Entering interactive Python shell. Quick reference:
SizeInfo: ContainerForName, MakeSparse, build_config, containers, is_sparse, metadata_legacy, native_symbols, pak_symbols, raw_symbols, section_sizes, size_path, symbols
Symbol: FlagsString, IsArsc, IsBss, IsDelta, IsDex, IsGeneratedByToolchain, IsGroup, IsNameUnique, IsNative, IsOther, IsOverhead, IsPak, IsStringLiteral, IterLeafSymbols, SetName, address, aliases, component, container, container_name, container_short_name, disassembly, end_address, flags, full_name, generated_source, is_anonymous, name, num_aliases, object_path, padding, padding_pss, pss, pss_without_padding, section, section_name, size, size_without_padding, source_path, template_name
SymbolGroup (extends Symbol): CountUniqueSymbols, Filter, GroupedBy, GroupedByAliases, GroupedByComponent, GroupedByContainer, GroupedByContainerAndSectionName, GroupedByFullName, GroupedByName, GroupedByPath, GroupedBySectionName, Inverted, IterUniqueSymbols, Sorted, SortedByAddress, SortedByCount, SortedByName, WhereAddressInRange, WhereComponentMatches, WhereFullNameMatches, WhereGeneratedByToolchain, WhereHasAnyAttribution, WhereHasComponent, WhereHasFlag, WhereHasPath, WhereInContainer, WhereInSection, WhereIsDex, WhereIsGroup, WhereIsNative, WhereIsOnDemand, WhereIsPak, WhereIsPlaceholder, WhereIsTemplate, WhereMatches, WhereNameMatches, WhereObjectPathMatches, WherePathMatches, WherePssBiggerThan, WhereSizeBiggerThan, WhereSourceIsGenerated, WhereSourcePathMatches, WhereTemplateNameMatches, index, is_default_sorted
DeltaSizeInfo: ContainerForName, MakeSparse, MergeDeltaSizeInfo, added_sources, after, before, containers, is_sparse, native_symbols, pak_symbols, raw_symbols, removed_sources, section_sizes, symbols
DeltaSymbol (extends Symbol): after_symbol, before_symbol, diff_status
DeltaSymbolGroup (extends SymbolGroup): CountsByDiffStatus, GetEntireAddOrRemoveSources, WhereDiffStatusIs, diff_status
canned_queries: CategorizeByChromeComponent, CategorizeGenerated, LargeFiles, PakByPath, StaticInitializers, TemplatesByName
Functions: CheckDataQuality(), Csv(), Diff(), Disassemble(), ExpandRegex(), Print(), ReadStringLiterals(), ReplaceWithRelocations(), SaveDeltaSizeInfo(), SaveSizeInfo(), ShowExamples(), SizeStats()
printed: List of objects passed to Print().
size_info: Loaded from {redacted}
# Show pydoc for main types:
import models
# Show all attributes of all symbols & per-section totals:
Print(size_info, verbose=True)
# Dump section info and all symbols in CSV format:
# Print sorted list of all string literals:
Print(sorted(x[1] for x in ReadStringLiterals()))
# Show two levels of .text, grouped by first two subdirectories
text_syms = size_info.symbols.WhereInSection("t")
by_path = text_syms.GroupedByPath(depth=2)
# Show all generated symbols, then show only non-vtable ones
# Show all symbols that have "print" in their name or path, except
# those within components/.
# Note: Could have also used Inverted(), as above.
# Note: Use "help(ExpandRegex)" for more about what {{_print_}} does.
print_syms = size_info.symbols.WhereMatches(r"{{_print_}}")
Print(print_syms - print_syms.WherePathMatches(r"^components/"))
# Diff two .size files and save result to a file:
Print(Diff(size_info1, size_info2), to_file="output.txt")
# Save a .size containing only the filtered symbols
filtered_symbols = size_info.raw_symbols.Filter(lambda l: l.IsPak())
SaveSizeInfo(size_info, to_file="oneoff_paks.size")
# View per-component breakdowns, then drill into the last entry.
c = canned_queries.CategorizeByChromeComponent()
