen: A generator of (path, value) pairs, where |path|
      is the path to an object file and |value| is a string to annotate.

    [{path: [string_ranges]} for each string_section].
  ret = [collections.defaultdict(list) for _ in string_data]

  # Brute-force search ** merge strings sections in |string_data| for string
  # values from |path_value_gen|. This is by far the slowest part of
  # AnalyzeStringLiterals().
  # TODO(agrieve): Pre-process |string_data| into a dict of literal->address (at
  # least for ASCII strings).
  for path, value in path_value_gen:
    first_match = -1
    first_match_dict = None
    for target_dict, data in zip(ret, string_data):
      # Set offset so that it will be 0 when len(value) is added to it below.
      offset = -len(value)
      while True:
        offset = data.find(value, offset + len(value))
        if offset == -1:
        # Preferring exact matches (those following \0) over substring matches
        # significantly increases accuracy (although shows that linker isn't
        # being optimal).
        if offset == 0 or data[offset - 1] == 0:
        if first_match == -1:
          first_match = offset
          first_match_dict = target_dict
      if offset != -1:
    if offset == -1:
      # Exact match not found, so take suffix match if it exists.
      offset = first_match
      target_dict = first_match_dict
    # Missing strings happen when optimization make them unused.
    if offset != -1:
      # Encode tuple as a string for easier mashalling.
      target_dict[path].append(str(offset) + ':' + str(len(value)))

  return ret

# This is a target for BulkForkAndCall().
def ResolveStringPiecesIndirect(encoded_string_addresses_by_path, string_data,
  string_addresses_by_path = parallel.DecodeDictOfLists(
  # Assign |target| as archive path, or a list of object paths.
  any_path = next(iter(string_addresses_by_path.keys()))
  target = _ExtractArchivePath(any_path)
  if not target:
    target = list(string_addresses_by_path.keys())

  # Run readelf to find location of .rodata within the .o files.
  section_positions_by_path = _LookupStringSectionPositions(
      target, output_directory)
  # Load the .rodata sections (from object files) as strings.
  string_sections_by_path = _ReadStringSections(
      target, output_directory, section_positions_by_path)

  def GeneratePathAndValues():
    for path, object_addresses in string_addresses_by_path.items():
      for value in _IterStringLiterals(
          path, object_addresses, string_sections_by_path.get(path)):
        yield path, value

  ret = _AnnotateStringData(string_data, GeneratePathAndValues())
  return [parallel.EncodeDictOfLists(x) for x in ret]

# This is a target for BulkForkAndCall().
def ResolveStringPieces(encoded_strings_by_path, string_data):
  # ast.literal_eval() undoes repr() applied to strings.
  strings_by_path = parallel.DecodeDictOfLists(
      encoded_strings_by_path, value_transform=ast.literal_eval)

  def GeneratePathAndValues():
    for path, strings in strings_by_path.items():
      for value in strings:
        yield path, value

  ret = _AnnotateStringData(string_data, GeneratePathAndValues())
  return [parallel.EncodeDictOfLists(x) for x in ret]

def ReadStringLiterals(symbols, elf_path, all_rodata=False):
  """Returns an iterable of (symbol, data) for all string literal symbols.

  Emitted string literal data are null-terminated bytes.

    symbols: An iterable of Symbols
    elf_path: Path to the executable containing the symbols.
    all_rodata: Assume every symbol within .rodata that ends with a \0 is a
         string literal.
  address, offset, _ = LookupElfRodataInfo(elf_path)
  adjust = offset - address
  with open(elf_path, 'rb') as f:
    for symbol in symbols:
      if symbol.section != 'r':
        continue + adjust)
      data =
      # As of Oct 2017, there are ~90 symbols name .L.str(.##). These appear
      # in the linker map file explicitly, and there doesn't seem to be a
      # pattern as to which variables lose their kConstant name (the more
      # common case), or which string literals don't get moved to
      # ** merge strings (less common).
      if symbol.IsStringLiteral() or (all_rodata and data and data[-1] == 0):
        yield ((symbol, data))

def GetNameOfStringLiteralBytes(b):
  """Converts string literal bytes to printable form, may be truncated."""
  b = b.replace(b'\n', b'').replace(b'\t', b'').strip(b'\00')
  is_printable = all(_PRINTABLE_TABLE[c] for c in b)
  if is_printable:
    s = b.decode('ascii')
      return '"{}[...]"'.format(s[:_STRING_LITERAL_LENGTH_CUTOFF])
    return '"{}"'.format(s)
  return models.STRING_LITERAL_NAME