# For even more inspiration, look at canned_queries.py
# (and feel free to add your own!).
0: (.rodata@266e600(size_without_padding=5,padding=0,full_name="Str1",object_path=base/base/page_allocator.o,source_path=base/page_allocator.cc,flags={},num_aliases=2,component=Blink>Internal), b'Str1\x00')
1: (.rodata@266e605(size_without_padding=16,padding=0,full_name="String literal2",object_path=third_party/icu/icuuc/ucnv_ext.o,source_path=third_party/icu/ucnv_ext.c,flags={gen},num_aliases=1,component=Internal>Android), b'String literal2\x00')
gn_args=var1=true var2="foo"
Section Sizes (Total=128.0mb (134218045 bytes)):
.bss: 1.24mb (1300456 bytes) (not included in totals)
.data: 99.4kb (101768 bytes) (0.1%)
.data.rel.ro: 1.02mb (1065224 bytes) (0.8%)
.data.rel.ro.local: 771kb (790024 bytes) (0.6%)
.other: 86.2mb (90351129 bytes) (67.3%)
.rel.dyn: 2.53mb (2655384 bytes) (2.0%) (counted in .other)
.rodata: 5.65mb (5927652 bytes) (4.4%)
.strtab: 33.2mb (34841854 bytes) (26.0%) (counted in .other)
.symtab: 16.4mb (17166112 bytes) (12.8%) (counted in .other)
.text: 34.3mb (35982248 bytes) (26.8%)
Showing 78 symbols (71 unique) with total pss: 134218029 bytes
Histogram of symbols based on PSS:
[2,4): 7 [32,64): 10 [512,1024): 1 [32768,65536): 1 [524288,1048576): 2 [33554432,67108864): 3
[4,8): 6 [64,128): 2 [2048,4096): 4 [65536,131072): 2 [1048576,2097152): 3
[8,16): 5 [128,256): 2 [4096,8192): 2 [131072,262144): 3 [2097152,4194304): 2
[16,32): 17 [256,512): 3 [8192,16384): 1 [262144,524288): 1 [16777216,33554432): 1
Sizes: .text=34.3mb .rodata=5.65mb .data.rel.ro=1.02mb .data=99.4kb .bss=512kb .other=86.2mb total=128.0mb
Counts: .text=23 .rodata=12 .data.rel.ro=4 .data=6 .bss=6 .other=23
Number of unique paths: 10
Section Legend: t=.text, r=.rodata, R=.data.rel.ro, d=.data, b=.bss, o=.other
Index | Running Total | Section@Address | PSS | Path
0) 16 (0.0%) t@0x28d900 16 base/page_allocator.cc
1) 44 (0.0%) t@0x28d910 28 (size=56) $SYSTEM/path.a/foo.o
_GLOBAL__sub_I_bbr_sender.cc (num_aliases=2)
2) 72 (0.0%) t@0x28d910 28 (size=56) base/page_allocator.cc
_GLOBAL__sub_I_bbr_sender.cc (num_aliases=2)
3) 100 (0.0%) t@0x28d948 28 base/page_allocator.cc
4) 138 (0.0%) t@0x28d964 38 base/page_allocator.cc
5) 170 (0.0%) t@0x28d98a 32 base/page_allocator.cc
6) 9928 (0.0%) t@Group 9758 {no path}
** symbol gaps (count=2)
7) 10376 (0.0%) t@0x28f000 448 $root_gen_dir/third_party/icu/ucnv_ext.c
8) 10404 (0.0%) t@0x28f1c8 28 $root_gen_dir/third_party/icu/ucnv_ext.c
9) 79528 (0.1%) t@0x28f1e0 69124 $root_gen_dir/third_party/icu/ucnv_ext.c
10) 79552 (0.1%) t@0x2a0000 24 (size=48) $root_gen_dir/third_party/icu/ucnv_ext.c
BazAlias (num_aliases=2)
11) 79576 (0.1%) t@0x2a0000 24 (size=48) {no path}
blink::ContiguousContainerBase::shrinkToFit (num_aliases=2)
12) 79579 (0.1%) t@0x2a0010 3 (size=12) third_party/fft_float.cc
BarAlias (num_aliases=4)
13) 79582 (0.1%) t@0x2a0010 3 (size=12) third_party/fft_float.cc
FooAlias (num_aliases=4)
14) 79585 (0.1%) t@0x2a0010 3 (size=12) $root_gen_dir/third_party/icu/ucnv_ext.c
blink::ContiguousContainerBase::shrinkToFit (num_aliases=4)
15) 79588 (0.1%) t@0x2a0010 3 (size=12) third_party/paint.cc
blink::ContiguousContainerBase::shrinkToFit (num_aliases=4)
16) 79616 (0.1%) t@0x2a0020 28 third_party/container/container.c
17) 79710 (0.1%) t@0x2a1000 94 third_party/container/container.c
18) 83744 (0.1%) t@0x2a2000 4034 third_party/container/container.c
** outlined function
19) 83768 (0.1%) t@0x2a2020 24 (size=48) {no path}
aliasedWithOutlinedFunction (num_aliases=2)
20) 83792 (0.1%) t@0x2a2020 24 (size=48) {no path}
** outlined function * 2 (num_aliases=2)
21) 35982248 (26.8%) t@0x2a2050 35898456 {no path}
** .text (unattributed)
22) 35982250 (26.8%) r@0x266e600 2.5 (size=5) base/page_allocator.cc
"Str1" (num_aliases=2)
23) 35982253 (26.8%) r@0x266e600 2.5 (size=5) $root_gen_dir/third_party/icu/ucnv_ext.c
"Str1" (num_aliases=2)
24) 35982269 (26.8%) r@0x266e605 16 $root_gen_dir/third_party/icu/ucnv_ext.c
"String literal2"
25) 35982312 (26.8%) r@0x266e630 43 {no path}
** merge strings
26) 37947657 (28.3%) r@0x284d600 1965345 {no path}
** merge constants
27) 37947660 (28.3%) r@0x284e364 3 {no path}
** symbol gap 0
28) 37947668 (28.3%) r@0x284e364 8 base/page_allocator.cc
29) 37947712 (28.3%) r@0x284e370 44 base/page_allocator.cc
30) 37947744 (28.3%) r@0x284e398 32 third_party/container/container.c
31) 38623784 (28.8%) r@0x28f3450 676040 third_party/paint.cc
32) 38623788 (28.8%) r@0x28f3480 4 third_party/paint.cc
33) 41909884 (31.2%) r@0x28f3484 3286096 {no path}
** .rodata (unattributed)
34) 41909940 (31.2%) R@0x2c176f0 56 $root_gen_dir/third_party/icu/ucnv_ext.c
ChromeMainDelegate [vtable]
35) 41909964 (31.2%) R@0x2c17728 24 $root_gen_dir/third_party/icu/ucnv_ext.c
chrome::mojom::FieldTrialRecorder [vtable]
36) 42699868 (31.8%) R@0x2c17740 789904 third_party/container/container.c
chrome::mojom::FieldTrialRecorderProxy [vtable]
37) 42699900 (31.8%) R@0x2cd84e0 32 third_party/gvr-android-sdk/libgvr_shim_static_arm.a/libcontroller_api_impl.a_controller_api_impl.o
38) 42699908 (31.8%) R@0x2cd84f0 8 third_party/gvr-android-sdk/libgvr_shim_static_arm.a/libport_android_jni.a_jni_utils.o
39) 42699964 (31.8%) R@0x2cd8500 56 third_party/paint.cc
ChromeMainDelegateAndroid [vtable]
40) 42699988 (31.8%) R@0x2cd8538 24 base/page_allocator.cc
mojo::MessageReceiver [vtable]
41) 42700000 (31.8%) R@0x2cd8550 12 base/page_allocator.cc
42) 43765132 (32.6%) R@0x2cd855c 1065132 {no path}
** .data.rel.ro (unattributed)
43) 43765136 (32.6%) d@0x2de7000 4 base/page_allocator.cc
44) 43765140 (32.6%) d@0x2de7004 4 third_party/container/container.c
45) 43765292 (32.6%) d@0x2de7008 152 third_party/container/container.c
46) 43765296 (32.6%) d@0x2de70a0 4 third_party/container/container.c
47) 43765300 (32.6%) d@0x2de70a4 4 third_party/container/container.c
48) 43866900 (32.7%) d@0x2de70a8 101600 {no path}
** .data (unattributed)
49) 43866900 (32.7%) b@0x0 262144 third_party/fft_float.cc
50) 43866900 (32.7%) b@0x0 131072 third_party/fft_fixed.cc
51) 43866900 (32.7%) b@0x0 131072 third_party/fft_float.cc
52) 43866900 (32.7%) b@0x2dffda0 28 $root_gen_dir/third_party/icu/ucnv_ext.c
53) 43866900 (32.7%) b@0x2dffe80 200 $root_gen_dir/third_party/icu/ucnv_ext.c
54) 43866900 (32.7%) b@0x2dffe84 4 $root_gen_dir/third_party/icu/ucnv_ext.c
55) 43866960 (32.7%) o@0x0 60 {no path}
** ELF Section: .ARM.attributes
56) 45403416 (33.8%) o@0x0 1536456 {no path}
** ELF Section: .ARM.exidx
57) 45587048 (34.0%) o@0x0 183632 {no path}
** ELF Section: .ARM.extab
58) 45587352 (34.0%) o@0x0 304 {no path}
** ELF Section: .dynamic
59) 45591377 (34.0%) o@0x0 4025 {no path}
** ELF Section: .dynstr
60) 45597873 (34.0%) o@0x0 6496 {no path}
** ELF Section: .dynsym
61) 45597881 (34.0%) o@0x0 8 {no path}
** ELF Section: .fini_array
62) 45598693 (34.0%) o@0x0 812 {no path}
** ELF Section: .gnu.version
63) 45598721 (34.0%) o@0x0 28 {no path}
** ELF Section: .gnu.version_d
64) 45598817 (34.0%) o@0x0 96 {no path}
** ELF Section: .gnu.version_r
65) 45641773 (34.0%) o@0x0 42956 {no path}
** ELF Section: .got
66) 45644457 (34.0%) o@0x0 2684 {no path}
** ELF Section: .hash
67) 45644465 (34.0%) o@0x0 8 {no path}
** ELF Section: .init_array
68) 45644484 (34.0%) o@0x0 19 {no path}
** ELF Section: .interp
69) 45644520 (34.0%) o@0x0 36 {no path}
** ELF Section: .note.gnu.build-id
70) 45644548 (34.0%) o@0x0 28 {no path}
** ELF Section: .note.gnu.gold-version
71) 45648792 (34.0%) o@0x0 4244 {no path}
** ELF Section: .plt
72) 48304176 (36.0%) o@0x0 2655384 {no path}
** ELF Section: .rel.dyn
73) 48306992 (36.0%) o@0x0 2816 {no path}
** ELF Section: .rel.plt
74) 48307428 (36.0%) o@0x0 436 {no path}
** ELF Section: .shstrtab
75) 83149282 (62.0%) o@0x0 34841854 {no path}
** ELF Section: .strtab
76) 100315394 (74.7%) o@0x0 17166112 {no path}
** ELF Section: .symtab
77) 134218029 (100.0%) o@0x0 33902635 {no path}
Overhead: ELF file